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Political Thread: The Sequel

I wouldn't say almost every one of them is stupid, but their platform did choose clowns to run the past few times. I guess in their eyes it takes a clown to beat a clown and as long as they put on a show they'll win. People are also choosing them for what they see as more important since the border doesn't affect some as much as others, and social issues matter more than others. Different beliefs on how the country should be run mostly and is no better than what some foolish people on the right can say at times.
The Democrats are a two trick lying dogface pony soldier when they pander these days......Abortion and transgender issues and that's pretty much it
Haha lots of coping above on RFK.

Naw she was spot on, the deal was he plays spoiler against Biden and Trump gives him some role in the cabinet...the problem is RFK is a weirdo who was more attractive to republicans than dems. Now he has to fall on his sword because if he stays in he helps Harris not Trump. He is basically trying to sell his endorsement to whichever side will give him a job in their administration. That won't be Harris.....
The Democrats are a two trick lying dogface pony soldier when they pander these days......Abortion and transgender issues and that's pretty much it
Both sides pander to expensive unnecessary solutions to problems that can be solved with more effort and realistic solutions. America won't win either way even if one clown leaves one circus. The ideas on both sides get more ridiculous by the year.
Ah, yes let’s deflect and show what happened in a foreign country. Cause that could never happen here in America from “patriots”!

The definition of a an insurrection is: a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Pretty sure that’s exactly what happened but yes let’s keep downplaying it!

The campaign to wash away January 6th by Republicans instead of just owning up to their mistakes is wild. Trump would’ve gained a lot of respect from me if he had taken one of many opportunities to calm the crowds or admonish the agitators. Either during or after. But he did nothing and allowed folks to feel empowered and like they were doing something patriotic in “stopping the steal”
No this is where you soundly lose the argument. Trump did say, several times, to protest peacefully and denounced violence. The mainstream press wants you to think otherwise.

And the technical definition of insurrection may have been met, according to the dictionary, as some protesters broke into a government building. But it was not a coup. It was not an attempt to overthrow the government. It was not an insurrection organized and led by Donald Trump.

Did some people trespass? Yes. Did some people commit violence? Yes. Was it wrong to break into the Capitol? Yes. Did Pelosi reject help? Yes. Were some protesters let into the Capitol on purpose by police? Yes. Are the democrats and media lying to you? Yes. Did the police or FBI plant the pipe bombs? Probably.

This was not a coup or a real insurrection of any sort. Was it wrong to trespass and vandalize and act violently? Of course. And nobody is saying that it wasn't.
Heard RFK Jr. will drop out and endorse Trump Friday. Watching DNC and Oprah is making me nauseous. These people are sickening and borderline possessed. Their tongues can't even stay in their mouths and have to get away from their lies or either drugs and alcohol. Never seen anything like it. Something just off about the whole dang thing. WTH

I have noticed an inordinate amount of lip smacking and weird tongue movements at this convention. What kind of a drug makes you do that?

And what's really astonishing is saying things like Trump is going to weaponize the justice system. Or Trump will allow open borders. Or a billionaire bashing wealth inequality. Or a trans woman advocating for women's rights. Or a rich black lady saying thst, unlike Republicans, she looks down on people who have more than they need.

It's unbelievable.
Haha lots of coping above on RFK.
And let’s be real here, this was the democrat plan to get Harris to be the nominee without having to deal with RFK or others.

1. Biden would walk through the primary as an incumbent.
2. Have him debate Trump way early to expose to all his cognitive decline while not letting RFK on the stage even though he qualified according to their own rules.
3. Media pretends to be honest and act like they had no idea.
4. Force Biden out.
5. Delegates install Harris as the new candidate without having to win a single primary.

Anyone with any common sense or honesty knows Harris would have never won the democratic primary. RFK may not have either, but he would have gotten far more votes than Harris. Now you see how the “party of democracy” actually works.
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And let’s be real here, this was the democrat plan to get Harris to be the nominee:

1. Biden would walk through the primary as an incumbent.
2. Have him debate Trump way early to expose to all his cognitive decline while not letting RFK on the stage even though he qualified according to their own rules.
3. Media pretends to be honest and act like they had no idea.
4. Force Biden out.
5. Delegates install Harris as the new candidate without having to win a single primary.

Anyone with any common sense or honestly knows Harris would have never won the democratic primary. RFK may not have either, but he would have gotten far more votes than Harris. Now you see how the “party of democracy” actually works.
RFK’s sole purpose involved in this election was to meddle and grift, and I can’t believe it’s being overlooked in here…actually, I probably shouldn’t be surprised because one of the biggest grifters of them all is getting a total pass just because of his name.

Once it was clear he was taking more votes from the right instead of the left, as intended, he was going to try to grift for a job and leave the race.

Had he actually ran in the Democratic primaries, I doubt he gets more than maybe 10% total, and that’s generous. His stance on vaccines is a complete non-starter.
He did run in that actual Democrat primary against Biden until he dropped out.
RFK’s sole purpose involved in this election was to meddle and grift, and I can’t believe it’s being overlooked in here…actually, I probably shouldn’t be surprised because one of the biggest grifters of them all is getting a total pass just because of his name.

Once it was clear he was taking more votes from the right instead of the left, as intended, he was going to try to grift for a job and leave the race.

Had he actually ran in the Democratic primaries, I doubt he gets more than maybe 10% total, and that’s generous. His stance on vaccines is a complete non-starter.
His stance on vaccines is the one thing I like about him.
His stance on vaccines is the one thing I like about him.
He is also spot on with foreign policy because he knows the players, not to mention he went to the border to film a documentary and also came to the conclusion it needed to be shut down.

The guy is also a published author with extensive research about the Covid vaccines, and knows people deep in the intelligence community.

Anyone who calls this guy crazy is just lazy and misinformed, which is most.
He is also spot on with foreign policy because he knows the players, not to mention he went to the border to film a documentary and also came to the conclusion it needed to be shut down.

The guy is also a published author with extensive research about the Covid vaccines, and knows people deep in the intelligence community.

Anyone who calls this guy crazy is just lazy and misinformed, which is most.
That’s the thing here, this guy is a published author with extensive research about the Covid vaccines, knows people deep in the intelligence community, and spent extensive time at the border to get a handle on what is really going on.

I mean, the COVID vaccine is w/e, but unless I'm totally mistaken, his doubts on vaccines go further on that, and I'm sorry to disappoint you, but that is an extremely, extremely dangerous.

Vaccines such as the ones for whooping cough and measles have eradicated the disease when taken, yet you see doubts over the vaccine causing a resurgence in these diseases.
I mean, the COVID vaccine is w/e, but unless I'm totally mistaken, his doubts on vaccines go further on that, and I'm sorry to disappoint you, but that is an extremely, extremely dangerous.

Vaccines such as the ones for whooping cough and measles have eradicated the disease when taken, yet you see doubts over the vaccine causing a resurgence in these diseases.
The Covid vaccine isn’t w/e. It still isn’t FDA approved and the complex has made 80 billion from it.
Just a little clip:

During an interview with the New Yorker, published July 7, Kennedy said he knew early on that COVID-19 vaccines “should be dead in the water” because they “won’t prevent transmission.”

“[T]he scientists all, at one point, believed that the COVID vaccine prevented transmission,” he said. “I said, No, they don’t prevent transmission, because I read the monkey studies in May of 2020, and I saw that the amount of the concentration of the virus in the nasal pharynx of the vaccinated monkey was identical to the unvaccinated monkeys.”

First, as we’ve explained before, stopping disease transmission is not a requirement for a vaccine. While some vaccines do reduce the spread of disease, others do not — and an inability to do so doesn’t mean a vaccine has failed. Often, the main goal of a vaccine is to prevent disease or severe disease, which is the case for the COVID-19 vaccines.

They provide no data for this statement that I saw, which is technically the last leg the vaccine has to stand on since by their own admission it does not stop infection or transmission, even though media outlets like MSNBC said it did both early on.
I mean, the COVID vaccine is w/e, but unless I'm totally mistaken, his doubts on vaccines go further on that, and I'm sorry to disappoint you, but that is an extremely, extremely dangerous.

Vaccines such as the ones for whooping cough and measles have eradicated the disease when taken, yet you see doubts over the vaccine causing a resurgence in these diseases.
Those vaccines took decades of testing to make them work. The covid vaccines were rushed without enough testing. That is a big difference.

Check out RFK jr's Book "The Real Anthony Fauci" to learn more about vaccines and how they work.