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Political Thread: The Sequel

What are these snippets y’all post? Where are they from? I don’t recognize the format
That came off Telegram. 9 times out of 10 you will see something there before it hits MSM. Saw the story about the Secret Service Agent abandoning her post to breast feed before I saw it anywhere else on Telegram.
Holy cow what has been going on in here? Disenfranchising voters nonsense because of voter ID 😅, interfering in capital markets, price controls, more helicopter money, criminalizing greed, etc.? Good grief.

I was watching CNN’s discussion about inflation this evening and a Republican advisor was talking about the price of steaks at the Angus Barn in Raleigh. Have you been there recently?
That’s an expensive steak, rain cold is more of a pizza inn bojangles kind of guy. Never go to pizza inn

I know he’s been there because at American he posted (including a photo) of a get together there with jburns, frazdaddy, and maybe FallsLake among others. Apparently jburns put down a huge steak! I still remember reading about it.
AKA China
We need to put hard limits on what land international nations own, and on these firms that buy up land and mark it up. I've seen it first hand in person where these companies will buy low-end houses, do NOTHING and sell them for a large markup in the tens of thousands. There were prescriptions and food in this house and none of it was cleaned up for example. It's corporate real estate price gouging.
Current inflation is driven by corporation not government policy.....how are record profits possible if the cost of everything has gone up? Why are the prices of these goods higher....is it that the raw material/overhead prices are higher so they pass that on to us to maintain their margins for profit? However if that is the case how are companies making record high profit margins in this economic landscape....

Corporate profits drove 53% of inflation during the second and third quarters of 2023 and more than one-third since the start of the pandemic, the report found, analyzing Commerce Department data. That’s a massive jump from the four decades prior to the pandemic, when profits drove just 11% of price growth.

“Businesses were really, really quick, when input costs went up, to pass that on to consumers. [But] had they only passed on those increases, inflation would have been maybe one to three points lower,” Liz Pancotti, a strategic advisor at Groundwork and one of the report’s authors, told Fortune.

How is this possible given the high inflation.....again if prices went up due to supply constraints and higher prices for raw materials how did the companies manage to also double their profit margins? The answer is they raised prices higher than they had to because they could "blame" inflation. It really is that simple....and they are still doing it now.

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Government financial intervention post covid, refinancing of debts, and probably some increasing of prices due to demand post covid when the supply chains weren't great. If I am not mistaken net PMs were down in q1 24
I was watching CNN’s discussion about inflation this evening and a Republican advisor was talking about the price of steaks at the Angus Barn in Raleigh. Have you been there recently?
That place is incredible.

The hot tip for that place is going to the restaurant store and buying ground beef from them. It’s all ground filet and it’s 4/lb. It makes the best burgers you’ve ever had in your life. Also the pound cakes they sell are amazing.
I was watching CNN’s discussion about inflation this evening and a Republican advisor was talking about the price of steaks at the Angus Barn in Raleigh. Have you been there recently?
Ha that's probably the last time I was there. If you go and get a decent steak, a drink, and a dessert, it'll set you back somewhere in the neighborhood of $100. That used to be the case, at least. It's a good steak. The cheese and crackers are free and are awesome. Sullivan's has a better steak, though, IMO...although they are a chain.