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Political Thread: The Sequel

From meteorologist Mike Maguire (who doesn’t like Biden and indicates he’s likely going to vote for Trump again; he voted for him in 2016 but not sure about 2020):

“This isn't directed at you, Jean but the conspiracy theories about law enforcement doing this intentionally is absurd.

1. What organization/people would do something to make themselves look as bad on such a grand scale as any organization has looked in history?

2. If their objective was to take out Trump, it did the polar opposite.

3. Some of the entities pushing this sort of nonsense are the ones that are nefarious, not law enforcement. Law enforcement was INCOMPETENT in allowing this but not nefarious.”
Let me ask you this. The secret service is or was the premier security team in the world. How many levels of EXTREME screw ups would have to occur for people to start at the very least to ask questions? I see it differently because I've seen it. Another foul up comes every hour. Another point.....How do you folks define nefarious? And that incompetent bafoon still has her job

Let our sniper speak
I'm suspicious about Biden maybe stepping down for medical reasons that I saw with no details. Havn't seen a thing else about it. At the same time though it's coming back up that they may be trying to make him step down or delay the nomination vote. Hmmmm. If one likes Biden, I might kind of feel sorry for ya. This is not just politics as usual.
Let me ask you this. The secret service is or was the premier security team in the world. How many levels of EXTREME screw ups would have to occur for people to start at the very least to ask questions? I see it differently because I've seen it. Another foul up comes every hour. Another point.....How do you folks define nefarious? And that incompetent bafoon still has her job

Let our sniper speak
If it was 2015, id be way less conspicoious, dismissive. But after what Ive seen with my own eyes the past 8 years. I put nothing past this crowd . They can blame no one but themselves for millions like myself having zero confidence in anything they say.
I'm suspicious about Biden maybe stepping down very for medical reasons that I saw with no details. Havn't seen a thing else about it. At the same time though it's coming back up that they may be trying to make him step down or delay the nomination vote. Hmmmm. If one likes Biden, I might kind of feel sorry for ya. This is not just politics as usual.
This is as much about President Biden’s actual health as it is retribution coming from Democrats who feel they’ve been duped or misled by the executive and staff. Outside of the Congressional caucus leaders or whips, they really don’t see much of the President all that often in person.

Delaying the roll call to 8/1 was smart. Biden is only running with Trump in polling because Trump is the most divisive and unliked President anyone alive has seen. 1/4-1/3 of Republicans couldn’t even vote for the guy even after Nikki Haley called it off. He is THAT unpopular. Biden won in 2020 because of people voting for “not Trump” and now that he’s running on his own record the wheels are falling off not even mentioning his age issue.

It would be an uphill battle but personally as someone who has usually leaned Democrat he needs to call off his bid for reelection. Let Kamala have a go if they must to keep the campaign money in house. The other option is to come up with a “lightning” primary format and let the chips fall where they may. “Generic Democrat” doesn’t poll any worse than Biden so you know the floor is around 46-48% nationally no matter the nominee. Gotta have someone to turn out the rest of the typical D voter and independents.
To switch gears away from the election for a moment, I have a topic I’d be curious to hear what the republicans or conservatives think about.

A few months back I came across a podcast roundtable with veteran journalists, republicans and democrats all attending. The topic was party realignment. Long story short in 2020-2021 the GOP rapidly underwent a transformation from a politically Conservative Party to a politically populist/nationalistic party modeled after various Eastern European parties of the same style. This cost them in the 2022 elections due to mixed messaging and poor candidates. Now they’ve fully completed this process and the new Republican Party is being shown to the world this week. Very few elected republicans are present that were in office pre-trump and no former GOP presidents or vice presidents are in attendance.

For those that are longtime republicans, do you consider yourself more a republican or a conservative? If the latter, do you still see a place for yourself in this new party that has largely abandoned conservative causes in favor of the new age populism and nationalist/ethno-religious policies?

This is something I’ve thought about quite a bit. With the traditional older/white/evangelical base of the party fading to relative obscurity in the coming decade as the boomers pass on it presents an interesting opportunity for Democrats to re-recruit some of those voters that shifted republican in 2016. Certainly a big if, but if they can sort their abortion stance after this cycle, D policies on taxes, infrastructure, education and so on poll far better than republicans. Republicans maintain their advantage in national defense.

In a weird way I think this may be possible post 2024 since abortion access is on many state ballots and has passed overwhelmingly in each election since the reversal of Roe vs Wade. If the issue is to be truly settled at a state level, let it be in my opinion.

Very very interesting political times we live in.
I am an independent that leans conservative on most issues. I consider myself somewhere in the middle on the abortion topic, and feel the Supreme Court decision tamped down the “red wave” in 2022. I do not agree with late-term abortions, nor do I think all abortions should be taxpayer funded as some on the left support. Abortion will remain a hot topic issue, until some form of Roe vs. Wade is codified. The left seems to be in no rush, as it will continue to remain an issue they can run on.

I’m not a political science expert, but it seems populism has a very broad definition and can be broken down into two subsets that are quite contrary to each other - left-wing populism, which can be likened to socialism, and right-wing populism, which can be likened to nationalism. There are “extremes” on both sides of the spectrum, like Bernie Sanders (Left-wing) and Josh Hawley (Right-wing).

While the Republican Party may be leaning in more of a populist direction than it was a decade ago, I think there is a propensity of the majority of the media to focus on one extreme but not the other. A lot of the Republican move toward populism has been reactionary, due to left-wing populist ideas set forth by the Obama administration. One example is Obamacare.

In the end, I can’t think of a great example of right-wing populism in action. Perhaps the border wall, but immigration reform had been a hot topic issue for decades before Trump was elected the first time. Maybe the idea of peace through strength would be considered populist.

As a right leaning independent, I don’t believe the idea of Republicans moving toward populism will change my vote, as the other side of the spectrum seems to be moving more and more toward another form of populism by the moment.
Heres where im at as far as beleiving any info coming from out of DC. I take no joy in,trust me.
Biden has covid as is being reported. Sincerely hope he heals up, if so.
But I question that storyline, i mean there is a monster push to get him out of the way by his own party now. Im not losing any sleep whether he does or doesnt have covid. But I hear the news and say to self, well thats what their telling us. But is something more sinister at play here from outside his tight circle or perhaps inside of it? Is it an excuse to play dodge ball with the public? Because weve been fed false garbage as peasants and told not to question or challenge it for the past few yers now. Everything they say,dont say comes into question now.
I am an independent that leans conservative on most issues. I consider myself somewhere in the middle on the abortion topic, and feel the Supreme Court decision tamped down the “red wave” in 2022. I do not agree with late-term abortions, nor do I think all abortions should be taxpayer funded as some on the left support. Abortion will remain a hot topic issue, until some form of Roe vs. Wade is codified. The left seems to be in no rush, as it will continue to remain an issue they can run on.

I’m not a political science expert, but it seems populism has a very broad definition and can be broken down into two subsets that are quite contrary to each other - left-wing populism, which can be likened to socialism, and right-wing populism, which can be likened to nationalism. There are “extremes” on both sides of the spectrum, like Bernie Sanders (Left-wing) and Josh Hawley (Right-wing).

While the Republican Party may be leaning in more of a populist direction than it was a decade ago, I think there is a propensity of the majority of the media to focus on one extreme but not the other. A lot of the Republican move toward populism has been reactionary, due to left-wing populist ideas set forth by the Obama administration. One example is Obamacare.

In the end, I can’t think of a great example of right-wing populism in action. Perhaps the border wall, but immigration reform had been a hot topic issue for decades before Trump was elected the first time. Maybe the idea of peace through strength would be considered populist.

As a right leaning independent, I don’t believe the idea of Republicans moving toward populism will change my vote, as the other side of the spectrum seems to be moving more and more toward another form of populism by the moment.
Interesting. Thanks! These thoughts bring me back to a point I’ve made several times before that if we can’t dislodge the 2 party system, some form of open primary legislation or ranked choice voting is the best we can hope for to get candidates more reflective of the broader electorate instead of the left and right wings of each party.
To switch gears away from the election for a moment, I have a topic I’d be curious to hear what the republicans or conservatives think about.

A few months back I came across a podcast roundtable with veteran journalists, republicans and democrats all attending. The topic was party realignment. Long story short in 2020-2021 the GOP rapidly underwent a transformation from a politically Conservative Party to a politically populist/nationalistic party modeled after various Eastern European parties of the same style. This cost them in the 2022 elections due to mixed messaging and poor candidates. Now they’ve fully completed this process and the new Republican Party is being shown to the world this week. Very few elected republicans are present that were in office pre-trump and no former GOP presidents or vice presidents are in attendance.

For those that are longtime republicans, do you consider yourself more a republican or a conservative? If the latter, do you still see a place for yourself in this new party that has largely abandoned conservative causes in favor of the new age populism and nationalist/ethno-religious policies?

This is something I’ve thought about quite a bit. With the traditional older/white/evangelical base of the party fading to relative obscurity in the coming decade as the boomers pass on it presents an interesting opportunity for Democrats to re-recruit some of those voters that shifted republican in 2016. Certainly a big if, but if they can sort their abortion stance after this cycle, D policies on taxes, infrastructure, education and so on poll far better than republicans. Republicans maintain their advantage in national defense.

In a weird way I think this may be possible post 2024 since abortion access is on many state ballots and has passed overwhelmingly in each election since the reversal of Roe vs Wade. If the issue is to be truly settled at a state level, let it be in my opinion.

Very very interesting political times we live in.
For me who used to be in establishment type Republican It is not about left versus right anymore. My eyes were opened about the globalist agenda. Trump is my vehicle to fight that. Plain and simple. When Americans get taken advantage of and not given first priority by our own government,that's just wrong. No amount of castigating that the left does towards the right will change that fact. It's wrong. Nationalism is a good thing. We're supposed to have pride in our own country. Government works for us. The left has made nationalism a bad word because they compare it to Nazi Germany. Couldn't be farther from the truth. Only strong-minded people can see that.
Heres where im at as far as beleiving any info coming from out of DC. I take no joy in,trust me.
Biden has covid as is being reported. Sincerely hope he heals up, if so.
But I question that storyline, i mean there is a monster push to get him out of the way by his own party now. Im not losing any sleep whether he does or doesnt have covid. But I hear the news and say to self, well thats what their telling us. But is something more sinister at play here from outside his tight circle or perhaps inside of it? Is it an excuse to play dodge ball with the public? Because weve been fed false garbage as peasants and told not to question or challenge it for the past few yers now. Everything they say,dont say comes into question now.
Ya got that right. One day after he says he would drop out if diagnosed with a medical condition. This is getting crazier by the minute.
What are we watching here? The establishment vs the establishment now. Just what I been saying to be concerned about. Hmmm
The one guy that actually *did* collude with the Russians in 2016 was shown walking around the convention floor and getting a warm welcome a bit ago. Someone in charge there is either too confident or too stupid to know the optics of that are terrible. (It’s Manafort, aka the guy that the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee called a grave national security threat)
For me who used to be in establishment type Republican It is not about left versus right anymore. My eyes were opened about the globalist agenda. Trump is my vehicle to fight that. Plain and simple. When Americans get taken advantage of and not given first priority by our own government,that's just wrong. No amount of castigating that the left does towards the right will change that fact. It's wrong. Nationalism is a good thing. We're supposed to have pride in our own country. Government works for us. The left has made nationalism a bad word because they compare it to Nazi Germany. Couldn't be farther from the truth. Only strong-minded people can see that.
Would you consider yourself one of the “forgotten” people Vance talks about?
Would you consider yourself one of the “forgotten” people Vance talks about?
No I wouldn't. I have a graduate degree and a great job. I have been successful. But I want everybody to have a level playing field. Not everybody should have to go to college to be successful.
As a personal opinion, I would laugh my backside off if Biden announces he’s dropping out tomorrow at 5pm. Right before former President Trump is supposed to give a speech. Talk about sucking all the air out of the convention.