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Political Thread: The Sequel

This reply is going to be targeted and direct. I dont apologize for it nor do I apologize for standing up for what is right.

I have family that are nurses, nurse practitioners and physician assistants. My wife is in the life sciences. The way you attack people in that profession, with consistency, is sickening. I dont know of a single person, and I know plenty of them because of my place of employment, that put profit above people in healthcare. You wont find those people in clinics, urgent cares or hospitals. Yes, there is greed in american healthcare but those arent your frontline providers. People go to school for *years* to put themselves in a position where they can help others. These people were on the frontlines of the pandemic, bagging bodies and unfortunately dying in record numbers just because they showed up to help others.

If you really want to see if your assumptions are right, if your ticket ever gets pulled and I hope it doesnt, just take ivermectin for that shooting pain in your chest. If your face droops on one side, take some more horse medicine. I'm sure thats what americas frontline doctors would prescribe for a myocardial infarction or a hemorrhagic stroke.
You are 100% right about the frontline people. They have all been very nice to me when I have needed them. It is the CEO's and their boards of directors where the greed is.
Well after folloiwng this weeks proceedings so far in Chi Town, one thing sticks out in my mind. The DemonRAT party definitely represents the 7 deadly sins....pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth. Wicked people at the top of that party.
We need the Democratic party of the 1970's and 1980's back, but it is long gone. Presidents like Johnson, Truman, and Kennedy could not get elected now. Maybe not Carter or Bill Clinton either.
I had heard when everyone was worried about Biden this time that Biden was always ahead in 2020. That's why there was so much pressure for him to go

As for Harris I'm waiting til the convention is over and closer to the debates to see how she really stands
The debates will be huge if we actually have them.
No this is where you soundly lose the argument. Trump did say, several times, to protest peacefully and denounced violence. The mainstream press wants you to think otherwise.

And the technical definition of insurrection may have been met, according to the dictionary, as some protesters broke into a government building. But it was not a coup. It was not an attempt to overthrow the government. It was not an insurrection organized and led by Donald Trump.

Did some people trespass? Yes. Did some people commit violence? Yes. Was it wrong to break into the Capitol? Yes. Did Pelosi reject help? Yes. Were some protesters let into the Capitol on purpose by police? Yes. Are the democrats and media lying to you? Yes. Did the police or FBI plant the pipe bombs? Probably.

This was not a coup or a real insurrection of any sort. Was it wrong to trespass and vandalize and act violently? Of course. And nobody is saying that it wasn't.
Sad to see you “don” the tin foil hat too that so many fans of old orange man wear in this community
If a virus or disease is easily prevented by a vaccine yes it's your choice not to have it, but to say and promote that all vaccines including those from the past several decades are killing more than they saved is a null argument. The covid vaccine only helped until covid as a virus mutated and became weaker over time so further need is only for those with bad immune systems that would die if they caught it. I'd rather not take the path of anti vaxxers and bring back diseases that are barely around and risk them mutating into something vaccine resistant. There's science from decades on specific vaccines and if you would like to deny all of the previous ones, then it's just jumping down a dangerous rabbit hole.
I'm sorry but anyone defending the covid vax is unaware of the lack of proven efficacy and shutting down those including doctors who question it. I'm not anti vax but just someone who has seen first hand the damage it has caused.
I'm sorry but anyone defending the covid vax is unaware of the lack of proven efficacy and shutting down those including doctors who question it. I'm not anti vax but just someone who has seen first hand the damage it has caused.
The covid vaccine is being milked by Pfizer, yes, but making that the basis for denying vaccinations period is just plain stupid.
Vaccines that have been out for decades and done their job properly make sense. The only one questionable is the covid vaccine
If they did it once, they'll do it again. For the record, I take my flu shot every year and I'm not an "anti-vaxxer". The problem with this whole COVID thing is there were so many groups that mask-shamed, shot-shamed, distance-shamed, etc. This includes employers, "scientists", liberal think tanks. Turns out, masks did nothing to prevent spread, per CDC. Shots did nothing to prevent spread, per CDC independent study. 6 ft social distancing did nothing but create a new demography of folks who now suffer from depression, social anxiety, etc.
Everyone should be free to choose. Vaccines should protect the inoculated, right? Let the rest of us take our chances. And don't roll out the, "take them so that those with compromised immunity, who can't take vaccines, won't get the disease". It is up to those individuals to protect themselves. Besides, after Covid, I don't trust anything from the government or big pharma and very few doctors.
Really? What you mean is people like you should have the right to choose.whats best for you but not the people you want to choose for! Hypocrites
If they did it once, they'll do it again. For the record, I take my flu shot every year and I'm not an "anti-vaxxer". The problem with this whole COVID thing is there were so many groups that mask-shamed, shot-shamed, distance-shamed, etc. This includes employers, "scientists", liberal think tanks. Turns out, masks did nothing to prevent spread, per CDC. Shots did nothing to prevent spread, per CDC independent study. 6 ft social distancing did nothing but create a new demography of folks who now suffer from depression, social anxiety, etc.
All this is telling me is that operation warp speed sewed a new generation of anti vaxxers too. You'd trust an administration that pushed for a vaccine you don't trust and when the next one comes in it's immediate distrust because they push it. I'd only not trust the covid vaccine due to the government push for time like anything rushed. Masks were what we did last pandemic and many improvised then, but the world is larger today so we didn't get a good grasp on the virality it had. Covid overall was a hot rock nobody wanted to hold because they didn't know what to do with it and it only created situations like this with bad results. I can only be mad at those that tried to capitalize on it beyond reason.