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Political Thread: The Sequel

This is an easy one. Everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY, knows that Biden is in bad health. Everybody knows by now he's going to drop out of the race. The media have turned on him because it's impossible to lie for him anymore about this. The trust in the media is beyond horrific. The only thing left for them is to acknowledge what we've all known and act like they're bringing truth to the masses now and try to come out of this with some semblance of credibility. It won't work.

The political apparatus will not run Kamala. But if they are stupid enough to run her (or Biden), then Trump will be assassinated before the election. If by some miracle he makes it and they run either one of those two, he will win in a landslide.

Edit: The debate was the first strategic step in the process of ousting Biden. Having Covid is also a step in the process. I truly feel sorry for the people who can't see what is going on and are getting played for fools.
The Democrat party is now front and center. Not only do they not care about Trump's health, they could care less about Biden as well. They care about power and nothing more. Anybody or anything that gets in their way.......well you know the ending of this story.
They're in his devices now so they will get some answers. First tidbits are he made a post about his "premiere" coming on the 13th on a gaming website. They also found searches for the DNC and RNC sites.
The whole get Biden out thing is gonna be absolutely popcorn worthy.
I don't think there is enough corn to suffice from now to November and then to January. Better get to rainin' cause buckle up everybody.
Just now catching up on some of the earlier RNC stuff. A few of these folks really ought to lay off the Botox or find someone that actually knows how to do stage makeup.

Preceded with the comment “Matt Gaetz is two white tigers and a life partner away from having a Vegas act.” IYKYK.
Then there was this....McCarthy tells him to shut up and that he is a asshole lol...

The Democrat party is now front and center. Not only do they not care about Trump's health, they could care less about Biden as well. They care about power and nothing more. Anybody or anything that gets in their way.......well you know the ending of this story.
Yeah I think more people are about to see there really is a deep state power hungry cabal. The DC swamp machine in action. 🍿
I would be a billionaire if I had a nickel for every time I heard that conspiracy theory when Obama was President. Not worth digging it back up.
I don't remember that. All I remember is people asking who he was and where did he come from but also willing to give him a chance. Them dang unreasonable conservatives. Can't do nothin' withem'.
Shooter Profile now coming out, no thanks to the MSM. 2+2=4.

Thomas Matthew Crooks Exposed as Intolerant Trump Hater — Mocked Classmates for Supporting Trump, Former Classmates Reveal​

So this begs the question. I doubt the head of SS was on site that day. So who was the top person in charge on site? Calling all the shots?
Buck always stops at the top, Im for that. But they knew what was unfolding potentially an hour before it happened. Your not gonna get away with blaming this on incompetency, crossed wires etc. God help us all, if that was the actual truth. It aint!

So this begs the question. I doubt the head of SS was on site that day. So who was the top person in charge on site? Calling all the shots?
Buck always stops at the top, Im for that. But they knew what was unfolding potentially an hour before it happened. Your not gonna get away with blaming this on incompetency, crossed wires etc. God help us all, if that was the actual truth. It aint!

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At this point I'm starting to question why the kid even bothered climbing on to a roof. I can't help but wonder how far he would have gotten moving on foot. I'm joking of course but man it just gets worse. I honestly feel bad for the damn good people who are looking incompetent right now and not allowed to speak.
Feds scrubbing the shooters digital footprint better than Hillary did her hard drives in 2016.
So heres a clip from one of his hispanic classmates. Use his words not mine about how much venom the assaisan had toward DJT.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
"July 13 will be my premiere, watch as it unfolds."

Sounds very confident of being able to pull this off.....from a football field away. How do you plan something that ended up so embarrassingly easy ahead of time if not one single person was feeding him information? Still not buying it
"July 13 will be my premiere, watch as it unfolds."

Sounds very confident of being able to pull this off.....from a football field away. How do you plan something that ended up so embarrassingly easy ahead of time if not one single person was feeding him information? Still not buying it
Why was he researching the DNC venue? The RNC venue?