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Political Thread: The Sequel

Number one reason was the money printer going brrrrrrr and all that money being dumped into stocks and ending up in the hands of a wealthy few . Conservatives really like to blame the poor for everything
Oh no friend. PEOPLE like you were spending like a drunken sailor, every single dime of it. If YOU didn't get any of that pie what planet were you on? Inflation comes from spending not saving. You are just as responsible as the next guy

Its funny that the maga crowd trots this ole meme out all the time to try and explain why everyone dislikes Trump. It cant be the fact he deliberately lied and misled millions on election fraud in an attempt to somehow circumvent the will of the people and remain in power. In doing so he led a mob that literally attacked the seat of our democracy and government in an attempt to stop the constitutional process to change our leaders. Its not that he was literally the laughingstock of the world outside of the dictators he continues to gush adoration and respect for.

Trump calls people names and insults them because he is insecure about his own weaknesses and is more afraid of being exposed as a idiot and fraud than anything else, its why he surrounds himself with sycophants who will literally change everything they believe in ( at least in public) to ride Trumps coattails...these people understand that they can control him by offering him power knowing that as long as they let him believe he is in charge they can implement the policies they want, Vance is a prime example the guy hates Trump but pretends to love him to get what he wants.

Trump is morally bankrupt, the far right goes on and on about Harris sleeping her way to the top while ignoring Trump who has been found liable for rape, convicted of crimes, cheated on every wife he has had even while his wife is taking care of his newborn son, with a porn star no less and this is just the people we know about. Trumps admin was one of the most corrupt ever, his family has made literally BILLIONS of dollars off of deals and actions they did as representatives of the US government....

These are the reasons I do not want Trump anywhere near the Oval office ever again....
Its funny that the maga crowd trots this ole meme out all the time to try and explain why everyone dislikes Trump. It cant be the fact he deliberately lied and misled millions on election fraud in an attempt to somehow circumvent the will of the people and remain in power. In doing so he led a mob that literally attacked the seat of our democracy and government in an attempt to stop the constitutional process to change our leaders. Its not that he was literally the laughingstock of the world outside of the dictators he continues to gush adoration and respect for.

Trump calls people names and insults them because he is insecure about his own weaknesses and is more afraid of being exposed as a idiot and fraud than anything else, its why he surrounds himself with sycophants who will literally change everything they believe in ( at least in public) to ride Trumps coattails...these people understand that they can control him by offering him power knowing that as long as they let him believe he is in charge they can implement the policies they want, Vance is a prime example the guy hates Trump but pretends to love him to get what he wants.

Trump is morally bankrupt, the far right goes on and on about Harris sleeping her way to the top while ignoring Trump who has been found liable for rape, convicted of crimes, cheated on every wife he has had even while his wife is taking care of his newborn son, with a porn star no less and this is just the people we know about. Trumps admin was one of the most corrupt ever, his family has made literally BILLIONS of dollars off of deals and actions they did as representatives of the US government....

These are the reasons I do not want Trump anywhere near the Oval office ever again....
Its funny that the maga crowd trots this ole meme out all the time to try and explain why everyone dislikes Trump. It cant be the fact he deliberately lied and misled millions on election fraud in an attempt to somehow circumvent the will of the people and remain in power. In doing so he led a mob that literally attacked the seat of our democracy and government in an attempt to stop the constitutional process to change our leaders. Its not that he was literally the laughingstock of the world outside of the dictators he continues to gush adoration and respect for.

Trump calls people names and insults them because he is insecure about his own weaknesses and is more afraid of being exposed as a idiot and fraud than anything else, its why he surrounds himself with sycophants who will literally change everything they believe in ( at least in public) to ride Trumps coattails...these people understand that they can control him by offering him power knowing that as long as they let him believe he is in charge they can implement the policies they want, Vance is a prime example the guy hates Trump but pretends to love him to get what he wants.

Trump is morally bankrupt, the far right goes on and on about Harris sleeping her way to the top while ignoring Trump who has been found liable for rape, convicted of crimes, cheated on every wife he has had even while his wife is taking care of his newborn son, with a porn star no less and this is just the people we know about. Trumps admin was one of the most corrupt ever, his family has made literally BILLIONS of dollars off of deals and actions they did as representatives of the US government....

These are the reasons I do not want Trump anywhere near the Oval office ever again....
You hated Trump way before the lies of your first paragraph occurred lol
This price control is nothing but another progressive socialist ticking time bomb just like Obamacare. Feed it to the dumbmasses who will suck it up like candy and then it's too late
Agree, all you have to do is look at history where this has been tried. Venezuela, Soviet Union to name a couple. KHs policies will only serve to hasten the demise of our country. Venezuela was one of if not the richest country in South America. They voted in all out socialism. In the manner of two decades they are eating their pets and rats. The choice is clear in this election. I fear it will not end well and the idiotic platform of KH will win bc all people will hear is that they get free stuff.
Covid wasn’t a lie… I lost 2 close friends to it and almost lost 2 more
No one here has ever said covid was a lie. Here are some lies that were told though:

1. Covid came from a Wuhan wet market.
2. The MRNA vaccine* would stop contraction.
3. The MRNA vaccine* would stop transmission.
4. We were told everyone who died in a hospital with covid that covid was listed as the "cause" of death even though the person was in a car accident or had a heart attack.
5. There was a recent court ruling in Portugal that it was declared that 97% of PCR tests were inaccurate. So you can take the raw numbers of infections and throw them out the window. Of course that case was never covered by our media.

The Portugal News

Here is the study from Johns Hopkins that their findings determined that lockdowns did absolutely nothing for the prevention of covid. So people were lying to our government and our government believed those lies and did what they were recommended to do. Making people stay home and paying them 1k per week was nothing more then a UBI/discipline experiment in hindsight which resulted in money printing and a funnel to the top.

Johns Hopkins Study
No one here has ever said covid was a lie. Here are some lies that were told though:

1. Covid came from a Wuhan wet market.
2. The MRNA vaccine* would stop contraction.
3. The MRNA vaccine* would stop transmission.
4. We were told everyone who died in a hospital with covid that covid was listed as the "cause" of death even though the person was in a car accident or had a heart attack.
5. There was a recent court ruling in Portugal that it was declared that 97% of PCR tests were inaccurate. So you can take the raw numbers of infections and throw them out the window. Of course that case was never covered by our media.

The Portugal News

You left out the vaccine injuries. I myself against the advice of my neurologist took the vaccine because of my wife’s autoimmune situation. I had a breakthrough seizure that was pretty bad. Many many more stories of vax injuries. We have been lied to about that as well.