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Political Thread: The Sequel

He will double this and says that,because he will annialate boo- kudles of regulations and red tape with the stroke of a pen, executive orders first week. It will open the floodgates. You drive energy cost into the floor and it along with a continuation of the Trump tax cuts,that expire this December will light the match. Funny how no one calls the DC cartel, not just current admin out on all these child tax creduts, Standard deductions, that are gonna roll way back for 2025. Not to mention my employers and everyone elses taxes will double next year as they lose their tax cuts as well.
Then why didn't he do all of that when he was in office? US oil companies export most of the oil they produce from US soil because US refineries can't convert sweet crude. So how will the US oil companies exporting more oil we cant convert here lower fuel cost in the USA.
Or we could check in with the other side where you get the really super duper specific details. "So, I have some tough questions for you. What are your plans?" "My plans are to not be Trump." "Ok, great!"
We spend all day defending Trump's plans and record, but you might as well be playing a round of golf because there is literally nothing to go up against. All of these arguments about why Trump is bad, or gas prices, etc. She hasn't said a damn thing about anything, zero substance except Trump bad. Its pathetic.
Then why didn't he do all of that when he was in office? US oil companies export most of the oil they produce from US soil because US refineries can't convert sweet crude. So how will the US oil companies exporting more oil we cant convert here lower fuel cost in the USA.
He did and your boy reversed it. Why i was $1.79 when he left. Paying $3.00 to as much as $5.00 per gallon under your current administration, you suported
Or we could check in with the other side where you get the really super duper specific details. "So, I have some tough questions for you. What are your plans?" "My plans are to not be Trump." "Ok, great!"
Not even factoring in the other side in my question. If someone says they are or are not going to do something, I don't care who they are, I want to know what they are doing to accomplish what they state. I'd ask the same thing about the left's plans on how they plan to accomplish ridiculous things like 25k to new homeowners.
What a real Administration will look like. Lot of centrist in here. Including Trump, who use to be a democrat.
Cant wait to hear all the centrist aurguments against this now. Want carry water!!

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Elon's an idiot. Not even political, he's just an idiot period with how he acts and talks. I wouldn't want him in our govt on either side period. His actions the past several years become more and more questionable.
Imagine supporting a group of terrorists that puts innocent children up as shields.....wild!
You are a clown if you believe that, 200,000 dead and they were all shields? lol. That argument is tired and false. I’m Palestinian and have gazan family I’m very well aware of what they do and I promise you none of them were shields and none of their acquaintances were either. Meanwhile when I was 9 I watched the Israeli force in the West Bank use another human as a shied when raiding a neighbor. Then again I’m not Fox News so I know nothing. In the name of Jesus though I forgive you, Jesus said somin about forgiving the ignorant for they know not or somin like that
Imagine supporting a group of terrorists that puts innocent children up as shields.....wild!
I will have to study up on this report of Haley, as I don't know anything about it. But how about being honest and evaluating the morality of your own party promoting the killing of 60 million babies over the last 60 years because they care more about being able to have sex whenever they want than taking personal responsibility for behavior. How about your own party telling kids and teens that they can change their gender to whatever they feel like despite biology, functionality, and reality showing otherwise, and creating a generation of confused and hurt young people. How about your own party shamelessly and endlessly stoking the fires of racism and sexism to create division so they can own the votes of certain demographics. I could go on, but your party has NO leverage to talk about morality.
I will have to study up on this report of Haley, as I don't know anything about it. But how about being honest and evaluating the morality of your own party promoting the killing of 60 million babies over the last 60 years because they care more about being able to have sex whenever they want than taking personal responsibility for behavior. How about your own party telling kids and teens that they can change their gender to whatever they feel like despite biology, functionality, and reality showing otherwise, and creating a generation of confused and hurt young people. How about your own party shamelessly and endlessly stoking the fires of racism and sexism to create division so they can own the votes of certain demographics. I could go on, but your party has NO leverage to talk about morality.
Let's focus on the fact that we're funding bombing and escalating international tension instead of switching the argument up to try to nullify a point. We should have no involvement in funding Israel period. We gave them the land, they should defend themselves but not become imperialist and genocidal because they believe that land is theirs. Didn't we just fund Ukraine to defend Russia from taking their land? Why are we funding Israel to do the same? Why are we biased? Russia bad Israel good mentality? We should be against one or the other. We are hypocritical internationally and we should stop.
Not even factoring in the other side in my question. If someone says they are or are not going to do something, I don't care who they are, I want to know what they are doing to accomplish what they state. I'd ask the same thing about the left's plans on how they plan to accomplish ridiculous things like 25k to new homeowners.
Just like the banks, enter it into a computer and it magically appears in circulation, instant inflation. In her mind everyone must have equal outcomes regardless of ability, IQ, effort, or background. In laymen's terms, this is simply vote buying and pandering. Its another stupid idea that prints money and sends it right back up the ladder.

You can't fix stupid, low IQ, or the intellectually challenged. The democrats know this as well as republicans, but when you tie wealth to emotions, there is no stopping the control and manipulation. People think when they don't have what their neighbor has its because is discrimination. This may have been the case in 1975, but it is not the case in 2024. Only a literal stupid person would think providing 25k from thin air for a down payment on a home is a good idea.

Just like the student loan situation, just lower the damn interest rates to a manageable level, like 1 or 2%. They won't propose that idea because people are stupid.
Let's focus on the fact that we're funding bombing and escalating international tension instead of switching the argument up to try to nullify a point. We should have no involvement in funding Israel period. We gave them the land, they should defend themselves but not become imperialist and genocidal because they believe that land is theirs. Didn't we just fund Ukraine to defend Russia from taking their land? Why are we funding Israel to do the same? Why are we biased? Russia bad Israel good mentality? We should be against one or the other. We are hypocritical internationally and we should stop.
Because Raytheon runs our government, and they have wealth requirements.
You are a clown if you believe that, 200,000 dead and they were all shields? lol. That argument is tired and false. I’m Palestinian and have gazan family I’m very well aware of what they do and I promise you none of them were shields and none of their acquaintances were either. Meanwhile when I was 9 I watched the Israeli force in the West Bank use another human as a shied when raiding a neighbor. Then again I’m not Fox News so I know nothing. In the name of Jesus though I forgive you, Jesus said somin about forgiving the ignorant for they know not or somin like that
You are no more Palestinian than I am, so stop with the BS card. By your own admission, you were born in America, and are terrified to leave to go support "your" homeland. The phrase "using children as shields" is metaphorical for hiding in and amongst the innocent people of Gaza....forcing Gazan's to allow the use of hospitals and schools for all their terrorist actions. If Gazan's truly wanted to stop the civilian casualties, they would stop the support for a terrorist entity. While the children are innocent, the situation that their parents, leaders, etc put them in is not. Gazan's control the end to innocent casualties, nobody else.
You are no more Palestinian than I am, so stop with the BS card. By your own admission, you were born in America, and are terrified to leave to go support "your" homeland. The phrase "using children as shields" is metaphorical for hiding in and amongst the innocent people of Gaza....forcing Gazan's to allow the use of hospitals and schools for all their terrorist actions. If Gazan's truly wanted to stop the civilian casualties, they would stop the support for a terrorist entity. While the children are innocent, the situation that their parents, leaders, etc put them in is not. Gazan's control the end to innocent casualties, nobody else.
Your bias knows no end . I’m American by birth , my right to be Palestinian was taken from me. You have 0 authority or right to tell me what I am or am not. Forcing? You’re kidding right? Keep eating up Fox News, I’m sure they have the best interest of Palestinians in mind and would never report propaganda.

I’ll leave one day, don’t worry about me Roddy.
Because Raytheon runs our government, and they have wealth requirements.
There is a difference in providing defense and providing weaponry to promote imperialism and ethnic cleansing. We should be behind those protesters wishing for an end to the war as it is our American right to protest the actions of our government.
Just like the banks, enter it into a computer and it magically appears in circulation, instant inflation. In her mind everyone must have equal outcomes regardless of ability, IQ, effort, or background. In laymen's terms, this is simply vote buying and pandering. Its another stupid idea that prints money and sends it right back up the ladder.

You can't fix stupid, low IQ, or the intellectually challenged. The democrats know this as well as republicans, but when you tie wealth to emotions, there is no stopping the control and manipulation. People think when they don't have what their neighbor has its because is discrimination. This may have been the case in 1975, but it is not the case in 2024. Only a literal stupid person would think providing 25k from thin air for a down payment on a home is a good idea.

Just like the student loan situation, just lower the damn interest rates to a manageable level, like 1 or 2%. They won't propose that idea because people are stupid.
If they have no answer then it is just as ridiculous as I thought it was. Student debt is an issue created by the college system, which already is screwed up by itself with how much they nickel and dime students for education. Being a grad within the past couple years, I can state that they could have cut at least 70% of my fees out over nonsense BS that isn't needed for me to receive the skills I have now. College can and should be cheaper, but it's becoming another case of those running it raking in cash and screwing everyone including staff, below them.
There is a difference in providing defense and providing weaponry to promote imperialism and ethnic cleansing. We should be behind those protesters wishing for an end to the war as it is our American right to protest the actions of our government.

If they have no answer then it is just as ridiculous as I thought it was. Student debt is an issue created by the college system, which already is screwed up by itself with how much they nickel and dime students for education. Being a grad within the past couple years, I can state that they could have cut at least 70% of my fees out over nonsense BS that isn't needed for me to receive the skills I have now. College can and should be cheaper, but it's becoming another case of those running it raking in cash and screwing everyone including staff, below them.

Student debt is an issue created by the federal government where the colleges took advantage of and abused. When you give money to any and everybody who wants to go to college, "equity", you are pouring gasoline on a blazing fire. Giving out money to 18 year old's who have zero understanding of what they are becoming responsible for is not only irresponsible, its damn near criminal. Of course colleges are going to take all of their potential new customers and bloat their administrations with garbage employees with garbage degrees, increase tuition and fees, etc.

The democratic party creates problems, then claims to have the answer to fix them. Create propaganda that the police are bad and need to be reformed, "defund the police", and then crime goes out of control. "Elect us to fix the problem." Round and round we go.
Your bias knows no end . I’m American by birth , my right to be Palestinian was taken from me. You have 0 authority or right to tell me what I am or am not. Forcing? You’re kidding right? Keep eating up Fox News, I’m sure they have the best interest of Palestinians in mind and would never report propaganda.

I’ll leave one day, don’t worry about me Roddy.
Your "right" to be Palestinian.....what an absurd mindset. Just because you "wish" you were something else, doesn't mean you are, or that you are entitled to it. The fact that you won't step foot on their soil tells everyone what they need to know about you. You want the world to view you as a victim, but you've been victim to nothing other than your own ideology.

So you are admitting the Gazan's aren't being forced, but are freely choosing to support terrorists who murder and rape women and children of Israel? Interesting....a lot less innocent than I thought then. Thanks for the "in the know" insight. LOL
Or we could check in with the other side where you get the really super duper specific details. "So, I have some tough questions for you. What are your plans?" "My plans are to not be Trump." "Ok, great!"
Trump apparently is the only candidate that has to show us all his list. Kamala's list, that doesn't exist of course must not be a requirement to show. SMH