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Political Thread: The Sequel

I'll be nice and say maybe they aren't dumb, just ignorant and lazy in their research. Although, you'd have to be living under a rock to not recognize how much the cost of living has risen
I agree. Ignorance. Do some research on what caused inflation. It’s not as simple as it happened while Biden was in office so he caused it.

Your point? I mean kudos, she owns it so what now, elect me so I can fix the problem we caused?
I agree. Ignorance. Do some research on what caused inflation. It’s not as simple as it happened while Biden was in office so he caused it.
Student loan forgiveness, billions for proxy wars, just to name a couple of issues under current admin, that does in fact play a role in inflation. But I agree, it's not a simple issue it goes deep
I'll be nice and say maybe they aren't dumb, just ignorant and lazy in their research. Although, you'd have to be living under a rock to not recognize how much the cost of living has risen
People underestimate the power of censorship by big tech media. I'm sure you all have heard me call a few folks here "Google smart". Google can educate an individual in 5 minutes because it 100% controls the narrative. It is so biased towards progressive politics that it's laughable. You have millions of people out there who have no clue what DEI actually is. Google has made it so easy for people that it's become much easier to pursuade them into their way of thinking. Whoever controls media controls the narrative and we know exactly who and what that is
These regulations keep our food safe from the greedy corporations for 1 thing. We also need the FCC, FBI, the EPA and all of the other agencies. We do NOT need to go back to the 1880's, when corporate greed was at its worst and unchecked. That is just where we would go if those agencies were gone and things such as safety would be ignored in the name of profit. Prices for things such as internet access would probably go up by 100-200% too.
Enlighten me. Exactly what corporation in 1880 was ripping off folks? Red Man tobbaco, Mason Jar inc. "Worse its ever been"? Outside Railroad, I dont follow
I detect no lies in this statement.
It can't be balanced at this point. Look at this inflation reduction act that Kamala passed with her vote. Trillions in new spending that passes on to the next administration because all it did was grow government that we don't need more of. I mean where is it? What has it done? Not a F'ng thing and most have already forgotten about it with not a care in the world. Those of us who do care, do so for a reason. Because we have something to lose. People who live in Democrat run cesspools could care less because they have grown used to it. You beat a dog with a stick long enough he stops caring and accepts it. That's the Democrat base in a nutshell
Oooo look another virus, just in time for the election. I bet the main goal : get enough cases for a lockdown just in time for voting. Ima call this virus election-24. Everything is planned. The trump assassination attempt and secret service inability to be competent , Kamala becoming the running domcratic nominee. They don’t even hide it anymore. It’s funny hearing her say things she’s gonna do as president but yet it basically goes contradicts or explains the problems in this past presidency. I thought her and biden was a “team together”. Biden wasn’t even behind much of anything bro is a mumble rapper. Anyways who is ready for election virus 2024. Somehow it’s gonna go airborne instead of main spread being anal intercourse and skin to skin contact.
trump’s assassination attempt was swept under the rug extremely quick by the media. But if orange man said something mean it’s getting attention for years and getting recalled forever. Just interesting and funny
Enlighten me. Exactly what corporation in 1880 was ripping off folks? Red Man tobbaco, Mason Jar inc. "Worse its ever been"? Outside Railroad, I dont follow
Railroads, mining, and the textile industry all exploited workers back then. 7 day, 16 hour weeks paying them pennies an hour while the big bosses made millions. Kids as young as 10 years old were having to work 6-7 days a week for little or nothing too.

Some of you need to read Howard Zinn's "A Peoples History Of The United States". It might just change some minds.
Railroads, mining, and the textile industry all exploited workers back then. 7 day, 16 hour weeks paying them pennies an hour while the big bosses made millions. Kids as young as 10 years old were having to work 6-7 days a week for little or nothing too.

Some of you need to read Howard Zinn's "A Peoples History Of The United States". It might just change some minds.
Wasn't Zinn a member of the communist party?
Railroads, mining, and the textile industry all exploited workers back then. 7 day, 16 hour weeks paying them pennies an hour while the big bosses made millions. Kids as young as 10 years old were having to work 6-7 days a week for little or nothing too.

Some of you need to read Howard Zinn's "A Peoples History Of The United States". It might just change some minds.
Some of you need to get back to @Iceagewhereartthou
trump’s assassination attempt was swept under the rug extremely quick by the media. But if orange man said something mean it’s getting attention for years and getting recalled forever. Just interesting and funny
People walk into schools and murder 20 kids and it only stays in the news for 3 days. Welcome to a world where news is only news for a day or 2