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Political Thread: The Sequel

I retired in 2017 and did contract work for almost 2 years before covid hit. I had a choice to go back to afghanistan to train their special police forces or Ukraine of which I chose Afghanistan due to familiarity. We have been training the Ukraine SF people since the timeframe you mentioned above. Not only that, we have been testing our weapons systems the entire time. Our government and defense contractors having a good ole time at taxpayers expense anywhere we are invited to participate
This is why Trump winning in 2016 was a massive bump in the road for them. They wanted this thing full force back then, and this has been said by both Republicans and Democrats, including Lindsey Graham. When Trump questioned why we were sending them money, all heads exploded and an impeachment followed.
-How is printing money to give to first time homebuyers a good thing? This seems like something that would directly cause inflation and put people in houses they cannot afford. Circa 2008.

-I think she will do as she is told with Ukraine by the MIC. The democratic side of the house waiving Ukraine flags around after passing the funding bill was probably one of the most embarrassing displays of incompetence I've ever seen.

-She is for abortion, I don't need any explanation on that.

-Please explain in detail how federal taxes have gone up on the middle class form Trump's tax cuts.

This policy isn’t inflationary because it’s combined with increasing the supply. Not increasing the supply by a little, but by a lot. Housing prices are still in a bubble driven by zero-interest policies. ARMs aren’t really a thing anymore in housing so no 2008 repeat.

The MIC knows China is the real threat. Trump got the ball rolling with the Europeans getting off their butts and Biden has thankfully continued the pressure. Our defense posture in Eastern Europe is trending towards less American influence. We have to pick a theatre and have smartly chosen the Pacific for our largest expenditures.

She is for abortion access and so are the overwhelming majority of Americans. There are few issues we have such widespread agreement on.

First PDF, page 6. This tax year where the initial cut is now erased for anyone earning under $100k. Next year and the year after they’re paying more than they were pre-TCJA. If you’re wealthy then congratulations that law benefits you the most because your tax liability continues to get smaller. It was a poison pill law when it was enacted and had done nothing but add to the deficit and benefit the rich at the expense of everyone else.

I was wrong and am happy to say it. I don't agree with him on some issues, but he was truth telling today. And he's so well-spoke and comes across as very smart and knowledgeable.

Contrast that with the clown coward we heard last night, where nothing substantive was conveyed other than Trump will destroy the world.

What an utter dismantling of the left, the media, and their cronies.
Let's focus on the fact that we're funding bombing and escalating international tension instead of switching the argument up to try to nullify a point. We should have no involvement in funding Israel period. We gave them the land, they should defend themselves but not become imperialist and genocidal because they believe that land is theirs. Didn't we just fund Ukraine to defend Russia from taking their land? Why are we funding Israel to do the same? Why are we biased? Russia bad Israel good mentality? We should be against one or the other. We are hypocritical internationally and we should stop.
You are aware Israel is our only ally in that region?
I was wrong and am happy to say it. I don't agree with him on some issues, but he was truth telling today. And he's so well-spoke and comes across as very smart and knowledgeable.

Contrast that with the clown coward we heard last night, where nothing substantive was conveyed other than Trump will destroy the world.

What an utter dismantling of the left, the media, and their cronies.
That voice makes me want to go smoke 100 cigarettes and buy a horse for some reason.
This policy isn’t inflationary because it’s combined with increasing the supply. Not increasing the supply by a little, but by a lot. Housing prices are still in a bubble driven by zero-interest policies. ARMs aren’t really a thing anymore in housing so no 2008 repeat.

The MIC knows China is the real threat. Trump got the ball rolling with the Europeans getting off their butts and Biden has thankfully continued the pressure. Our defense posture in Eastern Europe is trending towards less American influence. We have to pick a theatre and have smartly chosen the Pacific for our largest expenditures.

She is for abortion access and so are the overwhelming majority of Americans. There are few issues we have such widespread agreement on.

First PDF, page 6. This tax year where the initial cut is now erased for anyone earning under $100k. Next year and the year after they’re paying more than they were pre-TCJA. If you’re wealthy then congratulations that law benefits you the most because your tax liability continues to get smaller. It was a poison pill law when it was enacted and had done nothing but add to the deficit and benefit the rich at the expense of everyone else.

How are we in a "bubble" if we need to increase the supply? Prices are driven by supply and demand above all.

So the current tax year is when those making less then 100k per year will see their federal taxes go up? Why doesn't this administration extend it?
This policy isn’t inflationary because it’s combined with increasing the supply. Not increasing the supply by a little, but by a lot. Housing prices are still in a bubble driven by zero-interest policies. ARMs aren’t really a thing anymore in housing so no 2008 repeat.

The MIC knows China is the real threat. Trump got the ball rolling with the Europeans getting off their butts and Biden has thankfully continued the pressure. Our defense posture in Eastern Europe is trending towards less American influence. We have to pick a theatre and have smartly chosen the Pacific for our largest expenditures.

She is for abortion access and so are the overwhelming majority of Americans. There are few issues we have such widespread agreement on.

First PDF, page 6. This tax year where the initial cut is now erased for anyone earning under $100k. Next year and the year after they’re paying more than they were pre-TCJA. If you’re wealthy then congratulations that law benefits you the most because your tax liability continues to get smaller. It was a poison pill law when it was enacted and had done nothing but add to the deficit and benefit the rich at the expense of everyone else.

Most American's have a defined line in the sand but don't celebrate abortion like the left does. That's what is so sick about it. They literally celebrate abortion like they just invented zero point energy to benefit all of mankind. That isn't what I would call helping women and it damn sure isn't healthcare. It's covering up what is in most cases a bad decision by encouraging yet another bad decision. Right leaning people have moved more to the center on this because we want to support our daughters but you will never see us throwing a party like it's just some routine thing humans do
I was wrong and am happy to say it. I don't agree with him on some issues, but he was truth telling today. And he's so well-spoke and comes across as very smart and knowledgeable.

Contrast that with the clown coward we heard last night, where nothing substantive was conveyed other than Trump will destroy the world.

What an utter dismantling of the left, the media, and their cronies.
You would like the Podcast "Redacted", or you can stream their live show Mon-Thurs on Youtube or Rumble. Everything he says they have been saying for years, none of it was news to me. Its hosted by a husband and wife, one a former Fox News anchor, the other a former MSNBC anchor.
You are aware Israel is our only ally in that region?
Israel was thrown in there by us and Europe after WW2 as reparations for the holocaust. What it's become today and how it operates and the chaos the middle east has become due to our responses across the board show how our involvement with the entire region yields nothing but war for money.

We are responsible for making each enemy we've made in the middle east ourselves due to our overinvolvement. If Israel wants war and keeps wanting war, and they are unable to diplomatically resolve it, why should we create more problems for the world and ourselves when they are actively taking the split Palestinian land? We are turning a blind eye for those we like despite some committing the same atrocities we accuse their enemies of. We either hold them accountable and support them or we tell them you can defend yourselves on your own. Outside of our own nation, Israel may be the most reckless ally we have.
You would like the Podcast "Redacted", or you can stream their live show Mon-Thurs on Youtube or Rumble. Everything he says they have been saying for years, none of it was news to me. Its hosted by a husband and wife, one a former Fox News anchor, the other a former MSNBC anchor.
It's a great show
Israel was thrown in there by us and Europe after WW2 as reparations for the holocaust. What it's become today and how it operates and the chaos the middle east has become due to our responses across the board show how our involvement with the entire region yields nothing but war for money.

We are responsible for making each enemy we've made in the middle east ourselves due to our overinvolvement. If Israel wants war and keeps wanting war, and they are unable to diplomatically resolve it, why should we create more problems for the world and ourselves when they are actively taking the split Palestinian land? We are turning a blind eye for those we like despite some committing the same atrocities we accuse their enemies of. We either hold them accountable and support them or we tell them you can defend yourselves on your own. Outside of our own nation, Israel may be the most reckless ally we have.
Where were Jews supposed to go after Hitler failed to pull all of them in a furnace? That isn't Palestinian land no matter what Lick tries to tell you. I am as against war as anybody here but what's done is done and they can't live in peace as long as terrorist roam this earth it's that simple. The Arab nations don't want palestinians either so that should tell you something. Do we need to be sending them money no but we need to have their back even if it isn't on even terms
Where were Jews supposed to go after Hitler failed to pull all of them in a furnace? That isn't Palestinian land no matter what Lick tries to tell you. I am as against war as anybody here but what's done is done and they can't live in peace as long as terrorist roam this earth it's that simple. The Arab nations don't want palestinians either so that should tell you something. Do we need to be sending them money no but we need to have their back even if it isn't on even terms
War shouldn't be promoted or supported. We created the terror organizations by creating desperation due to these circumstances just as we created the other terror organizations by toppling dictatorships. Power vacuums will do that.

We put them there because of Zionists too, but not necessarily bad we did, we just handled it poorly after and continue to do so. There needs to be diplomacy. I get you can't always get diplomacy too, but Israel isn't trying anymore and I assure you some Palestinians aren't either, but should they be wiped off the map? No. Hard to get people to a table now given what we've done across the board too so someone's got to pull people to a table that isn't us if you want to see more stability.
I have heard these conspiracy theories regarding Nancy Coup Pelosi but here she is admiting it. She says she is reptilian. If you have an explanation on this I would love to hear it. LOL...