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Political Thread: The Sequel

So, accordling to Kamala, if elected Trump will allegedly do the following:

  • Release all violent criminals from federal prison.
  • Raise taxes on the poor and middle class.
  • Ban all abortions for any reason.
  • Create a sex-monitoring czar to report all women who have sex to the government.
  • Mandate citizens only eat meat.
  • Impose a national religion.
  • Reintroduce slavery.
  • Throw all transgender people into a den of lions and alligators.
  • Create terror cells to randomly blow up daycare facilities.
  • Kill anyone over 65 to save social security.
  • Mandate tire-burning.
  • Bring back CFCs and stock all drug sotre shelves with Aquanet and Right-Guard.
  • Launch nuclear missiles at least once per day.
  • Slap babies at rallies.
  • Send out the robots.
I just watched. She’s better than republicans want to give her credit for which is a problem I see already. She has a real chance. She is already a better candidate than Biden was in 2020 which doesn’t say a whole lot but that’s just a fact. Plus she’s carrying with her a lot of firsts: first female President, first female black President which only add to the allure. I believe Trump has work to do. That’s my take.
So, accordling to Kamala, if elected Trump will allegedly do the following:

  • Release all violent criminals from federal prison.
  • Raise taxes on the poor and middle class.
  • Ban all abortions for any reason.
  • Create a sex-monitoring czar to report all women who have sex to the government.
  • Mandate citizens only eat meat.
  • Impose a national religion.
  • Reintroduce slavery.
  • Throw all transgender people into a den of lions and alligators.
  • Create terror cells to randomly blow up daycare facilities.
  • Kill anyone over 65 to save social security.
  • Mandate tire-burning.
  • Bring back CFCs and stock all drug sotre shelves with Aquanet and Right-Guard.
  • Launch nuclear missiles at least once per day.
  • Slap babies at rallies.
  • Send out the robots.

I’m ROLF. In a sad way. You nailed it !!
I can’t possibly top this post. ⬆️
Project 2025? Can’t make her sh^t up. LOL
I just watched. She’s better than republicans want to give her credit for which is a problem I see already. She has a real chance. She is already a better candidate than Biden was in 2020 which doesn’t say a whole lot but that’s just a fact. Plus she’s carrying with her a lot of firsts: first female President, first female black President which only add to the allure. I believe Trump has work to do. That’s my take.
Yeah, he will have to really fight this time. Harris will not take it for granted like Hillary did. If she does this right this will be a 2008 like wave and the Democrats take it all in November and will be able to do whatever they want to. Of course, if things fall right for Trump, it is possible he wins, and the Republicans take all of Congress. This is not likely, however.
Yeah, he will have to really fight this time. Harris will not take it for granted like Hillary did. If she does this right this will be a 2008 like wave and the Democrats take it all in November and will be able to do whatever they want to. Of course, if things fall right for Trump, it is possible he wins, and the Republicans take all of Congress. This is not likely, however.
Hot take: Neither party really ever wants it all (house senate presidency) because then they can’t blame the other side for not getting anything done. All eyes are on them which is bad for business. I believe it’s actually really bad for party politics when you have it all.
Hot take: Neither party really ever wants it all (house senate presidency) because then they can’t blame the other side for not getting anything done. All eyes are on them which is bad for business. I believe it’s actually really bad for party politics when you have it all.
Just make sure you report those capital gains we always hear about over in the stock thread. I want fresh cheese everyday Im standing in the cheese line!
I just watched. She’s better than republicans want to give her credit for which is a problem I see already. She has a real chance. She is already a better candidate than Biden was in 2020 which doesn’t say a whole lot but that’s just a fact. Plus she’s carrying with her a lot of firsts: first female President, first female black President which only add to the allure. I believe Trump has work to do. That’s my take.
Shes not black.

And notice her dad wasnt there, call me out if im wrong. Hes a Marxist Economics Proffesor.

Hopefully we can open the wrapping papper so folks see whats inside. Otherwise they will be in shock an awe next 4 years. When they realize what the hitched their wagon to.
Shes not black.

And notice her dad wasnt there, call me out if im wrong. Hes a Marxist Economics Proffesor.

Hopefully we can open the wrapping papper so folks see whats inside. Otherwise they will be in shock an awe next 4 years. When they realize what the hitched their wagon to.
She's as black as Obama.
I just watched. She’s better than republicans want to give her credit for which is a problem I see already. She has a real chance. She is already a better candidate than Biden was in 2020 which doesn’t say a whole lot but that’s just a fact. Plus she’s carrying with her a lot of firsts: first female President, first female black President which only add to the allure. I believe Trump has work to do. That’s my take.
I am getting the impression that Kamala is going to win this simply because more Americans want what she is selling. It doesn't even matter that there is no real record or substance there, just that the left says what more Americans apparently want to hear. The left has most of the msm, the entertainment industry, and most of the ultra rich (excepting Elon) on their side. Younger voters seem to be majority left (or at least those are the more vocal ones) and the left seems to be better at getting people out to vote. I think the country, as a whole, has just moved farther left in recent decades and there are just more people who want what they stand for that what Republicans do.

I wish Trump had a more professional and likeable persona and maybe getting more independents and moderate crossover votes would be doable but I just don't see him getting enough. Of course, on the other hand, it probably
wouldn't matter as the left absolutely detested G.W. as well. The EC gives him a chance (which is why the left doesn't like it) but it's probably not enough. Republicans have only won one popular vote since 1988 and the country has definitely gone more left since then.
I am getting the impression that Kamala is going to win this simply because more Americans want what she is selling. It doesn't even matter that there is no real record or substance there, just that the left says what more Americans apparently want to hear. The left has most of the msm, the entertainment industry, and most of the ultra rich (excepting Elon) on their side. Younger voters seem to be majority left (or at least those are the more vocal ones) and the left seems to be better at getting people out to vote. I think the country, as a whole, has just moved farther left in recent decades and there are just more people who want what they stand for that what Republicans do.

I wish Trump had a more professional and likeable persona and maybe getting more independents and moderate crossover votes would be doable but I just don't see him getting enough. Of course, on the other hand, it probably
wouldn't matter as the left absolutely detested G.W. as well. The EC gives him a chance (which is why the left doesn't like it) but it's probably not enough. Republicans have only won one popular vote since 1988 and the country has definitely gone more left since then.
This is the sad reality.
Fact is about half the electorate now does not care about actual policies, but what they are told. As long as their feelings don't get hurt and Gov't is going to take care of them, regardless of what life choices they make, they will vote for that party. I mean when cost of living is high, border security is low, debt out of control, riots in the streets, wars everywhere, then you think about dems have been in charge 12 of the last 16 yrs: and still a majority support this?! Either they hate America, are ignorant or just plain stupid. Or all of the above
Shes not black.

And notice her dad wasnt there, call me out if im wrong. Hes a Marxist Economics Proffesor.

Hopefully we can open the wrapping papper so folks see whats inside. Otherwise they will be in shock an awe next 4 years. When they realize what the hitched their wagon to.
Jimmy was correct in his statement though. One, she is a better candidate than WOAT. Heck anyone at this point is better than WOAT. Two, she can if she takes advantage, ride a wave similar to the wave Obeyme rode. We really did not know how bad he was for America until he was into his second term. Difference this time is we know how bad Kommiela would be for America.
I am getting the impression that Kamala is going to win this simply because more Americans want what she is selling. It doesn't even matter that there is no real record or substance there, just that the left says what more Americans apparently want to hear. The left has most of the msm, the entertainment industry, and most of the ultra rich (excepting Elon) on their side. Younger voters seem to be majority left (or at least those are the more vocal ones) and the left seems to be better at getting people out to vote. I think the country, as a whole, has just moved farther left in recent decades and there are just more people who want what they stand for that what Republicans do.

I wish Trump had a more professional and likeable persona and maybe getting more independents and moderate crossover votes would be doable but I just don't see him getting enough. Of course, on the other hand, it probably
wouldn't matter as the left absolutely detested G.W. as well. The EC gives him a chance (which is why the left doesn't like it) but it's probably not enough. Republicans have only won one popular vote since 1988 and the country has definitely gone more left since then.
The only thing she is selling is the fact that Trump is going to destroy the world and end life on earth. She's not being held to account for anything and she isn't being asked to give any sort of a policy stance on anything.

I've long said it and I know people don't like it, but the general public is lazy and stupid.
Fact is about half the electorate now does not care about actual policies, but what they are told. As long as their feelings don't get hurt and Gov't is going to take care of them, regardless of what life choices they make, they will vote for that party. I mean when cost of living is high, border security is low, debt out of control, riots in the streets, wars everywhere, then you think about dems have been in charge 12 of the last 16 yrs: and still a majority support this?! Either they hate America, are ignorant or just plain stupid. Or all of the above
One word: emotion. Voters in this country now more than ever vote on emotions. Most do not sit back and analytically breakdown the issues to understand what voting one way or the other means. A really good example of this was a discussion I had with a young voting age person recently. She was excited about some stock she had recently purchased, had gone up in value and that she had seen a 9 percent jump in its value. The conversion then turned to the election and she started in on voting for Kommiela. Mostly emotional issues not based in real world scenarios. I went back to her stock portion of the conversation. Explained to her that Kommiela wants to tax her on they potential gain. She stated but I have not sold so I have not realized that. I said exactly. Kommiela wants to tax you on that potential gain. BTW this person is my son’s girlfriend.