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Political Thread: The Sequel

Exactly why there must be some balance. Raw capitalism isn't good for any nation, especially when corporations run unchecked in certain markets. Land ownership by massive corporations, housing collusion, and monopolistic companies are all symptoms of unchecked capitalism, as is a society that becomes worked to death for a salary that cannot meet their needs. I don't think the government should control it, but I think it should regulate it some because we are at a point where a lot of things between housing and goods are overpriced for what they are.

Not to mention innovation is stalled. We're not innovating anymore because the market already declared it can get people's money by dropping quality and increasing price to increase profit since people must replace necessities more often. If it keeps going, expect to be buying new phones every year or else, new cars every 2 years or else, replacing things more often period or else. Companies like LG, Apple, and others are guilty of it already. There is no such thing as infinite growth in economics.
I’m not a fan of jobs not going to American workers, but regulations and tax burdens make it a more sensible and profitable option.
Chill Popcorn GIF


Was she really all that bad here? She did answer the questions on how to pay for these things with the idea that there’d be returns on investment. For her, I thought the answers were OK. Yes, they were kind of vague answers lacking specifics. Is that what Greg Price is referring to? How much detail would he expect to see right here? Would Trump do any better?

However, I have a concern about how to pay for these things, myself, regardless. I just don’t think she did a poor job here. She was vague, yes. But again, would Trump do better? He usually babbles and goes off on tangents. At least she didn’t do that.

That was about the best I saw of her today and that's not saying anything. Everything she did was ridiculous. Tim, his wife and Kamala's husband were the best to watch though. Their behavior, facial expressions and uncomfortableness was telling. LOW ENERGY. These people can't even be real. Clown show.
That was about the best I saw of her today and that's not saying anything. Everything she did was ridiculous. Tim, his wife and Kamala's husband were the best to watch though. Their behavior, facial expressions and uncomfortableness was telling. LOW ENERGY. These people can't even be real. Clown show.

Not a clown show but I also thought they looked a bit crossing their fingers uncomfortable, especially her husband, but maybe I’m reading too much into it.
Say NO to communism this Fall!
Last Chance America.

Tim Walz a 'true believer' in Mao's communist doctrine: former student​

Weird....apparently this is suppose to be a knock on Walz and his wife needing IVF to have kids. These people are literally pretending to be carrying around JD Vance's semen in a cup to mock Walz....I mean we can all agree this is weird and disturbing right? Even I thought this was fake at first that is how absurd it is....

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But that's the point of capitalism.. private ownership of trade and business to maximize profits. The corporation owners/board/shareholders want profit above all and if you have to ditch 10000 American workers to send production overseas or over the border, so be it. And it's been going on that way for nearly 50 yrs.
Hey I agree it’s capitalism but it’s capitalism with a bad agreement that isn’t advantageous to Americans.
Chalk up another win for the conspiracy theorists. I wonder what it's literally going to take for some of you to learn. I know it's hard, but it has to happen at some point, right?

when will the lib side of the msm be breaking this story? The only way they will believe it is when their favorite news channel in the idiot box tells them. All these things Biden is guilty of in this story, the left has accused Trump of at one time or another.
when will the lib side of the msm be breaking this story? The only way they will believe it is when their favorite news channel in the idiot box tells them. All these things Biden is guilty of in this story, the left has accused Trump of at one time or another.
Assuming the lib media carries it, here's what they will say: "Of course the GOP determined this. They've been out to get Biden for 4 years. And they're just doing this now to throw red meat to their base." Or you'll hear some "But Trump" Russian whataboutism. "Well, Trump has done much worse than this all of this and you guys have ignored it for 8 years."

Fact is, the uniparty has known about all this and has had evidence for it for a long time and they put it out now when it doesn't matter. Trump tells people to peacefully protest and he gets charge after charge leveled against him for being an insurrectionist. Biden actually abuses his office for monetary gain, something that everyone has known about all along, and that's all fine because he's about to be gone anyway.

The moral victory in all of this is that it clearly shows once again who has been right and who has been wrong. Who has credibility and who doesn't. It's stupefying how willfully blind and obtuse people are when it comes to this stuff.