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Political Thread: The Sequel

Imagine a world , where you get to work 50hours a week and pay 50% + of your wages in federal payroll taxes. Bet it makes some on here get a tingle up their leg and want to put their hand over their heart and pledge allegience to the flag on the way out the door every morning to work.
The new American Dream. Just think of all those "CERTAIN"1st time homebuyers you will be helping. Probably the proudest Americans will be
the ones who scratched,clawed and worked 2 jobs paying for themselves or childrens college education. Knowing millions will have all their debt forgiven.
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Imagine a world , where you get to work 50hours a week and pay 50% + of your wages in federal payroll taxes. American Dream
Only if it comes with 0 cost healthcare, dirt cheap transportation, and a lower overall cost of living. Even Europe doesn't take that much in taxes for income but they are provided all of that.
Like it or not, Harris will win, and the Democrats will take both houses of Congress. We will see some real change after this happens.
Like it or not, Harris will win, and the Democrats will take both houses of Congress. We will see some real change after this happens.
You're proclamations are like the drought proclamations you make. Is actually good to be positive. Positive thoughts creates $$$$$ 😘
Little of both
Brother, I appreciate your compromising attitude, but we aren't talking about a little bit. That won't touch the 2.61 trillion dollar deficit we are on track for this year. If consumers put every cent they have left over this year (1.2 trill) against the deficit, you will have to cut spending 1.4 trillion dollars. Is it wise to take every penny of unspent money out of our households? We are only saving a little over 3 percent of our income as it is. Would it not be smarter to cut out all the wasteful spending and foolish fees. Cut out all the unconstitutional duties the federal government is now doing for political purposes. Remember, the federal government has only limited delegated power and responsibilities, the rest should belong to the states.
No they havent.....not at least when it matters like in court. Yall can post as many random tweets and meme about 2020 fraud and yet every single time they go to court its crickets.

Let's use 2000 mules as an example. When the guys who provided the fake news to D'Souza to make 2000 mules had to put up or shut up in court they COULD not do it.
COVID, Fauci, Oatmeal Joe's health, the list goes on and on, pal
Like it or not, Harris will win, and the Democrats will take both houses of Congress. We will see some real change after this happens.

That's objectively leaning too nega nellie if you call yourself a R leaner.

I really would prefer to give it another month, but if I had to say now, you're going to get both chambers flipping and Harris winning...barely on this end.

I think there's a decent chance you get both chambers flipping regardless. The Washington primary readthrough is at least supposedly to D +3 to 4 for the House.