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Political Thread: The Sequel

More so I dislike both candidates. Before anyone labels me as a “low iq voter” I’ve cared enough to hear both out and the conclusion is I have major policy disagreements with both of them. I’m tired of this era of politics and many are in a similar boat. I was passionate about previous elections i.e. Obama and I will be paying attention to the NC governor race and local elections.

Passion is not the same as sensationalism and most of the political discourse I see online is sensationalism. Political influencers/grifters will spew the most extreme takes to get clicks and regular people will imitate them not knowing any better.

In the end the result will be a compromise between both sides just as it’s always been.
That is becoming less likely as time goes by. The 2 sides are too far apart now, and the gap is only getting wider.
That's a good post. I think you're too optimistic about compromise, though. We're moving rapidly into a period of extremes. The country has gone through a century of change within a couple of decades. It feels like we're approaching a tipping point of some kind, and it's not in the direction of compromise as usual.

I just turned 50 this year. You can lop off the first 10 years or so, as I was pretty unaware of things. But this is the most unstable and divided the country has been during my lifetime...or at least the last 40 years. I don't see it getting better without a major event happening first, unfortunately. I'm just hoping more and more people are really paying attention and actually thinking through these complex things.
Good post and agree with it. I'm 52 and did not see it, but the 60's and early 70's had a period like this too, but the main thing about that was Vietnam and once that ended things calmed down. That is not the case this time though. We are too far apart this time for this to settle down like it did then with Nixon out of office and the war ended.
Rumour on the inter webs is that WOAT is gonna resign as part of his speech. Again just a rumour take it with a grain of salt.
It is not going to happen, but this would make it easier for Harris to win in November. We would get 3 months to see how she would run things before the election.
Good post and agree with it. I'm 52 and did not see it, but the 60's and early 70's had a period like this too, but the main thing about that was Vietnam and once that ended things calmed down. That is not the case this time though. We are too far apart this time for this to settle down like it did then with Nixon out of office and the war ended.

Its very different now because not only are we importing a different demographic, we are importing completely different cultures. Obviously not all cultures carry the same values, ethics, or economic ingenuity. What will happen is the continuing gradual decline of our country into the status of what a Mexico or Brazil is, the dollar will lose its place as the world reserve currency, and we will not be able to print money to pay for everything that we do now. Once that faucet is turned off, the real chaos begins. When you have half or more of the country living off some sort of government subsidy, and that is stopped, the riots will begin. Ultimately we will have a balkanization where states start leaving. I think we are well beyond the point where this is fixable. We maybe have several decades of decline left before the real chaos begins, no one truly knows. When you have morons in charge that think unequal outcomes are only the result of racism, sexism, and discrimination, and it will take wealth redistribution to fix it, its over and time to accept it.
No but people need to understand that it doesn't take many people to burn cities to the ground. I don't see people who lean more center to left rioting in that fashion but I am really unsure what the response would be if there is a repeat of blatant issues that cost him an election again. Would there be uproar sure but I honestly think you would see a complete disassociation from society from aot of people. I mean it's leaning heavily that way now and it isn't just the United states. It's global
First comes the understanding that there were no blatant issues. Only perceived ones
Gretchen this does not resonate with me. I worked my ass off so that my son could go to school and you want to give millions of illegals free school. I hear Putin is offering sanctuary in Russia from this crap. Maybe I should consider that if Kommiela wins.

Its very different now because not only are we importing a different demographic, we are importing completely different cultures. Obviously not all cultures carry the same values, ethics, or economic ingenuity. What will happen is the continuing gradual decline of our country into the status of what a Mexico or Brazil is, the dollar will lose its place as the world reserve currency, and we will not be able to print money to pay for everything that we do now. Once that faucet is turned off, the real chaos begins. When you have half or more of the country living off some sort of government subsidy, and that is stopped, the riots will begin. Ultimately we will have a balkanization where states start leaving. I think we are well beyond the point where this is fixable. We maybe have several decades of decline left before the real chaos begins, no one truly knows. When you have morons in charge that think unequal outcomes are only the result of racism, sexism, and discrimination, and it will take wealth redistribution to fix it, its over and time to accept it.
Something dramatic is going to happen in the next 2-3 years that will alter this planet. Will whatever that event is change our global mindset who knows. I think it's disclosure about UAP's but it could be a world war, an economic collapse or maybe a technological advance that reshapes how we live on earth. It doesn't have to be a cataclysmic disaster and hopefully it isn't but something big is coming and I think it's KNOWN by some exactly what that is
Something dramatic is going to happen in the next 2-3 years that will alter this planet. Will whatever that event is change our global mindset who knows. I think it's disclosure about UAP's but it could be a world war, an economic collapse or maybe a technological advance that reshapes how we live on earth. It doesn't have to be a cataclysmic disaster and hopefully it isn't but something big is coming and I think it's KNOWN by some exactly what that is
For what its worth, it wouldn't be the first time for something crazy to happen. Geologists say that they can see where there have been cataclysmic events every few thousand years. We have super volcanos, the 9th planet out there somewhere, who knows what can happen.
Valid point.
For what its worth, it wouldn't be the first time for something crazy to happen. Geologists say that they can see where there have been cataclysmic events every few thousand years. We have super volcanos, the 9th planet out there somewhere, who knows what can happen.
Valid point.
Younger Dryas cataclysm / great flood. It's the event that destroyed Atlantis which now sits underwater. What caused it is still up for debate as it may be multiple things.
First comes the understanding that there were no blatant issues. Only perceived ones
Please tell me you’re joking! As much time as you’ve spent here you’d have to know otherwise, or just don’t care which is probably the more likely scenario. If you don’t care fine, but the rest of America does.