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Political Thread: The Sequel

It's on a fake news website for one thing. I'll believe it if it shows up on CNN or the Washington Post.
Nope. It's real and they are going after him. He did break the law and Georgia code. Felonies. They are not going to stop and they have it all. They know exactly what this pos did and anybody wanting voting machines are wanting them for fraud. Georgia is on fire right now. You will be seeing it on the news. Just hold tight. Eyes on GA.
I didn't say they fought for your freedom I said they fought for their country in a bloody, BS war. My dad was one of them. If you can't climb the ladder it's your own damn fault. Gen Z has bought in to the victim mentality 100% and unfortunately it manifest itself as laziness. You have every technical advantage in the world over boomers besides a work ethic and a mentality to actually save some of what you earn. Excuses don't get you out of mom and dad's basement

Not a personal attack just a general observation of what I see.
The tail end of the Millennials and Gen Z really got the short end of the economic stick in ways we haven't seen since immediately after WW2. I'm an "elder" millennial and they are way behind where I was at the same point. Sure people like to wallow in self pity but that's human nature. I try to give them a bit of grace because I've seen them face a number of issues I never did even though I dealt with the financial collapse right out of college.

2015 and the entire Trump admin was not a good time to be a young wage earner. If you had assets, it was great as asset values inflated to the moon. Manufacturing while not what it used to be still is a large employment sector for young people looking for experience. That sector was essentially flat during the Trump term and that's being generous. The younger generations need something to help them psychologically get over the hump. Politics may or may not provide that but that's usually what it took in the past. Reagan for the boomers, Clinton for the left behind boomers and Gen X and Obama for the Millennials.
Nope. It's real and they are going after him. He did break the law and Georgia code. Felonies. They are not going to stop and they have it all. They know exactly what this pos did and anybody wanting voting machines are wanting them for fraud. Georgia is on fire right now. You will be seeing it on the news. Just hold tight. Eyes on GA.
It says that someone ASKED for a warrant. It has not been issued and never will be.
LOL. No it's not. Why would you say that?
Ooops, my bad. I misread it. Sorry. I now realize it just says “arrest warrant sought”.
So, I did some research. I found this:

“In Georgia, most arrest warrants are taken out by a law enforcement officer after investigating the incident. However, Georgia law allows individuals to apply for a warrant.”

So, in GA, apparently any individual can seek an arrest warrant on anyone. With all of the 2020 election deniers in GA, that’s not surprising and thus this doesn’t at all sound like a big deal if true. I’m actually surprised it hasn’t already occurred.

I’ll reiterate my support for Brad R. I proudly voted for both him and Kemp in 2022 because they were on the anti- election denier side.
Arguably yes. If these people want to waste everyone's time they can pay for the pleasure.
This will probably cut down on challenges that will not go anywhere and save time and money, while leaving the door open for serious challenges over issues that do need to be investigated.
Ooops, my bad. I misread it. Sorry. I now realize it just says “arrest warrant sought”.
So, I did some research. I found this:

“In Georgia, most arrest warrants are taken out by a law enforcement officer after investigating the incident. However, Georgia law allows individuals to apply for a warrant.”

So, in GA, apparently any individual can seek an arrest warrant on anyone. With all of the 2020 election deniers in GA, that’s not surprising and thus this doesn’t at all sound like a big deal if true. I’m actually surprised it hasn’t already occurred.

I’ll reiterate my support for Brad R. I proudly voted for both him and Kemp in 2022 because they were on the anti- election denier side.
Yeah, this going nowhere. After reading the article I spoke too soon about that site. The guy who wrote this is legit since he works for the Federalist and is an expert in voting issues.
This will probably cut down on challenges that will not go anywhere and save time and money, while leaving the door open for serious challenges over issues that do need to be investigated.
Genuine electoral challenges aren't made by Billy Bob showing up at the Public Safety Building with a printed Newsmax article. Formal complaints (with evidence) are considered for their validity and if deemed valid moved on from there. This is a criminal process and takes time.

The kinds of election fraud often discussed by the conspiracy-right in this country is simply illogical. Every state has a transparent and auditable elections process with criminal penalties for those than run afoul of it. Errors would stick out like a sore thumb on a small scale let alone a large enough scale to sway an election.
Waiting around for Biden's speech but curious if Shawn Fain comes out as "Shawn Fain." Could be a banger.