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Political Thread: The Sequel

I will almost bet you we get close to a modern day civil war with this election no matter how it turns out. What that looks like in the year 2024 is up for debate but don't be surprised. It could look one way if Trump wins (think antifa/blm) summer of love or it could be entirely different if democrats are allowed to get away with the 2020 playbook again after all the BS they have put Trump through. I don't want to even fathom what that would look like and it won't be just far right nutjobs
I agree with alot of what you say here. However, folks like you and I won't be the ones instigating it. Will we arm and ammo up to protect what is ours? Absolutely, but we won't be out on the street looking for trouble.
I don't really care who wins/loses and most normal people don't either. Anybody who gets riled up from the election needs to take a break from the internet and touch some grass.
This is about way more that who wins the white house. I don't care how you feel about trump but what they did to him they will do to anyone i don't care whit is. That, censorship and their authoritarian objectives will push people over the edge. people are F'ng sick of this crap!
I don't really care who wins/loses and most normal people don't either. Anybody who gets riled up from the election needs to take a break from the internet and touch some grass.
Notice how everyone over the past decade thinks the candidate is the end of the world if they win and cries about their boogeymen on each side and when one comes to win none of their boogeymen come true? We aren't dead from Trump slamming the nuke launch button and we aren't dead from Biden's swiss cheese brain. People are victims of fear and sensationalism because extreme noise mutes out common sense.
I don't really care who wins/loses and most normal people don't either. Anybody who gets riled up from the election needs to take a break from the internet and touch some grass.
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I don't really care who wins/loses and most normal people don't either. Anybody who gets riled up from the election needs to take a break from the internet and touch some grass.
I disagree. It's much better for people to be more engaged than less engaged. In fact, that's what prominent politicians on both sides of the aisle want - for everyday people to stop researching, stop caring, be distracted, busy themselves with trying to get through life. You ought to have passion about this. I'm not saying you need to go over the edge, but you ought to care. It ought to matter. A lot.

And I believe it does matter. No the world won't end, but the country will move in one direction or the other. The president will articulate that vision or forestall it, depending on how congress shakes out. It does matter who wins.

Our liberty and prosperity are chipped away a little at a time. Our social fabric is unwinding. Life is getting harder for many. Moral order is vanishing. We are less safe. Collectively, we need to pay more attention and care more about all of this, not less.
I disagree. It's much better for people to be more engaged than less engaged. In fact, that's what prominent politicians on both sides of the aisle want - for everyday people to stop researching, stop caring, be distracted, busy themselves with trying to get through life. You ought to have passion about this. I'm not saying you need to go over the edge, but you ought to care. It ought to matter. A lot.

And I believe it does matter. No the world won't end, but the country will move in one direction or the other. The president will articulate that vision or forestall it, depending on how congress shakes out. It does matter who wins.

Our liberty and prosperity are chipped away a little at a time. Our social fabric is unwinding. Life is getting harder for many. Moral order is vanishing. We are less safe. Collectively, we need to pay more attention and care more about all of this, not less.
100 percent! I used to be one of those go along to get along folks. Better to be engaged and care and be vocal about it.
The attitude of not paying attention or caring about elections is exactly how a few elected and unelected officials have taken control. We are to be governing ourselves. The power is with the people. The hardest part now is to remind people of that and undo what has been done. Going to be hard though because people don't even have the desire to defend themselves and want daddy government to handle everything in their lives. What a battle we are in. I'm afraid some bad stuff has to happen to change the trajectory.
*I am 100% at fault for being stupid and not caring in the past but those days are over.
I agree with alot of what you say here. However, folks like you and I won't be the ones instigating it. Will we arm and ammo up to protect what is ours? Absolutely, but we won't be out on the street looking for trouble.
No but people need to understand that it doesn't take many people to burn cities to the ground. I don't see people who lean more center to left rioting in that fashion but I am really unsure what the response would be if there is a repeat of blatant issues that cost him an election again. Would there be uproar sure but I honestly think you would see a complete disassociation from society from aot of people. I mean it's leaning heavily that way now and it isn't just the United states. It's global
No but people need to understand that it doesn't take many people to burn cities to the ground. I don't see people who lean more center to left rioting in that fashion but I am really unsure what the response would be if there is a repeat of blatant issues that cost him an election again. Would there be uproar sure but I honestly think you would see a complete disassociation from society from aot of people. I mean it's leaning heavily that way now and it isn't just the United states. It's global
It's telling how the GOP/right wing extremists/crazy conservatives are the violent insurrectionists, yet Chicago is being boarded up as we speak and thousands of liberal nutjobs are gathering for what I'm SURE will be a peaceful gathering of love and harmonious interaction.
I disagree. It's much better for people to be more engaged than less engaged. In fact, that's what prominent politicians on both sides of the aisle want - for everyday people to stop researching, stop caring, be distracted, busy themselves with trying to get through life. You ought to have passion about this. I'm not saying you need to go over the edge, but you ought to care. It ought to matter. A lot.

And I believe it does matter. No the world won't end, but the country will move in one direction or the other. The president will articulate that vision or forestall it, depending on how congress shakes out. It does matter who wins.

Our liberty and prosperity are chipped away a little at a time. Our social fabric is unwinding. Life is getting harder for many. Moral order is vanishing. We are less safe. Collectively, we need to pay more attention and care more about all of this, not less.
More so I dislike both candidates. Before anyone labels me as a “low iq voter” I’ve cared enough to hear both out and the conclusion is I have major policy disagreements with both of them. I’m tired of this era of politics and many are in a similar boat. I was passionate about previous elections i.e. Obama and I will be paying attention to the NC governor race and local elections.

Passion is not the same as sensationalism and most of the political discourse I see online is sensationalism. Political influencers/grifters will spew the most extreme takes to get clicks and regular people will imitate them not knowing any better.

In the end the result will be a compromise between both sides just as it’s always been.
More so I dislike both candidates. Before anyone labels me as a “low iq voter” I’ve cared enough to hear both out and the conclusion is I have major policy disagreements with both of them. I’m tired of this era of politics and many are in a similar boat. I was passionate about previous elections i.e. Obama and I will be paying attention to the NC governor race and local elections.

Passion is not the same as sensationalism and most of the political discourse I see online is sensationalism. Political influencers/grifters will spew the most extreme takes to get clicks and regular people will imitate them not knowing any better.

In the end the result will be a compromise between both sides just as it’s always been.
That's a good post. I think you're too optimistic about compromise, though. We're moving rapidly into a period of extremes. The country has gone through a century of change within a couple of decades. It feels like we're approaching a tipping point of some kind, and it's not in the direction of compromise as usual.

I just turned 50 this year. You can lop off the first 10 years or so, as I was pretty unaware of things. But this is the most unstable and divided the country has been during my lifetime...or at least the last 40 years. I don't see it getting better without a major event happening first, unfortunately. I'm just hoping more and more people are really paying attention and actually thinking through these complex things.
More so I dislike both candidates. Before anyone labels me as a “low iq voter” I’ve cared enough to hear both out and the conclusion is I have major policy disagreements with both of them. I’m tired of this era of politics and many are in a similar boat. I was passionate about previous elections i.e. Obama and I will be paying attention to the NC governor race and local elections.

Passion is not the same as sensationalism and most of the political discourse I see online is sensationalism. Political influencers/grifters will spew the most extreme takes to get clicks and regular people will imitate them not knowing any better.

In the end the result will be a compromise between both sides just as it’s always been.
A compromise that benefits who? It sure as hell isn't the citizens of THIS country. I'm a positive person, I truly am but not when it comes to our "government". We have 2 options for very different governments going into 2025. One that speeds up our demise or one that at least slows it down for 4 years.