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Political Thread: The Sequel

I think I've figured out that you are not really serious. If you are, you must be a communist. The bureaus you have mentioned are exactly what America needs to eliminate( with the possible exception of the FBI, and it needs to be totally rebuilt with constitutional accountability). However, you forgot the Department of education, and the IRS needs to go as well. I think you are just feeding me the ideas of the progressives just to expose their stupidity. Thank you!
Regulation isn't communism. The EPA makes sure you aren't eating and drinking tainted food because we didn't ensure the land our food is grown on was safe, and the FCC makes sure you aren't being flooded with Chinese propaganda on TV or the radio. Our tax system has been screwy for awhile so redoing it without the IRS could help.
It's what you get when you put an ill-prepared government in charge of handling a virus in a world with even worse politics than the last pandemic. I chalk it up to stupidity more than malice, but stupidity is bad enough.
And yet some of y'all want government run Healthcare. Make it make sense
Debating is fun but I've said it before, it's futile. I mean we've all literally lived through both administrations that are on the ticket and if you can't tell things aren't worse now than 4 years ago, nothing anyone says is going to help you. You'd think policies and actions would speak louder than words but we live in a soft world that lives and dies on words not actions. Strange to me
Regulation isn't communism. The EPA makes sure you aren't eating and drinking tainted food because we didn't ensure the land our food is grown on was safe, and the FCC makes sure you aren't being flooded with Chinese propaganda on TV or the radio. Our tax system has been screwy for awhile so redoing it without the IRS could help.
Some regulation is a good thing but most of our regulatory authorities have become too inflated. I read Folks This Ain't Normal by Joel Salatin and the crap he has to go through to sell meat is just stupid. The federal authorities are set up to kill the small providers out and just suit the big meat packers.
Why do you have to be an MD to know if you have a cold or flu? Heck for that matter you don't really need one to for basic meds anymore.
Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and various antibiotics. You can get them and treat yourself. I do. Rarely go to the Dr for anything. D Zinc Quercetin daily and no worries. They lied about Covid and are about to lie again about something.
Really? What was the lie?
Why do you have to be an MD to know if you have a cold or flu? Heck for that matter you don't really need one to for basic meds anymore.
Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and various antibiotics. You can get them and treat yourself. I do. Rarely go to the Dr for anything. D Zinc Quercetin daily and no worries. They lied about Covid and are about to lie again about something.
Herman, is that you?
Neither the Repubs or the Dems have the will to do that. To balance the budget, the American people will have to endure things we’re not willing to endure . The Repubs won’t raise taxes (and they really won’t cut spending either even though they talk a good game) and the Dems won’t cut spending.
I detect no lies in this statement.
There are some really dumb people out there
I'll be nice and say maybe they aren't dumb, just ignorant and lazy in their research. Although, you'd have to be living under a rock to not recognize how much the cost of living has risen