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Political Thread: The Sequel

Two things I have learned during the DNC fiasco:

1. Guess what? An impressive police presence actually does work.

2. Walls and IDs work as well for keep those out who should not be in.
Needed more on Jan 6th... but most of the ones that were there fought off the Trump coup as best they could
Needed more on Jan 6th... but most of the ones that were there fought off the Trump coup as best they could
You may be joking and I apologize if you are, but the January 6th event was no coup, and it certainly wasn’t an insurrection. It was a riot of about 2500 people who forced there way past a protective fence and a few hundred entered the capitol building inhabited. It was wrong and stupid, but let’s be clear, it wasn’t an insurrection. If there ever happens to be a true insurrection, it will involve millions of armed citizens and factions of the military, and if anyone here has actually lived through one abroad, they can certainly tell you what it’s like. I hope that day doesn’t have to come.
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I don't think I've ever seeen something so disconnected from reality. Have any of these speakers said anything that is actually true? They love America? All they normally say is how broken and racist it is, while sitting for the anthem and burning the flag. They are the party of positivity? All they talk about is victimization, anger, and name calling. They are playing the military card? They normally talk about how America is a global bully and the military only perpetuates American supremacy. They are calling on Almighty God? They normally talk about how God should not be included in politics and government. Waltz congratulated Biden on 4 years of wonderful leadership? What am I watching?
You may be joking and I apologize if you are, but the January 6th event was no coup, and it certainly wasn’t an insurrection. It was a riot of about 2500 people who forced there way past a protective fence and a few hundred entered the capitol building uninhabited. It was wrong and stupid, but let’s be clear, it wasn’t an insurrection. If there ever happens to be a true insurrection, it will involve millions of armed citizens and factions of the military, and if anyone here has actually lived through one abroad, they can certainly tell you what it’s like. I hope that day doesn’t have to come.
Dude. Let’s not minimize what happened. It was a dangerous assault on democracy. Your own guy literally called it an insurrection? Even if he tried to blame the other side (which lol). Feels like you’re trying to sweep it under the rug and saying it’s no big deal. Lives were at stake. And the capitol was definitely not uninhabited

This is an unbelievable video account on January 6th. And if you’ve never seen it, it’s well worth the time. You can come to your own conclusions.

I see the video is age restricted and therefore won’t directly show up here. You can click and watch on YouTube.

Dude. Let’s not minimize what happened. It was a dangerous assault on democracy. Your own guy literally called it an insurrection? Even if he tried to blame the other side (which lol). Feels like you’re trying to sweep it under the rug and saying it’s no big deal. Lives were at stake. And the capitol was definitely not uninhabited

It was a riot, riots are bad, people were stupid and broke the law. It was not an insurrection. There was a coup attempt in Turkey not all that long ago if anyone wants some references.

I can’t believe I have to address that Trump video clip. He is mocking Pelosi because she admitted it was on her to have the National Guard on standby. You would think this would be obvious here, but I guess not.
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I don't think I've ever seeen something so disconnected from reality. Have any of these speakers said anything that is actually true? They love America? All they normally say is how broken and racist it is, while sitting for the anthem and burning the flag. They are the party of positivity? All they talk about is victimization, anger, and name calling. They are playing the military card? They normally talk about how America is a global bully and the military only perpetuates American supremacy. They are calling on Almighty God? They normally talk about how God should not be included in politics and government. Waltz congratulated Biden on 4 years of wonderful leadership? What am I watching?
It’s how you know they think their voters are stupid.
Conservative GOP former Lieutenant Gov Geoff Duncan was great with a very short speech at the DNC! He said to his fellow Republicans that if you vote for Harris, you’re not voting for a Dem. You’re voting for democracy. He ended it with this:

“Doing the right thing will never be the wrong thing. Stay strong.”

That guy must be an idiot. If you vote for Harris you are voting for a Democrat. Full stop.

It amazes me how many cowards are out there.

If you vote for Harris for any reason your mom can give you and her policies cause problems, then you are to blame for voting for her. Same is true for Trump.

Don’t be a coward, own it.
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That guy must be an idiot. If you vote for Harris you are voting for a Democrat. Full stop.

It amazes me how many cowards are out there.

If you vote for Harris for any reason your mom can give you and her policies cause problems, then you are to blame for voting for her. Same is true for Trump.

Don’t be a coward, own it.
I would go further than democrat, voting for Trump is voting for the democrat. Voting for Harris is voting for a socialist. Trump is literally left of what Bill Clinton was during his terms, at least in the same stratosphere. If RFK, a classic liberal, actually endorses Trump, it proves this point even further.

I find it comical the left calling Trump supporters a cult. The never Trumpers are far more cultish than the Trump supporters. I would wager at least half of Trumps supporters aren’t huge fans of him personally, they just understand that having borders and good foreign policy is actually a good thing for a country.
It was a riot, riots are bad, people were stupid and broke the law. It was not an insurrection. There was a coup attempt in Turkey not all that long ago if anyone wants some references.

I can’t believe I have to address that Trump video clip. He is mocking Pelosi because she admitted it was on her to have the National Guard on standby. You would think this would be obvious here, but I guess not.
Ah, yes let’s deflect and show what happened in a foreign country. Cause that could never happen here in America from “patriots”!

The definition of a an insurrection is: a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Pretty sure that’s exactly what happened but yes let’s keep downplaying it!

The campaign to wash away January 6th by Republicans instead of just owning up to their mistakes is wild. Trump would’ve gained a lot of respect from me if he had taken one of many opportunities to calm the crowds or admonish the agitators. Either during or after. But he did nothing and allowed folks to feel empowered and like they were doing something patriotic in “stopping the steal”
Ah, yes let’s deflect and show what happened in a foreign country. Cause that could never happen here in America from “patriots”!

The definition of a an insurrection is: a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Pretty sure that’s exactly what happened but yes let’s keep downplaying it!

The campaign to wash away January 6th by Republicans instead of just owning up to their mistakes is wild. Trump would’ve gained a lot of respect from me if he had taken one of many opportunities to calm the crowds or admonish the agitators. Either during or after. But he did nothing and allowed folks to feel empowered and like they were doing something patriotic in “stopping the steal”

Shoot Farr, then the liberals are up on the conservatives like 100/1. The Republicans need to have more insurrections to get even.
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Well, almost all of the Dem's voters are stupid fools, except the millions of dead people, of course. How could any wise person vote for a party that can't tell the males from the females?
I wouldn't say almost every one of them is stupid, but their platform did choose clowns to run the past few times. I guess in their eyes it takes a clown to beat a clown and as long as they put on a show they'll win. People are also choosing them for what they see as more important since the border doesn't affect some as much as others, and social issues matter more than others. Different beliefs on how the country should be run mostly and is no better than what some foolish people on the right can say at times.
RFK’s sole purpose involved in this election was to meddle and grift, and I can’t believe it’s being overlooked in here…actually, I probably shouldn’t be surprised because one of the biggest grifters of them all is getting a total pass just because of his name.

Once it was clear he was taking more votes from the right instead of the left, as intended, he was going to try to grift for a job and leave the race.

Had he actually ran in the Democratic primaries, I doubt he gets more than maybe 10% total, and that’s generous. His stance on vaccines is a complete non-starter.
RFK’s sole purpose involved in this election was to meddle and grift, and I can’t believe it’s being overlooked in here…actually, I probably shouldn’t be surprised because one of the biggest grifters of them all is getting a total pass just because of his name.

Once it was clear he was taking more votes from the right instead of the left, as intended, he was going to try to grift for a job and leave the race.

Had he actually ran in the Democratic primaries, I doubt he gets more than maybe 10% total, and that’s generous. His stance on vaccines is a complete non-starter.
Ethel must be so ashamed. I mean, I understand his brain has probably been turned upside down several times over his life but that is no excuse.