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Political Thread: The Sequel

So you guys are big opponents to corporate greed. Yet you want the front and back door swung wide open so they can go mfg everything we consume in another country and bring it back inside the usa to sale for 10cents cheaper. That all sounds great, until you look around and figure out since we dont make anything anymore, (tongue in cheekatleast like we use to) ole Tom,---- and Harry cant afford the 10 cent cheaper Trichet that was made in a thrid world communist country, where they pay some guy 25 cents an hour. Because Tom,---- and Harry dont have a job with an income.
I want even go down the path that we do not produce any penicillin inside the usa anymore. Along with a bevy of other products, that are a neccesity. Just my opinion., Trump doesnt go far enough on Tarriffs. Globalisim, 0 tarrifs aint the working mans friend.
I think even on a completely non-political basis, there's a side to trade that needs to be considered before barring or opening trade up. We as a nation currently consume more than we produce, which can be seen either way, but some materials are better traded for, can't be obtained, grown, or built here because of laws. Some of those laws stop us from looking like China does with their pollution issues. Our country isn't such a manufacturer anymore because we didn't want to pollute so nations went to cheaper nations with less laws such as China and turned them into the dumping ground for chemicals. If you want manufacturing back here you need to open up cheap but clean manufacturing and responsible management of chemicals, which as seen by the train derailment in OH, we are horrible at. Now imagine that but in your backyard. That's another layer other than it's cheaper. We can't go back to pure isolationist economically anymore without in turn punishing ourselves as a nation. We can bring some things back here and should, but we also should find a way to make it cheaper without sacrificing quality and safety since those are the only ways we can balance jobs and not turning our nation into a smog bowl.
12,000 Factories where built inside the USA when DJT was prez from 2016-2020. Lot of Jobs across small town USA. I never get a check from the Federal Govt. But Ive been getting one every week from Private Sector employers. The Govt doesn't create wealth. It confiscates it and then decides how ,who,where,when to distribute it.
And they do such a great job managing it.
Regarding inflation there are several fingers to point, covid being the main culprit and driver. Because we spent trillions on new government before Trump meant that the trillion extra we had no choice but to print because of covid set off a bomb. Human beings aren't meant to be locked up so when the monkeys get let out of the cage with billions to spend what are they gonna do? Spend every last dime of it and then some. Our system got overwhelmed and the people in charge of managing it failed miserably at every level. Too many incompetent people in places of power equals major problems and now the damage is done. This isn't a hole you just climb out of
Pre 1975 what were CEO pay like compared to the workers? Pre 1975 were employees treated like family or slaves?
I don't really engage in the CEO talking point, as I see its a trigger point for the low information voter. What a CEO makes has little bearing on the big picture. I throw it in the same basket of low information voting topics like the minimum wage. Less then 3% of people make minimum wage.
I agree with this take. Free Trade agreements like NAFTA were bad for the American worker. That being said they were great for corporations. Move operations to Mexico and other places for cheaper labor. Corporations were doing what the government allowed them to do with these agreements. So were they wrong in negotiating these agreements? If you look at it from the standpoint of the American worker it was probably a mistake. Jobs lost and domestic manufacturing infrastructure lost.
But that's the point of capitalism.. private ownership of trade and business to maximize profits. The corporation owners/board/shareholders want profit above all and if you have to ditch 10000 American workers to send production overseas or over the border, so be it. And it's been going on that way for nearly 50 yrs.
But that's the point of capitalism.. private ownership of trade and business to maximize profits. The corporation owners/board/shareholders want profit above all and if you have to ditch 10000 American workers to send production overseas or over the border, so be it. And it's been going on that way for nearly 50 yrs.
Exactly why there must be some balance. Raw capitalism isn't good for any nation, especially when corporations run unchecked in certain markets. Land ownership by massive corporations, housing collusion, and monopolistic companies are all symptoms of unchecked capitalism, as is a society that becomes worked to death for a salary that cannot meet their needs. I don't think the government should control it, but I think it should regulate it some because we are at a point where a lot of things between housing and goods are overpriced for what they are.

Not to mention innovation is stalled. We're not innovating anymore because the market already declared it can get people's money by dropping quality and increasing price to increase profit since people must replace necessities more often. If it keeps going, expect to be buying new phones every year or else, new cars every 2 years or else, replacing things more often period or else. Companies like LG, Apple, and others are guilty of it already. There is no such thing as infinite growth in economics.