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Political Thread: The Sequel

Biden and Trump tariffs both bad because both tariffs increase inflation.
Its all about the big picture though. Sure, we can have really cheap goods manufactured overseas and delivered here via free trade policies. All the wealthy people working in the service sector, executives, etc. will enjoy cheaper products. The problem is that philosophy destroys American production and the decent paying jobs they provide. Were we better off as a whole before 1975 before all this free trade nonsense, or are we better off now? I'd argue the upper 25% has it made, and the lower 75% has been royally bent.
Its all about the big picture though. Sure, we can have really cheap goods manufactured overseas and delivered here via free trade policies. All the wealthy people working in the service sector, executives, etc. will enjoy cheaper products. The problem is that philosophy destroys American production and the decent paying jobs they provide. Were we better off as a whole before 1975 before all this free trade nonsense, or are we better off now? I'd argue the upper 25% has it made, and the lower 75% has been royally bent.
I agree with this take. Free Trade agreements like NAFTA were bad for the American worker. That being said they were great for corporations. Move operations to Mexico and other places for cheaper labor. Corporations were doing what the government allowed them to do with these agreements. So were they wrong in negotiating these agreements? If you look at it from the standpoint of the American worker it was probably a mistake. Jobs lost and domestic manufacturing infrastructure lost.
Should all existing tariffs be removed?
From what I’ve read:
- not all should be removed but rather have only selected ones in place
-don’t place widespread 10-20% tariffs like Trump is proposing when inflation has been such a problem; it doesn’t at all seem smart to me

I suggest you read this:


I saw another post related to this. As you know, I will not be voting for her but I don't give this more that a glancing look. I think the reason she is being shielded is that if pressed she will not be able to effectively elaborate on policy. I think this is a cover being floated out there.
Kamalas dad was a economics professor. Major leanings toward Marxism. What has influenced her thinking, policy.

You got 2 choices in November. Communism or Capitalism. Its that cut an dry, black an white.

Love ole JD Vance quote today. As Capitalism Ticket doesnt shy away from reporters, open questions,press. Unlike the Communism Ticket.

"Putting Kommala in charge of Inflation is like putting Jeffry Epstein in charge of sex trafficking"
12,000 Factories where built inside the USA when DJT was prez from 2016-2020. Lot of Jobs across small town USA. I never get a check from the Federal Govt. But Ive been getting one every week from Private Sector employers. The Govt doesn't create wealth. It confiscates it and then decides how ,who,where,when to distribute it.
From what I’ve read:
- not all should be removed but rather have only selected ones in place
-don’t place widespread 10-20% tariffs like Trump is proposing when inflation has been such a problem; it doesn’t at all seem smart to me

I suggest you read this:

So you guys are big opponents to corporate greed. Yet you want the front and back door swung wide open so they can go mfg everything we consume in another country and bring it back inside the usa to sale for 10cents cheaper. That all sounds great, until you look around and figure out since we dont make anything anymore, (tongue in cheekatleast like we use to) ole Tom,---- and Harry cant afford the 10 cent cheaper Trichet that was made in a thrid world communist country, where they pay some guy 25 cents an hour. Because Tom,---- and Harry dont have a job with an income.
I want even go down the path that we do not produce any penicillin inside the usa anymore. Along with a bevy of other products, that are a neccesity. Just my opinion., Trump doesnt go far enough on Tarriffs. Globalisim, 0 tarrifs aint the working mans friend.
From what I’ve read:
- not all should be removed but rather have only selected ones in place
-don’t place widespread 10-20% tariffs like Trump is proposing when inflation has been such a problem; it doesn’t at all seem smart to me

I suggest you read this:

I don’t know about tariffs and what not, but I don’t think we are gonna get a clear picture from a Newsweek article who is quoting liberal economists.
I don’t know about tariffs and what not, but I don’t think we are gonna get a clear picture from a Newsweek article who is quoting liberal economists.

Just to be clear, Newsweek isn’t liberally biased and is actually right of center per this:

It is center based on this although with low confidence:

My own obs fwiw suggest it issues articles that favor the right more than the left.
From what I’ve read:
- not all should be removed but rather have only selected ones in place
-don’t place widespread 10-20% tariffs like Trump is proposing when inflation has been such a problem; it doesn’t at all seem smart to me

I suggest you read this:

I'll just assume this article says the tariffs would cause inflation, hurt low income, cause retaliation duties on US exports.

Look I'm pretty indifferent on the Trump tariff right now until I see more granularity. Maybe it exists and I just haven't found it or really have been too lazy to look. Just from what we import at work I would assume the average duty rate on dutied items into the US averages somewhere in the 5-7% range and maybe 50% of all imports are subject to duty. That to me leaves unanswered questions right away would it be a flat +10 to everything or everything moves to 10? What happens to items that are over 10 already? Do they come down? Is it really all items or just from certain countries?

There are ways to reduce the duty burden to consumers through ftz's and inverted tariffs in manufacturing but what do I know.
Just to be clear, Newsweek isn’t liberally biased and is actually right of center per this:

It is center based on this although with low confidence:

My own obs fwiw suggest it issues articles that favor the right more than the left.

Well we can always just google and look. How many at least neutral Trump articles can we find from Newsweek.

Google newsweek Trump and tell me.

Also google the professors in that article.
So you guys are big opponents to corporate greed. Yet you want the front and back door swung wide open so they can go mfg everything we consume in another country and bring it back inside the usa to sale for 10cents cheaper. That all sounds great, until you look around and figure out since we dont make anything anymore, (tongue in cheekatleast like we use to) ole Tom,---- and Harry cant afford the 10 cent cheaper Trichet that was made in a thrid world communist country, where they pay some guy 25 cents an hour. Because Tom,---- and Harry dont have a job with an income.
I want even go down the path that we do not produce any penicillin inside the usa anymore. Along with a bevy of other products, that are a neccesity. Just my opinion., Trump doesnt go far enough on Tarriffs. Globalisim, 0 tarrifs aint the working mans friend.

I’m not a lib. I’m not a Dem. So, I don’t think I’m a member of “you guys” as you are meaning it here. I’m also neither a con nor a Rep, but I do consider myself rt of center independent. I’ve said this many times.
Its all about the big picture though. Sure, we can have really cheap goods manufactured overseas and delivered here via free trade policies. All the wealthy people working in the service sector, executives, etc. will enjoy cheaper products. The problem is that philosophy destroys American production and the decent paying jobs they provide. Were we better off as a whole before 1975 before all this free trade nonsense, or are we better off now? I'd argue the upper 25% has it made, and the lower 75% has been royally bent.
Pre 1975 what were CEO pay like compared to the workers? Pre 1975 were employees treated like family or slaves?