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Political Thread: The Sequel

The only thing she is selling is the fact that Trump is going to destroy the world and end life on earth. She's not being held to account for anything and she isn't being asked to give any sort of a policy stance on anything.

I've long said it and I know people don't like it, but the general public is lazy and stupid.
Amen, truth hurts
The only thing she is selling is the fact that Trump is going to destroy the world and end life on earth. She's not being held to account for anything and she isn't being asked to give any sort of a policy stance on anything.

I've long said it and I know people don't like it, but the general public is lazy and stupid.
The problem is we have a clown who the best they can hit her with is she cackles and hasn't done anything. Her policies she's bringing up should be what she should be hit for since she has little to attack on, but Trump has a whole laundry list the left can pull from to hit him with. He does himself no favors if he brings any of those things up at any point. If he want to win he almost needs to approach the election different than 2016 and 2020 and reduce what he can be attacked on where possible. A majority of America doesn't care what the media's opinion is when the main focus is the economy. Not the wall, not abortion. Trump and those around him need to instill confidence about the economy because yes, people who do vote on emotion will choose whichever gives less fear but that's just what we have. A problem there though is Trump's focus on oil for the economy when there are a dozen other problems such as assisting small businesses and infrastructure investment being wasted on a wall. Doesn't matter where those funds come from, it's still govt money that could be put into helping America instead of build a wall that isn't going to solve or even slightly alleviate the problem. Unfortunately handouts will bait people into blind voting for someone who has basically no record that would help us and would probably get us into more pointless wars.
The problem is we have a clown who the best they can hit her with is she cackles and hasn't done anything. Her policies she's bringing up should be what she should be hit for since she has little to attack on, but Trump has a whole laundry list the left can pull from to hit him with. He does himself no favors if he brings any of those things up at any point. If he want to win he almost needs to approach the election different than 2016 and 2020 and reduce what he can be attacked on where possible. A majority of America doesn't care what the media's opinion is when the main focus is the economy. Not the wall, not abortion. Trump and those around him need to instill confidence about the economy because yes, people who do vote on emotion will choose whichever gives less fear but that's just what we have. A problem there though is Trump's focus on oil for the economy when there are a dozen other problems such as assisting small businesses and infrastructure investment being wasted on a wall. Doesn't matter where those funds come from, it's still govt money that could be put into helping America instead of build a wall that isn't going to solve or even slightly alleviate the problem. Unfortunately handouts will bait people into blind voting for someone who has basically no record that would help us and would probably get us into more pointless wars.
You guys make this so difficult. Reagan said it best. Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago and that answer is clearly NO unless you are the wealthy elite. If people are too dumb to figure that out there isn't a lot Trump can do to fix that problem

Build Back Better......I'll just leave it at that
A problem there though is Trump's focus on oil for the economy when there are a dozen other problems such as assisting small businesses and infrastructure investment being wasted on a wall.

Trump running on “drill, baby, drill” is weakened due to the fact that the U.S. produced a record high level of crude oil in 2023, significantly higher than 2019:


Yall mistakenly continue to think it's about tweets
I have to agree with your statement, probably for different reasons. Close to half our electorate now desires,favors socialism,communist form of Government verse capitalism, old school American values,principals.
Thats reality and where we are headed.
This gets pointed out and I hope folks take it to heart and not as some tongue an cheek statement. But we will end up/surpass Venezuela and current day Britan, almost overnight. If this administration is put back into power. You will never be able to turn back, even 2 or 4 years from now with future elections. Im not even sold we can do it with Novembers. To many nefarious angles left wide open still.
Trump running on “drill, baby, drill” is weakened due to the fact that the U.S. produced a record high level of crude oil in 2023, significantly higher than 2019:

View attachment 150275

He will double this and says that,because he will annialate boo- kudles of regulations and red tape with the stroke of a pen, executive orders first week. It will open the floodgates. You drive energy cost into the floor and it along with a continuation of the Trump tax cuts,that expire this December will light the match. Funny how no one calls the DC cartel, not just current admin out on all these child tax creduts, Standard deductions, that are gonna roll way back for 2025. Not to mention my employers and everyone elses taxes will double next year as they lose their tax cuts as well.
Meanwhile as the world turns. Whos running your country? You feel good,secure,confident?

Here is the moral right . Nikki Haley signing American made bombs given to Israel for free and dropped on civilians … she signed “ finish them” y’all got any good argument for me to vote for trump? Anybody? Give me one good reason to vote for any Republican… I ain’t voting democrat either

She is a truly evil person apparently. Imagine doing that. Imagine autographing a bomb that will be used to kill innocent children.
She is a truly evil person apparently. Imagine doing that. Imagine autographing a bomb that will be used to kill innocent children.
South Carolina seems to produce some evil elected officials . Don’t forget about Lindsay Graham who is always quick to promote war as a solution…we live in a weird world. Leader of the free world and the people who represent us are straight from the depths of hell
Energy is what makes the Economic World, Economic economys from local to Global turn.
This administration shows how clueless they truly are thinking you can eliminate fossil fuel from the equation, so they can prop up all the pie in the sky alternatives under the disquise, some hillbilly in west virginia needs to stop pushing his gas powered lawn mower, Truck Drivers burning diesel and cows stop belching.
Or else the oceans are gonna rise put Obama and Bidens,and Bill Gates and Oprahs Beach mansions underwater.
It never amazes me how easy folks get deceived here lately. From the follow the science to Al Gore hogwash. Just to name a few. They lap it up like its the Gospel.
South Carolina seems to produce some evil elected officials . Don’t forget about Lindsay Graham who is always quick to promote war as a solution…we live in a weird world. Leader of the free world and the people who represent us are straight from the depths of hell
Atleast 90% plus of the crowd up in DC, are all the same at the core. Me,Myself and I mentallity. You are correct,they are corrupted to the core and pledge allegiance to another calling. And it aint their constiguents.
He will double this and says that,because he will annialate boo- kudles of regulations and red tape with the stroke of a pen, executive orders first week. It will open the floodgates. You drive energy cost into the floor and it along with a continuation of the Trump tax cuts,that expire this December will light the match. Funny how no one calls the DC cartel, not just current admin out on all these child tax creduts, Standard deductions, that are gonna roll way back for 2025. Not to mention my employers and everyone elses taxes will double next year as they lose their tax cuts as well.

Trump would double the 2023 record near 13 million bpd, which would be >25 million bpd? Do you have a link to this promise? Thanks
Energy is what makes the Economic World, Economic economys from local to Global turn.
This administration shows how clueless they truly are thinking you can eliminate fossil fuel from the equation, so they can prop up all the pie in the sky alternatives under the disquise, some hillbilly in west virginia needs to stop pushing his gas powered lawn mower, Truck Drivers burning diesel and cows stop belching.
Or else the oceans are gonna rise put Obama and Bidens,and Bill Gates and Oprahs Beach mansions underwater.
It never amazes me how easy folks get deceived here lately. From the follow the science to Al Gore hogwash. Just to name a few. They lap it up like its the Gospel.
Energy should diversify and promote innovation, not use loopholes like make every car considered a light truck and phase cars out for less efficient larger, more expensive tanks that make more traffic and cost more to fill up and maintain. I don't think gas should be cut off, but we need to have more answers because oil's an energy and transportation monopoly, and it's not the best we as society can do. Electric Lithium Ion isn't the answer either.
The only thing she is selling is the fact that Trump is going to destroy the world and end life on earth. She's not being held to account for anything and she isn't being asked to give any sort of a policy stance on anything.

I've long said it and I know people don't like it, but the general public is lazy and stupid.

And getting worse by the day. Drive around any major city and these people could not tell you who the first president of the United States was, and probably couldn't tell you who the current Vice President is even though she is the current nominee.
Trump would double the 2023 record near 13 million bpd, which would be >25 million bpd? Do you have a link to this promise? Thanks
Hes stated it half a dozen times in the past 2 weeks alone. You can take him at his word on this. They will cut so much red tape regulations first week, he will need a box of ink pens, not just one. One of the big missions of the transition team, who hes already anounced the folks to head up. Is to identify every single item that will get reversed via executive order, undoing Joes.
Hes stated it half a dozen times in the past 2 weeks alone. You can take him at his word on this. They will cut so much red tape regulations first week, he will need a box of ink pens, not just one. One of the big missions of the transition team, who hes already anounced the folks to head up. Is to identify every single item that will get reversed via executive order, undoing Joes.
The key though is WHICH regulations is he cutting? Got a list? The exact list would help more than just "I'm cutting regulations" because to me that means "I'm cutting the regulation that allows me to buy your land forcefully and put an oil drill in your living room for Exxon's profit"
Hes stated it half a dozen times in the past 2 weeks alone. You can take him at his word on this. They will cut so much red tape regulations first week, he will need a box of ink pens, not just one. One of the big missions of the transition team, who hes already anounced the folks to head up. Is to identify every single item that will get reversed via executive order, undoing Joes.
You do realize that oil companies don’t want to flood the market with oil right? If they produce too much it drops the price and they can lose money.

I know Trump saying drill baby drill and cut red tape makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside but he doesn’t control oil production or gas prices. The price of gas actually went up under him until Covid happened. 2016 average was $2.14. 2017 -2019 was $2.42, $2.72, $2.60.
After having fallen back the prior couple of days, Harris has gotten a decent bump since last night on the betting markets:

The key though is WHICH regulations is he cutting? Got a list? The exact list would help more than just "I'm cutting regulations" because to me that means "I'm cutting the regulation that allows me to buy your land forcefully and put an oil drill in your living room for Exxon's profit"
Or we could check in with the other side where you get the really super duper specific details. "So, I have some tough questions for you. What are your plans?" "My plans are to not be Trump." "Ok, great!"