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Political Thread: The Sequel

Your "right" to be Palestinian.....what an absurd mindset. Just because you "wish" you were something else, doesn't mean you are, or that you are entitled to it. The fact that you won't step foot on their soil tells everyone what they need to know about you. You want the world to view you as a victim, but you've been victim to nothing other than your own ideology.

So you are admitting the Gazan's aren't being forced, but are freely choosing to support terrorists who murder and rape women and children of Israel? Interesting....a lot less innocent than I thought then. Thanks for the "in the know" insight. LOL
You just described Palestinians to a "Tee". Having trained a bit with Israel's military when I was in, I can assure you that the citizens of Israel will fight for every inch of that land. Palestinians obviously will not. I have said this multiple times on this issue and it may come across as cruel to some, but you only own what you are willing and able to defend. That's never going to change so long as we are a planet that follows the holy books of war to solve our differences. Some will disagree but it's all there in black and white
The pro-life movement is dead. Just not this from Trump but in florida DeSantis is fighting a lonely fight for life while Trump, Rubio, rick scott, byron donalds and Gaetz wont say how they will vote on the amendment that will allow abortion up to birth.

Some thoughts from this week. The convention was wildly successful. VP Harris met the moment and removed any doubt that the party is unified behind her.

Her acceptance speech was very good. She looked and sounded strong on security. Convention speeches are usually light on policy so I think she struck the right balance with giving a little bit of policy without being boring. The real campaign begins now and I think some of the MAGA folks forget it’s not normal to never stop campaigning like Trump. This is a return to a normal campaign cadence despite the whirlwind of the last month. Through Labor Day will be a little slower then things will ramp up big time pre-debate.

As a Democrat myself I’m tickled to see the party find its footing again and embrace patriotism and primacy over China. The GOP has largely abandoned “traditional” American patriotism in favor of whatever Trump wants and it’s obvious Ds are running in to fill this vacuum. The party lost its way after the 2016 loss and became rudder-less to a degree leading to all the ridiculous lurches to every real or imagined social justice cause. The themes we saw this week come directly from VP Harris. She has tasked the party to toughen up and recognizes we have an opportunity to reclaim the political mainstream.

I wish I knew how this election would turn out but can’t help but think there will be more big surprises. Hate to say it but there’s real concern over whether mainstream American voters will elect a female President, let alone a black female president. Trump has shown no indication he will stick to the message. He has his voter base and seems to think he’ll get enough votes no matter what he does. I think that’s a poor strategy but whatever. I know he’s being told to straighten up by his people. I was under the impression this would be a low turnout election before Biden dropped out which would heavily favor the R candidate. A week after the debate if Harris does well and get momentum keeps up I think turnout will favor her.
Some thoughts from this week. The convention was wildly successful. VP Harris met the moment and removed any doubt that the party is unified behind her.

Her acceptance speech was very good. She looked and sounded strong on security. Convention speeches are usually light on policy so I think she struck the right balance with giving a little bit of policy without being boring. The real campaign begins now and I think some of the MAGA folks forget it’s not normal to never stop campaigning like Trump. This is a return to a normal campaign cadence despite the whirlwind of the last month. Through Labor Day will be a little slower then things will ramp up big time pre-debate.

As a Democrat myself I’m tickled to see the party find its footing again and embrace patriotism and primacy over China. The GOP has largely abandoned “traditional” American patriotism in favor of whatever Trump wants and it’s obvious Ds are running in to fill this vacuum. The party lost its way after the 2016 loss and became rudder-less to a degree leading to all the ridiculous lurches to every real or imagined social justice cause. The themes we saw this week come directly from VP Harris. She has tasked the party to toughen up and recognizes we have an opportunity to reclaim the political mainstream.

I wish I knew how this election would turn out but can’t help but think there will be more big surprises. Hate to say it but there’s real concern over whether mainstream American voters will elect a female President, let alone a black female president. Trump has shown no indication he will stick to the message. He has his voter base and seems to think he’ll get enough votes no matter what he does. I think that’s a poor strategy but whatever. I know he’s being told to straighten up by his people. I was under the impression this would be a low turnout election before Biden dropped out which would heavily favor the R candidate. A week after the debate if Harris does well and get momentum keeps up I think turnout will favor her.
She and her running mate are as close to being communist as one can get in this country. If that's what those of you on the left call patriotism I must not have paid attention in grade school back in the day
Some thoughts from this week. The convention was wildly successful. VP Harris met the moment and removed any doubt that the party is unified behind her.

Her acceptance speech was very good. She looked and sounded strong on security. Convention speeches are usually light on policy so I think she struck the right balance with giving a little bit of policy without being boring. The real campaign begins now and I think some of the MAGA folks forget it’s not normal to never stop campaigning like Trump. This is a return to a normal campaign cadence despite the whirlwind of the last month. Through Labor Day will be a little slower then things will ramp up big time pre-debate.

As a Democrat myself I’m tickled to see the party find its footing again and embrace patriotism and primacy over China. The GOP has largely abandoned “traditional” American patriotism in favor of whatever Trump wants and it’s obvious Ds are running in to fill this vacuum. The party lost its way after the 2016 loss and became rudder-less to a degree leading to all the ridiculous lurches to every real or imagined social justice cause. The themes we saw this week come directly from VP Harris. She has tasked the party to toughen up and recognizes we have an opportunity to reclaim the political mainstream.

I wish I knew how this election would turn out but can’t help but think there will be more big surprises. Hate to say it but there’s real concern over whether mainstream American voters will elect a female President, let alone a black female president. Trump has shown no indication he will stick to the message. He has his voter base and seems to think he’ll get enough votes no matter what he does. I think that’s a poor strategy but whatever. I know he’s being told to straighten up by his people. I was under the impression this would be a low turnout election before Biden dropped out which would heavily favor the R candidate. A week after the debate if Harris does well and get momentum keeps up I think turnout will favor her.
She and her running mate are as close to being communist as one can get in this country. If that's what those of you on the left call patriotism I must not have paid attention in grade school back in the day
Your implication being there are no communists in America. Sounds good to me.
I’m genuinely curious as well.
The limited roll out so far is fine with me on housing and national defense policy. The Federal Government has been bitten too many times by giving money directly to businesses so providing a credit to first time homebuyers is a good thing. It coupled with incentives for builders to build more “starter homes” is a way to help ensure the builders aren’t left hung out to dry. I don’t know if the square footage upper limit discussed will make it to the end proposal but I’d be a fan of that.

National Defense policy is just a continuation of the pivot to Asia started under Obama. The writing is on the wall for Ukraine that the public is getting a little tired of sending them so much stuff in an inflationary environment so it’s telling that Harris isn't using the “as long as it takes” line Biden said so much. Continued investment into hardening the Pacific footprint and building a crap ton of standoff munitions.

Abortion policy is most likely going to settle around a 12-15 week legislative act. A nationwide patchwork is unworkable and both parties are hearing this from healthcare providers. Harris been vague here on what she would support but if anything she’s likely to follow what the mainstream polling suggests which is overwhelmingly for allowing access to abortion up to that period and only after for the obvious extraneous circumstances.

Tax policy is in flux but my understanding is she’s been meeting with a bunch of Fortune 100 CEOs. TBD there on corporate tax policy. Tax relief for the working and middle classes is needed which she is onboard for and has indicated she wants it offset somewhere else. Federal taxes have increased on the middle class as a result of Trump’s tax legislation so we need to correct course there. Rolling back the corporate tax rate to 28% is fine. It’s much less of an issue than is made out to be.

That’s what I have so far. Still want to know about energy policy from her as the other biggie. Everything else is too far into the weeds and won’t affect the election for those few that actually pay attention to policies.
It would really be nice for @ChrisAMB or any of the other Harris supporters tell us why she would be a great leader for our country, using accomplishments and stated policy stances and excluding any of the following:

Project 2025
Donald Trump

I would love to know why it would be the most beneficial to America economically, militarily, national security-wise, social program-wise, etc.

I just have a hard time understanding how things were much better under Trump in pretty much all of those categories, even in the context of geopolitically, then a regime that she was part of saw much of that prosperity crumble away, and now things are supposed to get better under what I assume is a similar approach that led to the crumbling.
It would really be nice for @ChrisAMB or any of the other Harris supporters tell us why she would be a great leader for our country, using accomplishments and stated policy stances and excluding any of the following:

Project 2025
Donald Trump

I would love to know why it would be the most beneficial to America economically, militarily, national security-wise, social program-wise, etc.

I just have a hard time understanding how things were much better under Trump in pretty much all of those categories, even in the context of geopolitically, then a regime that she was part of saw much of that prosperity crumble away, and now things are supposed to get better under what I assume is a similar approach that led to the crumbling.
To me she can only be judged against her opponent. I personally think against Haley or DeSantis she would come out on the losing end.

Purely judged against Trump she’s saying the “right” things and looking the part. The echoes of the Covid crisis are still with us in some ways and cannot be written off. For fairness sake I won’t judge Trump on anything other than his character post March 2020 though. Under Trump, agriculture and the manufacturing of durable goods in this country both lagged. His trade war with China put many mid-size farmers out of business that were exposed to the soybean market. Job creation across all sectors of manufacturing was basically stagnant even excluding COVID. His renegotiation of NAFTA was a failure that did nothing to stop jobs going to Mexico.

What little exposure I had with executive branch agencies during his term left me with the impression they were being poorly managed. His appointments in DOE for one directly led to a string of issues surrounding process improvements at PANTEX that delayed needed upgrades to our nuclear deterrent infrastructure. I’ve probably forgotten many other things that just didn’t work right under his term.

Like I’ve said previously I don’t shy away from my history working for D campaigns but always want the Rs to succeed when they’re in power because it’s in our best interest. Right now nothing involving Trump is in our best interest in my opinion.
The limited roll out so far is fine with me on housing and national defense policy. The Federal Government has been bitten too many times by giving money directly to businesses so providing a credit to first time homebuyers is a good thing. It coupled with incentives for builders to build more “starter homes” is a way to help ensure the builders aren’t left hung out to dry. I don’t know if the square footage upper limit discussed will make it to the end proposal but I’d be a fan of that.

National Defense policy is just a continuation of the pivot to Asia started under Obama. The writing is on the wall for Ukraine that the public is getting a little tired of sending them so much stuff in an inflationary environment so it’s telling that Harris isn't using the “as long as it takes” line Biden said so much. Continued investment into hardening the Pacific footprint and building a crap ton of standoff munitions.

Abortion policy is most likely going to settle around a 12-15 week legislative act. A nationwide patchwork is unworkable and both parties are hearing this from healthcare providers. Harris been vague here on what she would support but if anything she’s likely to follow what the mainstream polling suggests which is overwhelmingly for allowing access to abortion up to that period and only after for the obvious extraneous circumstances.

Tax policy is in flux but my understanding is she’s been meeting with a bunch of Fortune 100 CEOs. TBD there on corporate tax policy. Tax relief for the working and middle classes is needed which she is onboard for and has indicated she wants it offset somewhere else. Federal taxes have increased on the middle class as a result of Trump’s tax legislation so we need to correct course there. Rolling back the corporate tax rate to 28% is fine. It’s much less of an issue than is made out to be.

That’s what I have so far. Still want to know about energy policy from her as the other biggie. Everything else is too far into the weeds and won’t affect the election for those few that actually pay attention to policies.
So in other words the Biden/Obama agenda which started this downfall in 2008. Got it! I can't imagine what all the people across the country complaining are actually complaining about then.