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Political Thread: The Sequel

Everyone should be free to choose. Vaccines should protect the inoculated, right? Let the rest of us take our chances. And don't roll out the, "take them so that those with compromised immunity, who can't take vaccines, won't get the disease". It is up to those individuals to protect themselves. Besides, after Covid, I don't trust anything from the government or big pharma and very few doctors.
This reply is going to be targeted and direct. I dont apologize for it nor do I apologize for standing up for what is right.

I have family that are nurses, nurse practitioners and physician assistants. My wife is in the life sciences. The way you attack people in that profession, with consistency, is sickening. I dont know of a single person, and I know plenty of them because of my place of employment, that put profit above people in healthcare. You wont find those people in clinics, urgent cares or hospitals. Yes, there is greed in american healthcare but those arent your frontline providers. People go to school for *years* to put themselves in a position where they can help others. These people were on the frontlines of the pandemic, bagging bodies and unfortunately dying in record numbers just because they showed up to help others.

If you really want to see if your assumptions are right, if your ticket ever gets pulled and I hope it doesnt, just take ivermectin for that shooting pain in your chest. If your face droops on one side, take some more horse medicine. I'm sure thats what americas frontline doctors would prescribe for a myocardial infarction or a hemorrhagic stroke.
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Fwiw PredictIt showed a move toward Trump starting ~yesterday. During Aug 8-19 it had Harris 56-59 and Trump 46-43. Now Harris’ lead is only ~3. I attribute this to most likely be due to RFK pulling out and likely endorsing Trump.
Well after folloiwng this weeks proceedings so far in Chi Town, one thing sticks out in my mind. The DemonRAT party definitely represents the 7 deadly sins....pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth. Wicked people at the top of that party.
Of course he's gonna win Goose Creek and Ladson. Do you think he's gonna win rainbow row? Probably not.
Well I was referring to Florida elections from this week but I do remember in 2020 The whole battery area was red surrounded by blue in Charleston when you looked at it by precinct.
Well I was referring to Florida elections from this week but I do remember in 2020 The whole battery area was red surrounded by blue in Charleston when you looked at it by precinct.

You think the battery was red because it’s more wealthy and white? That would be my educated guess.

It's w/e because it's not really our point here. We're saying having doubts about any and all vaccines is a dangerous stance to take.

Viruses that have been eradicated via vaccine need to stay eradicated. They don't need to be making a comeback (which they are) due to vaccine skepticism.
Har humpf.

Vaccine skepticism is not why "eradicated" viruses are coming back. You open the borders and have a free for all, and viruses will come along for the ride. So will crime and terrorism and poverty on and on.

If you're not skeptical of brand new "vaccines" that are rushed onto the market, heavily mandated, and where big companies make tons of money with an impenetrable liability shield, then you're a gullible lemming.

This notion of not being skeptical because the government tells us something is good for us is stupid. You and about half the people in the country have been skeptical of the Trump government's stances on all kinds of things. Don't hand us this garbage about the skepticism of vaccines being bad and dangerous. That's just dumb. It really is.
I dont think at any point in 2020 or 2016 did the dems average in the polling ahead of the reps, it is just barely ahead for them now. RIP.
I dont think at any point in 2020 or 2016 did the dems average in the polling ahead of the reps, it is just barely ahead for them now. RIP.
Every election since 2016 the hidden voter has become harder and harder to poll and this year is no exception, In fact it may be expanded to other demographics this cycle as well. Kamala had better enjoy tonight because it's her last hoorah
I had heard when everyone was worried about Biden this time that Biden was always ahead in 2020. That's why there was so much pressure for him to go

As for Harris I'm waiting til the convention is over and closer to the debates to see how she really stands