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Political Thread: The Sequel

Meh, I'm not convinced we know for sure no damage or issues from all the vaccines over the decades. We have a ton more health and mental health issues these days then decades ago.
Understanding of medical and mental conditions has also greatly improved. In the past it was just "you're crazy off to the asylum"
I thought this through some more regarding the betting markets. I’m hypothesizing that besides the contribution from RFK possibly endorsing Trump that there was buy the rumor sell the fact action with regard to the DNC. Harris had already had a large bump late July/early Aug with a peak on Aug 12 due to speculating for Harris/against Trump in advance of the convention as folks realized Trump was no longer up against an 81 year old with an increasingly significant cognitive issue. Then as the convention (the “fact”) got here, my thinking is that many of those long Harris/short Trump covered to go flat and take their profits with that furthered along by RFK stuff. That covering lead to Harris dropping and Trump gaining.
it's a slap in the face to the legal citizens who did it the right way.
Sure, agree, but ACB isn't the only one that deserves criticism on the court. It's just a good talking point for the left whenever the right attacks one of their own.
Did any of you see this? Ann Coulter made fun of Walz’s special needs 17 year old son for crying out of pure love for his dad when he was about to speak last night. Coulter is disgusting. I hope there are many here who have empathy for this kid:

i got Buckeyed and banned today :( No reason given. Jogner said it's cuz she can't land a man.
Sorry man. I think she's gay. But her issue is her insecurity and mental health issues make her cowardly and afraid of being around people who disagree. It's better not to be around unstable people anyway.