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Political Thread: The Sequel

She said she didn't know he was autistic and deleted the tweet. That is the rest of the story.

I would personally leave off talking about other peoples' kids. That said, I do think it's pretty telling and a sign of the times that saying something mean about a kid generates magnitudes more disgust than chopping them up.

It's like it would have been perfectly fine to say hateful things if only he didn't have disabilities
⚠️ Straw man warning. Straw man warning. ⚠️
Lol uh uh, you're the one that tried to make a point based on a lie. Stop deflecting.
The point still stands, Trumps position on this issue is abhorrent. What point did I make? That the Israelis have never considered a ceasefire? That is true
The point still stands, Trumps position on this issue is abhorrent. What point did I make? That the Israelis have never considered a ceasefire? That is true
Huh? My issue was with the article. We've worked together to resolve that. We did well!
I'm having flashbacks watching this convention... It reminds me when I was at the Republican convention in '08 and McCain didn't have a chance and all they did was talk about what a good guy he was. There was no policy talk at all that year. Pretty much was just a party pep rally. Pretty much the main attraction was Sarah Palin before she crashed and burned.
Did any of you see this? Ann Coulter made fun of Walz’s special needs 17 year old son for crying out of pure love for his dad when he was about to speak last night. Coulter is disgusting. I hope there are many here who have empathy for this kid:

Reminds me how they treated Barron. One of these things is just like the other

Please keep in mind, Barron was like 11 years old. Not 17 going on 18 like Tim’s son. But when he was turning 18, the left was ready to pounce. This is why I stay out of this thread. I really just can’t do it anymore.

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GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger tonight: “

“The Democrats are as patriotic as us”

“Donald Trump has suffocated the soul of the Republican Party”

”We must put country first”

“Democracy knows no party.”

”Vote for our bedrock values and vote for Kamala Harris”
TRUMP Announced he will no longer receive any intel briefings whatsoever, until after election day. The State Dept and MSM will not have the opportunity to accuse team Trump of any leaks,false flags etc.

Smart Move: Heck it aint rocket science watching the Gestapo in charge up there in DC now and figuring out what agendas they are trying to push and in what direction. Gonna have to 180,pivot on a ton of it.

By the way. Reckon when the last time they included ole Joe in one of these? If perhaps, ever. Whos been and currently runing your country?????

Sleep well tonight.

Word on the street the lights where out in Moscow earlier. Waiting for the day for ole vlad just to surrender, turn over everything,nukes etc and walk away. He would never pop one off when cornered, na, Sure the proxy war managers have that all schemed out. Yall watch out for the sandman tonight. Komrade Kamala, gonna get some of yalll the fuzzy wuzzies here soon.
That’s absolutely horrible what you showed that was said about Barron!
They all do it. Every election cycle. Recency bias just makes us believe “This is so horribly unprecedented what they just said!” It’s a campaign tactic preying on people who associate emotions with politics. Which is a lot of us as evidenced by this thread.
Nice to pop in and see everybody playing nice. Be sure to vote and if your guy/girl loses I can almost promise it won’t be the end of the world. Life will go on. Everything isn’t the end of the world. Especially politics…unless you lived in Germany in the early 40’s. That’s the outlier.