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Political Thread: The Sequel

The Soviet Union may be dead and gone but it amazes me some of the conspiracies they put into American culture are still going strong after 40+ years. I miss they days they were restricted to AM radio but alas.

The theme for this DNC kicking off tonight is going to be forward looking. Some of the recent reporting on Harris telling the Biden pollsters/leftover campaign staff to buzz off has given me more idea she's serious about winning and serious about the job. Some of those people were left over from the 2016 campaign to give you an idea. It's fully her campaign and vision now for better or worse. It will borrow some themes from Obama's 2012 re-election which I think will resonate well with people who are simply tired of Trump and everything he brings. The meat-and-potatoes policy is trickling out now which will target the more informed voters. I would be surprised if you hear Trump's name in the speeches more than once or twice. This campaign has (smartly IMO) gone down a path of largely ignoring him. There's a large segment of people that simply want to see politics get back to some semblance or normality and that's what the Harris/Walz campaign is going to give them. Are enough of those people in PA/MI/GA? Million dollar question.

Polling at this point is still largely irrelevant. It paints the picture which is better than nothing but it won't be until after Labor Day before you really start to get an idea of where this is headed.
The Soviet Union may be dead and gone but it amazes me some of the conspiracies they put into American culture are still going strong after 40+ years. I miss they days they were restricted to AM radio but alas.

The theme for this DNC kicking off tonight is going to be forward looking. Some of the recent reporting on Harris telling the Biden pollsters/leftover campaign staff to buzz off has given me more idea she's serious about winning and serious about the job. Some of those people were left over from the 2016 campaign to give you an idea. It's fully her campaign and vision now for better or worse. It will borrow some themes from Obama's 2012 re-election which I think will resonate well with people who are simply tired of Trump and everything he brings. The meat-and-potatoes policy is trickling out now which will target the more informed voters. I would be surprised if you hear Trump's name in the speeches more than once or twice. This campaign has (smartly IMO) gone down a path of largely ignoring him. There's a large segment of people that simply want to see politics get back to some semblance or normality and that's what the Harris/Walz campaign is going to give them. Are enough of those people in PA/MI/GA? Million dollar question.

Polling at this point is still largely irrelevant. It paints the picture which is better than nothing but it won't be until after Labor Day before you really start to get an idea of where this is headed.
Her campaign? You must introduce me to your dealer.

Its the the uniparty's campaign far above her and her handlers paygrade. Her job is to to try to not sound like a complete idiot and take the position given.
I am convinced that the boomer generation doesn’t love this country, they just loved what this country was like in the 50s and 60s.
I don't think it's fair to say they don't love the country. They simply grew up in a different world entirely. That generation and to some extent Gen X that came of age and lived during the Cold War grew up in a security environment that us younger folks just can't even begin to imagine. Existential destruction from a "bolt from the blue" affected everything from housing policy to religion. It's the primary reason you saw Southern Baptists marry themselves to the rapture theory in the 1960s. It was a way to broadcast an illusion of control over a situation no one had control over. When the SU fell apart many boomers simply never adapted to the new world. They looked for something to fill that bucket of existential dread because they knew no other way to be.

Obama got a lot of flack for describing America as an "idea" much to the chagrin of conservative Boomers, but they largely made his point for him. They worship the idea of America that never really existed in the first place outside of a carefully cultivated image. I have members of my family still alive that didn't have indoor plumbing until Jimmy Carter was in office. The 50s and 60s weren't all that great in most places.
I don't think it's fair to say they don't love the country. They simply grew up in a different world entirely. That generation and to some extent Gen X that came of age and lived during the Cold War grew up in a security environment that us younger folks just can't even begin to imagine. Existential destruction from a "bolt from the blue" affected everything from housing policy to religion. It's the primary reason you saw Southern Baptists marry themselves to the rapture theory in the 1960s. It was a way to broadcast an illusion of control over a situation no one had control over. When the SU fell apart many boomers simply never adapted to the new world. They looked for something to fill that bucket of existential dread because they knew no other way to be.

Obama got a lot of flack for describing America as an "idea" much to the chagrin of conservative Boomers, but they largely made his point for him. They worship the idea of America that never really existed in the first place outside of a carefully cultivated image. I have members of my family still alive that didn't have indoor plumbing until Jimmy Carter was in office. The 50s and 60s weren't all that great in most places.
In some ways, the 50s and 60s were absolutely great compared to today. We've made progress in some areas but have regressed in others. Not everything is about economics.
Her campaign? You must introduce me to your dealer.

Its the the uniparty's campaign far above her and her handlers paygrade. Her job is to to try to not sound like a complete idiot and take the position given.
Na it's hers. It's been thrown together so quickly it's almost hard to believe. Still some parts missing but it's enough to get through the convention this week.

I love when folks roll out the "uniparty" word. Does that not imply we're not actually all that different from one another? I worked at a state level and for a short time at the national level in the D party and it was never this closed citadel of partisan politics. Same thing for the Rs pre-Trump. Folks worked for the Ds then went to work for the Rs and vice versa. The extreme partisan politics often doesn't filter up beyond the local party offices.
In some ways, the 50s and 60s were absolutely great compared to today. We've made progress in some areas but have regressed in others. Not everything is about economics.
I was about to say the very same thing, and there is no point in even having a discussion about it because it all comes down to inequality and the evil rich people. Round and round we go until we destroy it all for everyone.
In some ways, the 50s and 60s were absolutely great compared to today. We've made progress in some areas but have regressed in others. Not everything is about economics.
I mean, is that not what matters to most people? Per the USDA the average American spent 17% of their take-home income on food alone in 1960. In the postwar years of the 1950s this was over 20%. Even with massive inflation it only went up to 11% in 2023 after over a decade in the single digits. We have the benefit of hindsight and can make objective reasonings about the past without bothering with anecdotes. Post WW2 until the early 90s saw a LOT of people fall through the cracks if you didn't live next door to an industrial boom.
The boomer generation fought and died for it. They also have something to show for it. These people knew what bathroom to piss in too
Exactly when and where did they fight for my freedom? They did fight in Vietnam but that was as much about our freedom as the wars you honorably served in.

Boomers had every advantage given to them on a silver platter by the greatest generation. After that, they decided they were going to pull up the ladder and not let anyone else up where they ended up in the socioeconomic ladder.
Please tell me you’re joking! As much time as you’ve spent here you’d have to know otherwise, or just don’t care which is probably the more likely scenario. If you don’t care fine, but the rest of America does.
Never once in court has anyone brought forth real evidence NOT ONE OUNCE.........sure they all say it when they can convince you of it but when they have to convince that judge using real.measurable data they can't EVER.
Exactly when and where did they fight for my freedom? They did fight in Vietnam but that was as much about our freedom as the wars you honorably served in.

Boomers had every advantage given to them on a silver platter by the greatest generation. After that, they decided they were going to pull up the ladder and not let anyone else up where they ended up in the socioeconomic ladder.
About 10% of the boomer generation served in the Vietnam era. Unsure of what percentage of Millennials have served in GWOT but they've been the majority of the force since 9/11.
About 10% of the boomer generation served in the Vietnam era. Unsure of what percentage of Millennials have served in GWOT but they've been the majority of the force since 9/11.
They had to though or go to jail. We still had the draft then.
Exactly when and where did they fight for my freedom? They did fight in Vietnam but that was as much about our freedom as the wars you honorably served in.

Boomers had every advantage given to them on a silver platter by the greatest generation. After that, they decided they were going to pull up the ladder and not let anyone else up where they ended up in the socioeconomic ladder.
I didn't say they fought for your freedom I said they fought for their country in a bloody, BS war. My dad was one of them. If you can't climb the ladder it's your own damn fault. Gen Z has bought in to the victim mentality 100% and unfortunately it manifest itself as laziness. You have every technical advantage in the world over boomers besides a work ethic and a mentality to actually save some of what you earn. Excuses don't get you out of mom and dad's basement

Not a personal attack just a general observation of what I see.