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Political Thread: The Sequel

I have noticed an inordinate amount of lip smacking and weird tongue movements at this convention. What kind of a drug makes you do that?

And what's really astonishing is saying things like Trump is going to weaponize the justice system. Or Trump will allow open borders. Or a billionaire bashing wealth inequality. Or a trans woman advocating for women's rights. Or a rich black lady saying thst, unlike Republicans, she looks down on people who have more than they need.

It's unbelievable.
Let me see...hmmmm...hoot, smack, cane, blow etc. etc. And yes unbelieve.
They've created a new normal. Guess we better get use to it.
I don't understand what people are expecting of this. You would think they would get sick of living in crime infested sh*tholes the last 60 years. The only thing I can come up with is they just gave up and said nothing will ever get better for my situation. I will be interested to see how many black males jump ship this cycle. Hispanics seem to have figured it out but blacks just can't seem to break free especially black women. This is nothing but slavery by choice but if they don't demand democrats to change why would they?
I don't understand what people are expecting of this. You would think they would get sick of living in crime infested sh*tholes the last 60 years. The only thing I can come up with is they just gave up and said nothing will ever get better for my situation. I will be interested to see how many black males jump ship this cycle. Hispanics seem to have figured it out but blacks just can't seem to break free especially black women. This is nothing but slavery by choice but if they don't demand democrats to change why would they?
With all due respect, this is exaggeration at best and untrue at worst. Life is better today for the overwhelming majority of Americans than it was 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 30 years ago and so on. Certainly there are groups of people (I’m thinking of the Rustbelt or southern textile mill towns) that have suffered. You aren’t going to win people to your side by complaining about everything.

Empathy in politics is tricky because it often comes across as insincere. Clinton could do it, Bush could, Obama could. Trump and Hillary wholeheartedly could not. Biden could not. Harris TBD.
To me she can only be judged against her opponent. I personally think against Haley or DeSantis she would come out on the losing end.

Purely judged against Trump she’s saying the “right” things and looking the part. The echoes of the Covid crisis are still with us in some ways and cannot be written off. For fairness sake I won’t judge Trump on anything other than his character post March 2020 though. Under Trump, agriculture and the manufacturing of durable goods in this country both lagged. His trade war with China put many mid-size farmers out of business that were exposed to the soybean market. Job creation across all sectors of manufacturing was basically stagnant even excluding COVID. His renegotiation of NAFTA was a failure that did nothing to stop jobs going to Mexico.

What little exposure I had with executive branch agencies during his term left me with the impression they were being poorly managed. His appointments in DOE for one directly led to a string of issues surrounding process improvements at PANTEX that delayed needed upgrades to our nuclear deterrent infrastructure. I’ve probably forgotten many other things that just didn’t work right under his term.

Like I’ve said previously I don’t shy away from my history working for D campaigns but always want the Rs to succeed when they’re in power because it’s in our best interest. Right now nothing involving Trump is in our best interest in my opinion.
I actually think a better proxy for judging her is in the context of her associates and history. And I see a couple of itty bitty concerning items:

War breaking out all over the world. Increasingly higher prices for everything --> rise in cost of living everywhere. Major cities, primarily democrat run, that have been decimated by homelessness, crime, and drugs. Millions and millions of people of unknown origin now among us, overwhelming resources. People struggling to find good jobs. Housing unaffordability. For starters.

Covid doesn't come close to explaining all of this. If she has had any hand in anything over the past 4 years, then this is her legacy. If she hasn't, then she's an ineffective political operative. Neither one of those options are good.

Best case scenario, you get more of what you've had for the past 4 years. Worse case, things get a lot worse.
With all due respect, this is exaggeration at best and untrue at worst. Life is better today for the overwhelming majority of Americans than it was 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 30 years ago and so on. Certainly there are groups of people (I’m thinking of the Rustbelt or southern textile mill towns) that have suffered. You aren’t going to win people to your side by complaining about everything.

Empathy in politics is tricky because it often comes across as insincere. Clinton could do it, Bush could, Obama could. Trump and Hillary wholeheartedly could not. Biden could not. Harris TBD.
Tell the people who can't make ends meet that it's better. Tell that to the tent cities popping up all over the country that the last 10 years are much better. Tell the 5 generation of black people still living in government housing that things are better and that they shouldn't be complaining. We aren't talking about rust belt here we are talking about people who have been lied to by democrats for 60+ years and still living in crime ridden filth. The liberal war on poverty has produced nothing but more poverty. I mean if that's what they want my own empathy only goes so far before I have to say you asked for it repeatedly
The limited roll out so far is fine with me on housing and national defense policy. The Federal Government has been bitten too many times by giving money directly to businesses so providing a credit to first time homebuyers is a good thing. It coupled with incentives for builders to build more “starter homes” is a way to help ensure the builders aren’t left hung out to dry. I don’t know if the square footage upper limit discussed will make it to the end proposal but I’d be a fan of that.

National Defense policy is just a continuation of the pivot to Asia started under Obama. The writing is on the wall for Ukraine that the public is getting a little tired of sending them so much stuff in an inflationary environment so it’s telling that Harris isn't using the “as long as it takes” line Biden said so much. Continued investment into hardening the Pacific footprint and building a crap ton of standoff munitions.

Abortion policy is most likely going to settle around a 12-15 week legislative act. A nationwide patchwork is unworkable and both parties are hearing this from healthcare providers. Harris been vague here on what she would support but if anything she’s likely to follow what the mainstream polling suggests which is overwhelmingly for allowing access to abortion up to that period and only after for the obvious extraneous circumstances.

Tax policy is in flux but my understanding is she’s been meeting with a bunch of Fortune 100 CEOs. TBD there on corporate tax policy. Tax relief for the working and middle classes is needed which she is onboard for and has indicated she wants it offset somewhere else. Federal taxes have increased on the middle class as a result of Trump’s tax legislation so we need to correct course there. Rolling back the corporate tax rate to 28% is fine. It’s much less of an issue than is made out to be.

That’s what I have so far. Still want to know about energy policy from her as the other biggie. Everything else is too far into the weeds and won’t affect the election for those few that actually pay attention to policies.
-How is printing money to give to first time homebuyers a good thing? This seems like something that would directly cause inflation and put people in houses they cannot afford. Circa 2008.

-I think she will do as she is told with Ukraine by the MIC. The democratic side of the house waiving Ukraine flags around after passing the funding bill was probably one of the most embarrassing displays of incompetence I've ever seen.

-She is for abortion, I don't need any explanation on that.

-Please explain in detail how federal taxes have gone up on the middle class form Trump's tax cuts.

Well this is new, refreshing for a change to see someone in the MSM sick of their crap lol

This Brandon Tatum tweet saying “NBC had enough of Elizabeth Warren” is misleading. Here’s why. For those not familiar with CNBC in general and Joe Kernen in particular:

1. CNBC operates separately from its NBC parent and has always averaged moderate with a mix of libs and cons. The most lib biased of the family is MSNBC. CNBC bias-wise averages a good bit to the right of NBC and way to the right of MSNBC.

2. Joe Kernen is the guy interviewing Senator Warren. He’s a con who I’ve watched for 25 years and is among the most con there:

3. Thus, this interview by the con Kernen on the overall moderate CNBC is in no way representative of the liberally biased NBC. Therefore, this doesn’t mean NBC is changing at all. (By the way, I’m not at all a fan of the very lib Warren. Interestingly, she was in the GOP til 1996!.)
Hopefully this will wake a few others up who desperately need it. If this doesn't lead to a correction within that crooked party nothing will. I guess we will see
They don't care. The democratic party is the new religion for the left, its party above all.
Taking his name off the ballot in the swing states and leaving it on every other state is a massive FU to the democratic party. What they have done to him is absolutely criminal, then to talk about how they have to save democracy everyday. The current democratic party defines hypocrisy and incompetency.
He is telling the truth about the Ukraine war, and how we've had started back in 2014. Fact.

We have avoided several chances to end it. Fact.
I retired in 2017 and did contract work for almost 2 years before covid hit. I had a choice to go back to afghanistan to train their special police forces or Ukraine of which I chose Afghanistan due to familiarity. We have been training the Ukraine SF people since the timeframe you mentioned above. Not only that, we have been testing our weapons systems the entire time. Our government and defense contractors having a good ole time at taxpayers expense anywhere we are invited to participate