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Political Thread: The Sequel

So what are Trump’s plans to make inflation go away? I hear him making claims that he’s going to fix it but haven’t heard any specifics from him on this.
So what are Trump’s plans to make inflation go away? I hear him making claims that he’s going to fix it but haven’t heard any specifics from him on this.
Tariffs, kicking out a large percentage of the work force and giving big corporations tax breaks while allowing the child tax credits to expire
So what are Trump’s plans to make inflation go away? I hear him making claims that he’s going to fix it but haven’t heard any specifics from him on this.
I'm going to assume you're joking because its literally the first post on his truth social platform, he discusses it at nauseum at every interview and press conference, and I'm sure its on his campaign website.

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Yeah I've heard anybody that mails anything in North Georgia even if it's to the next county over has to go all the way to Atlanta and then back out. ..
It has gotten better but still a problem. People didn't get their ballots a little while back for our primary election reported by our local news. Mail was taking 20 -30 days to get anywhere if it got there at all. Late fees, Insurance policy cancellations, legal docs lost or late etc etc. All kinds of problems with no transparency. I have to ship eggs UPS. Can't get chicks or ship them because they are DOA. The good local postal workers had no idea what was going on and getting bitched at nonstop. Total breakdown. Only one truck a day is coming to our local post offices to pick up mail to get to Atl instead of 2 or 3. Nobody could get answers including Senators and Representatives. The libs blamed President Trump. I personally smell a rat and calculation.
So what are Trump’s plans to make inflation go away? I hear him making claims that he’s going to fix it but haven’t heard any specifics from him on this.
Inflation never goes away. It normally is acceptable at around 2% per year. What he will do to keep it low and maybe reverse some of the price increases is what he did last time. Energy from home, cut red tape and regulations so companies want to invest again by giving employees a reason to grow wages
I'm going to assume you're joking because its literally the first post on his truth social platform, he discusses it at nauseum at every interview and press conference, and I'm sure its on his campaign website. You would have to be legally blind to not find it. However:

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The drill baby drill portion of Trump’s inflation fighting platform is deceptive as the US was already drill baby drilling during 2023, which had an alltime record high year for crude oil production not just for the US but for ANY country thanks to massive amounts of fracking! So, how much more drill baby drilling can there be under Trump than has already been occurring? It actually dropped in 2020 during Trump, was steady in 2021, and increased in 2022 and in 2023 to reach the record level:

This is a post from a C-level person in my network on LinkedIn. (Long Post Alert) It is titled Layoffs, Roadtrips and Reality Checks. This guy lives in the North East, as we know, ,one of the most liberal areas of the country. I can say from his posts he does lean that way so it is interesting to see him post this.

I can't believe what I am seeing. I'm halfway through a 2200 mile sojourn from New Hampshire to South Dakota, moving my daughter in for her freshman year of college.

No longer sheltered by the stereotypical environs of prep school New England and the comfy embrace of LL Bean flannel, the shiny veneer of the American dream is fraying at the edges, in real time, before our eyes.

  • Industrial towns are rusting into obscurity.
  • Private equity shops are buying family farms.
  • Jobs are disappearing in middle America. Just like the coasts.
  • Blue collar. White collar. It doesn't matter. Times are tough everywhere.
  • Conversations with farmers and factory workers at country diners and corner hot dog stands all have a recurring theme.
  • Fear and frustration.
  • Fear that the American dream is slowly fading away and wearing out like a beloved pair of Levis. Once dependable and steadfast, the old demim is patched to the hilt and pulling away at the seams.
  • Frustration that an honest day's labor no longer yields an honest day's pay. If you're lucky to have a job at all, that is.
  • For millions, the promise of a middle class life is a pipe dream fueled by the mythology of the past and the propaganda of the present.
  • An industrious constitution and a bit of hard work is no longer the guarantor of success it once was. In fact, most people are working harder than ever and falling farther and farther behind.
  • Yet, these things aren't discussed in polite society and certainly not reported in the media.
It's too real. Too raw. Social media raves about AI and the promise of its future while concurrently ignoring the problems of the present. For a technology invented to automate processes and improve the lives of workers around the world, it's funny how many careers and livelihoods it's already destroyed. The irony is rich. And, it's just getting started.

The American workforce is the keel on which this nation and its economy has been built. Resolute and invisible, it's provided the structure, strength and resiliency to weather any storm in it's path. A new hurricane is brewing, unlike anything seen in a generation.
Workers won't abandon the ship that is the American economy.

They're hoping the economy won't abandon them.
Perhaps, it already has.
I'm going to assume you're joking because its literally the first post on his truth social platform, he discusses it at nauseum at every interview and press conference, and I'm sure its on his campaign website.

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Reading from his own site and his own document, this is just pump money into big oil companies and frack way more, which isn't going to help us at all. Oil will not pass those price cuts back to the consumer as historically proven and in recent years, pure greed by them will just continue to tighten their grip they have on the US economy. Bad idea.

Regulation is needed in the housing market to drop prices. He doesn't mention what he wants to cut if you can point to it that'll help, but we need to stop this spending spree of corporate owned housing and stop creating a market that chokes hardworking Americans out of a safe place to live. The answer isn't just go live in the rural areas for many.

Tax cuts need to only be on a reasonable scale, not big businesses.

Trade, not much to say, oil has a lot to do with it, we need something other than oil and electric cars on Li batteries, etc.

Can of worms, a wall isn't going to stop it and ultimately is a waste and symbol more than it is effective at a solution, it won't even be finished or mostly funded with a looming recession either. This is just govt waste in another skin. Fixing the issue with diplomatic means would be better, which his strength should leverage instead at a lower cost with a more effective result.

Probably his strongest point. Stop pumping money and weapons into Israel and Ukraine and put America before these nations, but also stop the insanity of escalation and war. He may be able to win over some left leaning anti-war protesters this way.
The drill baby drill portion of Trump’s inflation fighting platform is deceptive as the US was already drill baby drilling during 2023, which had an alltime record high year for crude oil production not just for the US but for ANY country thanks to massive amounts of fracking! So, how much more drill baby drilling can there be under Trump than has already been occurring? It actually dropped in 2020 during Trump, was steady in 2021, and increased in 2022 and in 2023 to reach the record level:

We have to stop passing continuing resolutions and printing money. That is the only way to truly halt inflation. We need a balanced budget.
I'm going to assume you're joking because its literally the first post on his truth social platform, he discusses it at nauseum at every interview and press conference, and I'm sure its on his campaign website.

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Tax cuts don’t reduce inflation. If anything, they have the opposite effect.

Unleash American energy 😂. Someone should tell him American energy production is at an all time high.
Tax cuts don’t reduce inflation. If anything, they have the opposite effect.

Unleash American energy 😂. Someone should tell him American energy production is at an all time high.
Energy production has to be at an all time high...how else would those money printing machines keep spittin'? :p
If you want good insight into the mindset of Kommiela and particularly T-Timmy, watch the documentary The Fall of Minneapolis. It is on YouTube. I would hurry though, given it is an election year my guess is YT is gonna take it down soon.
The "Theorists" have been right on damn near all of them the past few years, so.......
No they havent.....not at least when it matters like in court. Yall can post as many random tweets and meme about 2020 fraud and yet every single time they go to court its crickets.

Let's use 2000 mules as an example. When the guys who provided the fake news to D'Souza to make 2000 mules had to put up or shut up in court they COULD not do it.
We have to stop passing continuing resolutions and printing money. That is the only way to truly halt inflation. We need a balanced budget.
You will never see a balanced budget. They would have to cut too many entitlement programs. They would literally be taking money from the poor to give to the rich.