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Political Thread: The Sequel

No sir, unless you're against fact checking. Like, in a political forum where people debate, it's not uncommon to hold someone accountable for something they say. It's pretty common actually. Does that really seem all that weird?
I just thought he looked through the posts one by one. Who the hell has time for that. Moving on
It's ok. He and Shaggy (and really most lefties) don't correctly represent the meaning of what a series of words really says. It's why they go around day after day misstating what Trump says.

Lol dude no one has to misstate anything Trump says he handles that all by himself.
Every time far-right media calls the D ticket "communist" I can imagine someone in the actual real life American Communist Party is bashing their head into a wall.
I have to agree with your statement, probably for different reasons. Close to half our electorate now desires,favors socialism,communist form of Government verse capitalism, old school American values,principals.
Thats reality and where we are headed.
This gets pointed out and I hope folks take it to heart and not as some tongue an cheek statement. But we will end up/surpass Venezuela and current day Britan, almost overnight. If this administration is put back into power. You will never be able to turn back, even 2 or 4 years from now with future elections. Im not even sold we can do it with Novembers. To many nefarious angles left wide open still.
Capitalism has turned against the average working population in many ways. Take the recent mixup at Starbucks. The. Ceo steps down he likely gets a golden parachute and the incoming ceo stands to clear 100M.....100 MILLION.

Yet it's an outrage to raise minimum wage cause it's gonna cost them too much money. They don't want their employees to organize but it too costly.

We hear BS reason like if they raise minimum wage it will cause prices to go up but you NEVER hear them blame rising prices on outrageous CEO pay.
Every time far-right media calls the D ticket "communist" I can imagine someone in the actual real life American Communist Party is bashing their head into a wall.
Current nominee for the democratic ticket is calling for price controls, didn’t win a single vote in a primary, and administration that censors social media and free speech.

You can’t make ---- $hit up anymore.
I just thought he looked through the posts one by one. Who the hell has time for that. Moving on

They love trying to shove people in to neat little labels and boxes. They are desperate for people like me to be labeled liberals etc...they can't compute what country before party means.

They fail to realize the reason the moderates and independents are leaving Trump in droves is not because they necessarily want Harris but rather they definitely do not want Trump.
Let's focus on the fact that we're funding bombing and escalating international tension instead of switching the argument up to try to nullify a point. We should have no involvement in funding Israel period. We gave them the land, they should defend themselves but not become imperialist and genocidal because they believe that land is theirs. Didn't we just fund Ukraine to defend Russia from taking their land? Why are we funding Israel to do the same? Why are we biased? Russia bad Israel good mentality? We should be against one or the other. We are hypocritical internationally and we should stop.
We need Israel as an ally like we need a hole in the head.