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Political Thread: The Sequel

We have to stop passing continuing resolutions and printing money. That is the only way to truly halt inflation. We need a balanced budget.
Neither the Repubs or the Dems have the will to do that. To balance the budget, the American people will have to endure things we’re not willing to endure . The Repubs won’t raise taxes (and they really won’t cut spending either even though they talk a good game) and the Dems won’t cut spending.
Brother, I appreciate your compromising attitude, but we aren't talking about a little bit. That won't touch the 2.61 trillion dollar deficit we are on track for this year. If consumers put every cent they have left over this year (1.2 trill) against the deficit, you will have to cut spending 1.4 trillion dollars. Is it wise to take every penny of unspent money out of our households? We are only saving a little over 3 percent of our income as it is. Would it not be smarter to cut out all the wasteful spending and foolish fees. Cut out all the unconstitutional duties the federal government is now doing for political purposes. Remember, the federal government has only limited delegated power and responsibilities, the rest should belong to the states.
What is the Govt wasting spending on though? Everything they spend is necessary except for a lot of the defense spending. If the state got the power back they used to have nothing could function. 50 states with 50 sets of regulations would be madness.
You and I are literally the same height (5 foot 9) per your posts. Glad to have you as a fellow small person

Actually, you two are right at the average adult American male height of 5’9”:

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Actually, you two are right at the average American male height of 5’9”:

Woo Hoo, I'm 6'3" at 51 years. I'm better than average...:p
What is the Govt wasting spending on though? Everything they spend is necessary except for a lot of the defense spending. If the state got the power back they used to have nothing could function. 50 states with 50 sets of regulations would be madness.
Seriously? Have you looked at what they spend money on ?That is bull manure! I don't know what you are smoking! Regulations are the federal gov'ts" control over the economy. They pick the winners and losers! Do you think the politicians have your best interest in mind??? REALLY?
Actually, you two are right at the average American male height of 5’9”:

Average young American woman today find anyone under 6 feet as short… the bias today towards tall peoples is wild. I don’t care really but I think it’s funny, especially since most women are horrible predictors of height
Seriously? Have you looked at what they spend money on ?That is bull manure! I don't know what you are smoking! Regulations are the federal gov'ts" control over the economy. They pick the winners and losers! Do you think the politicians have your best interest in mind??? REALLY?
These regulations keep our food safe from the greedy corporations for 1 thing. We also need the FCC, FBI, the EPA and all of the other agencies. We do NOT need to go back to the 1880's, when corporate greed was at its worst and unchecked. That is just where we would go if those agencies were gone and things such as safety would be ignored in the name of profit. Prices for things such as internet access would probably go up by 100-200% too.
These regulations keep our food safe from the greedy corporations for 1 thing. We also need the FCC, FBI, the EPA and all of the other agencies. We do NOT need to go back to the 1880's, when corporate greed was at its worst and unchecked. That is just where we would go if those agencies were gone and things such as safety would be ignored in the name of profit. Prices for things such as internet access would probably go up by 100-200% too.
safe but red 40 is ok I guess
Average young American woman today find anyone under 6 feet as short… the bias today towards tall peoples is wild. I don’t care really but I think it’s funny, especially since most women are horrible predictors of height
These women are off as only 15% of adult US men are 6’+! Interestingly, I’ve always found short women to be much more attractive than tall. Then again, I’m on the more vertically challenged side. Different strokes for DF.

No kidding, but the narrative behind it was false, as was the science, as were the deaths strictly from COVID. And...don't get me started on those damn shots...
It's what you get when you put an ill-prepared government in charge of handling a virus in a world with even worse politics than the last pandemic. I chalk it up to stupidity more than malice, but stupidity is bad enough.
These regulations keep our food safe from the greedy corporations for 1 thing. We also need the FCC, FBI, the EPA and all of the other agencies. We do NOT need to go back to the 1880's, when corporate greed was at its worst and unchecked. That is just where we would go if those agencies were gone and things such as safety would be ignored in the name of profit. Prices for things such as internet access would probably go up by 100-200% too.
I think I've figured out that you are not really serious. If you are, you must be a communist. The bureaus you have mentioned are exactly what America needs to eliminate( with the possible exception of the FBI, and it needs to be totally rebuilt with constitutional accountability). However, you forgot the Department of education, and the IRS needs to go as well. I think you are just feeding me the ideas of the progressives just to expose their stupidity. Thank you!
Didn’t know you were a MD… what is your field of practice?
Why do you have to be an MD to know if you have a cold or flu? Heck for that matter you don't really need one to for basic meds anymore.
Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and various antibiotics. You can get them and treat yourself. I do. Rarely go to the Dr for anything. D Zinc Quercetin daily and no worries. They lied about Covid and are about to lie again about something.