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Political Thread: The Sequel

Deez Nuts GIF
How are we in a "bubble" if we need to increase the supply? Prices are driven by supply and demand above all.

So the current tax year is when those making less then 100k per year will see their federal taxes go up? Why doesn't this administration extend it?

CATO explains it pretty well and they're a conservative outlet FWIW. ZIRP artificially inflates asset values. It's one of the main drivers behind private equity buying up so many homes in the country.

The current tax law would not get through either chamber of Congress again. Both parties have enough members in "unsafe" districts that would be opposed to another handout to the wealthy. Keep in mind the most likely outcome of the election this year is a D house and R Senate.
Most American's have a defined line in the sand but don't celebrate abortion like the left does. That's what is so sick about it. They literally celebrate abortion like they just invented zero point energy to benefit all of mankind. That isn't what I would call helping women and it damn sure isn't healthcare. It's covering up what is in most cases a bad decision by encouraging yet another bad decision. Right leaning people have moved more to the center on this because we want to support our daughters but you will never see us throwing a party like it's just some routine thing humans do
I think this is one of those things that falls victim to both sides not understanding the language used by the other. "Celebrating" abortion isn't a mainstream D view any more than banning all abortions is a mainstream R view. The loudest of the far edges of the parties are most of what gets reported.

The D platform holds up the individual right to self-determination for men and women. VP Harris fully admits her views on abortion (which are probably to the left of the bulk of the party) are heavily influenced by her work decades ago helping women who dealt with sexual assault. It's a common theme for people that work with abused kids and women to have VERY permissive view on abortion and a very harsh view on punishment for offenders.
It's not weird to dig up random posts from 4 years ago? If not then carry on
No sir, unless you're against fact checking. Like, in a political forum where people debate, it's not uncommon to hold someone accountable for something they say. It's pretty common actually. Does that really seem all that weird?