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Political Thread: The Sequel

Hopefully things change in January when Harris takes over and gets both houses of Congress. It'll be fun watching all the greedy people finally have to pay up.
It'll be fun to see people mentally breaking down day after election day when either candidate wins. Both sides have groups that will show just how ridiculously deluded they are about a particular candidate. It'll be a circus of politics the next 4 years anyway as will watching the world's entire economy slow down.
I didn’t say Shag should be censored. In fact I believe the opposite. I just said his opinion was wrong but respect him for having it. That’s freedom of speech in a nutshell.

Here’s the way I look at opinions fwiw. If it is a stance on a subjective issue, I don’t see how it could be either right or wrong. When an opinion is based on personal taste, how can that be right or wrong? If I say that Angus Barn is better than Sullivan’s or vice versa, can either be right or wrong? I’d say no. OTOH, if I say that Angus Barn is overall more/less expensive, then that can probably be called right/wrong as that’s not really an opinion.
Or let’s say someone says that Raleigh is warmer than Fayetteville in winter, then that is factually wrong and thus isn’t really an opinion.
Define the position of President
Well depends on your candidate. In the case of Biden it's a figurehead at best. Not what I would choose as a president but i can't think of many times in my life where I have wondered if we actually have someone acting as president currently. His fake Twitter has really scaled back to just Kamala promotions, it's strange.
If you want to recognize Trump for the good he does for veterans then you must also own all the crap he does and says against them. Can’t have it both ways.
The president is allowed to speak out against the military when people don't do their jobs. That's the case no matter who the president is. I think some of you spend more time bashing people who support Trump than you do the man himself. This is a perfect example of that. I'm not sure what you mean when you say someone here has to own what "you" consider to be Trump's crap just so they can post something good he does. Trust me there are plenty of people here that spend all day doing nothing but pointing out Donald Trump negativity so there is no reason for his supporters to do it.....
I do find it funny that kamala says she was the last one out of the room when withdrawal plans were finalized. That she felt confident in it. Just add this to the growing list of F ups she was a part of that got American's killed. This is a tough day for a lot of Vets because that fiasco was a gut punch. The gold star families who lost brave soldiers due to that incompetence won't forget and neither will I.......