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Political Thread: The Sequel

Was listening to Bill Frady in the truck and it was said that because of the Iran threat they beefed up SS. So which is it? Beefed up or sent half to Jill at a nearby location. Didn't looked beefed up to me but what do I know. Maybe half of them were stuck behind a 6 ft jack leg fence and couldn't get out.
Strategy: Tell so many BS lies nobody can make sense of it. Worked for 3 1/2 years
Hard to do when you are a part of the problem.
But by doing nothing the problem gets worse. Its too hot on the roof, the roof was sloped. Im sorry, but it should be in the job description that this job demands you put your life at risk. Every day more reports come out making it look worse and worse.
Were any of ya'll watching when it happened? I had a bad feeling. Was watching on Real America's Voice and the guy Brian was in the long line interviewing all the people. Trump was supposed to be there at 5. Anytime he is late, I start worrying a little because of things said as to maybe why like threats or things. Anyway, Brian was trying to talk to this dude and he ask him a question and the dude pulled his shirt out pointing to what it said but it had nothing to do with what Brian had even asked. Then Brian kind of smoothed that over and ask him another question. The dude said he was not a good one to ask and moved on. It wasn't anything complicated that anybody couldn't answer. Anyway, the guy was behaving completely different than all the other excited people always do. Uncomfortable. There were a few other guys around him and they never engaged or looked over or wanted to be a part of it. Unlike most everybody else. Like heads forward like they didn't want to be involved. All of them had regular clothes on. No patriotic stuff like most do but they all had red MAGA hats on. It looked like they just left jobs, walked in and all bought red hats. Which all of that is fine but it did not seem normal to me. I told my husband over and over they better watch that group. Just something about it.

Then the unthinkable happens. I told hubby OMGSH I wonder if that guy has anything to do with it. Actually the first pic of the shooter that was going around could have been him as far as looks. Just saying. Anyway, I know this is long but the first reactions or news reports immediately when something happens is something to not forget because we may never here it again. The girl on RAV was holding her head in shock and then Greg Stinchfield came in. Looked like he had to throw a coat on over a tshirt to come in. His very first reaction was that's not gunfire. Then in a few minutes he said "I said it was not but now he thinks it is". The same thing happened with 9-11.

A lady called in to the radio show yesterday and said the same exact thing. She said she always told her kids the very first reports to not forget because they will never hear them again. My first reaction was it didn't sound like gunfire. It sounded to airy or something. Like an air gun or paint ball maybe. Did any of you guys that know guns better than me have any thoughts on this? I don't know. Just saying basically, I had a bad feeling and still do really. Sorry so long. I will never forget it. It was awful.
Were any of ya'll watching when it happened? I had a bad feeling. Was watching on Real America's Voice and the guy Brian was in the long line interviewing all the people. Trump was supposed to be there at 5. Anytime he is late, I start worrying a little because of things said as to maybe why like threats or things. Anyway, Brian was trying to talk to this dude and he ask him a question and the dude pulled his shirt out pointing to what it said but it had nothing to do with what Brian had even asked. Then Brian kind of smoothed that over and ask him another question. The dude said he was not a good one to ask and moved on. It wasn't anything complicated that anybody couldn't answer. Anyway, the guy was behaving completely different than all the other excited people always do. Uncomfortable. There were a few other guys around him and they never engaged or looked over or wanted to be a part of it. Unlike most everybody else. Like heads forward like they didn't want to be involved. All of them had regular clothes on. No patriotic stuff like most do but they all had red MAGA hats on. It looked like they just left jobs, walked in and all bought red hats. Which all of that is fine but it did not seem normal to me. I told my husband over and over they better watch that group. Just something about it.

Then the unthinkable happens. I told hubby OMGSH I wonder if that guy has anything to do with it. Actually the first pic of the shooter that was going around could have been him as far as looks. Just saying. Anyway, I know this is long but the first reactions or news reports immediately when something happens is something to not forget because we may never here it again. The girl on RAV was holding her head in shock and then Greg Stinchfield came in. Looked like he had to throw a coat on over a tshirt to come in. His very first reaction was that's not gunfire. Then in a few minutes he said "I said it was not but now he thinks it is". The same thing happened with 9-11.

A lady called in to the radio show yesterday and said the same exact thing. She said she always told her kids the very first reports to not forget because they will never hear them again. My first reaction was it didn't sound like gunfire. It sounded to airy or something. Like an air gun or paint ball maybe. Did any of you guys that know guns better than me have any thoughts on this? I don't know. Just saying basically, I had a bad feeling and still do really. Sorry so long. I will never forget it. It was awful.
Intuition my brother!
And I guess to add to the long crap above, it's disturbing that it happened but it makes it double disturbing that nothing makes sense. Nothing does really. I'm trying not to over think it, but it really doesn't. My first thoughts as it was happening as well, was what in the heck is the crowd doing standing up, holding signs, on their phones. Did someone tell them the coast was clear and the threat was gone? I don't know.....disturbing. The guys behind Trump was standing up looking around like they were trying to find out who or where it was coming from. Like looking right into line of fire. How did they know there wasn't more to come. My a** would have been plastered to the ground. I don't know...Sorry, I'll shut up. I can't stand it when something doesn't make sense.
And I guess to add to the long crap above, it's disturbing that it happened but it makes it double disturbing that nothing makes sense. Nothing does really. I'm trying not to over think it, but it really doesn't. My first thoughts as it was happening as well, was what in the heck is the crowd doing standing up, holding signs, on their phones. Did someone tell them the coast was clear and the threat was gone? I don't know.....disturbing. The guys behind Trump was standing up looking around like they were trying to find out who or where it was coming from. Like looking right into line of fire. How did they know there wasn't more to come. My a** would have been plastered to the ground. I don't know...Sorry, I'll shut up. I can't stand it when something doesn't make sense.
You forget we live in a society where everything is watched through a phone and detached. We've seen people run towards danger in other cases to get video. Idiots standing on their front porch as a tornado hits and so on
You forget we live in a society where everything is watched through a phone and detached. We've seen people run towards danger in other cases to get video. Idiots standing on their front porch as a tornado hits and so on
#RaisesHand....Guilty! 🤣
To switch gears away from the election for a moment, I have a topic I’d be curious to hear what the republicans or conservatives think about.

A few months back I came across a podcast roundtable with veteran journalists, republicans and democrats all attending. The topic was party realignment. Long story short in 2020-2021 the GOP rapidly underwent a transformation from a politically Conservative Party to a politically populist/nationalistic party modeled after various Eastern European parties of the same style. This cost them in the 2022 elections due to mixed messaging and poor candidates. Now they’ve fully completed this process and the new Republican Party is being shown to the world this week. Very few elected republicans are present that were in office pre-trump and no former GOP presidents or vice presidents are in attendance.

For those that are longtime republicans, do you consider yourself more a republican or a conservative? If the latter, do you still see a place for yourself in this new party that has largely abandoned conservative causes in favor of the new age populism and nationalist/ethno-religious policies?

This is something I’ve thought about quite a bit. With the traditional older/white/evangelical base of the party fading to relative obscurity in the coming decade as the boomers pass on it presents an interesting opportunity for Democrats to re-recruit some of those voters that shifted republican in 2016. Certainly a big if, but if they can sort their abortion stance after this cycle, D policies on taxes, infrastructure, education and so on poll far better than republicans. Republicans maintain their advantage in national defense.

In a weird way I think this may be possible post 2024 since abortion access is on many state ballots and has passed overwhelmingly in each election since the reversal of Roe vs Wade. If the issue is to be truly settled at a state level, let it be in my opinion.

Very very interesting political times we live in.
From meteorologist Mike Maguire (who doesn’t like Biden and indicates he’s likely going to vote for Trump again; he voted for him in 2016 but not sure about 2020):

“This isn't directed at you, Jean but the conspiracy theories about law enforcement doing this intentionally is absurd.

1. What organization/people would do something to make themselves look as bad on such a grand scale as any organization has looked in history?

2. If their objective was to take out Trump, it did the polar opposite.

3. Some of the entities pushing this sort of nonsense are the ones that are nefarious, not law enforcement. Law enforcement was INCOMPETENT in allowing this but not nefarious.”
I subscribe to a daily job cuts tracker. Have been for some time. 31,000 (rounded down) layoffs from 7/8/2024 to today or close to 4000 per day on avg for the last 8 days. Not good folks.
July is typically a bad month for layoffs historically. If it’s similar to the one I peek at occasionally it’s a lot of pharmaceutical manufacturers and FedEx. FedEx in particular is trying to lean themselves up but seem to be forgetting you need the pay the contractors to actually get the packages to doorsteps.