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Political Thread: The Sequel

Make giant real estate companies foot the bill and it'll pay for itself but I don't see a way homes can drop in price for what they're worth without some hairbrain idea. I don't fully agree with it but housing needs to come down in price. It's overpriced.
Have all these corporations stop buying up houses causing a house is shortage.
Make giant real estate companies foot the bill and it'll pay for itself but I don't see a way homes can drop in price for what they're worth without some hairbrain idea. I don't fully agree with it but housing needs to come down in price. It's overpriced.

Immigration, the destruction of builders from the recession, inflation, and holding companies have destroyed the housing market for so many. If the holding companies dumped all their housing tomorrow prices would come back to 2000 levels over night.

If someone really wanted to cut housing costs quickly, ban the 30 year mortgage and see what happens. Homes prices would be cut in half. Our entire economy is built on debt. The last thing to be infused was college tuition, and once student loans were available to everyone it was a picture perfect illustration as to what flooding invisible money does. I honestly would not be surprised if someone doesn't throw out the idea of a 40 or 50 year mortgage. People finance cars for almost 10 years now, its insanity.
Sounds ok to me. She is going to try helping regular people instead of the super-rich who do not need another dime.
Big picture, we will get there together. All providing 25k for down payments does is cause the seller to raise his price by 25k. This is called trickle up, its printing money and giving it directly to the top. So it actually does in fact help the rich.
Thats communism, would require the federal government to step in and stop a free market practice. You are quite the socialist!
It's not communism to keep trying to keep Chinese companies from doing what they're doing... As far as the American companies doing that, is a national security threat.
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Big picture, we will get there together. All providing 25k for down payments does is cause the seller to raise his price by 25k. This is called trickle up, its printing money and giving it directly to the top. So it actually does in fact help the rich.
This is where price controls come in. Ban the seller from increasing the price just because the regular people have help.
Holy cow what has been going on in here? Disenfranchising voters nonsense because of voter ID 😅, interfering in capital markets, price controls, more helicopter money, criminalizing greed, etc.? Good grief.
Its always easy to explain the current situation when you relate it to school, and separation of kids based on test scores. From fourth grade all the way up until high school we took a placement test, that test determined which class you were assigned to. This way you didn't have kids from all levels trying to learn together, it would never work and it would be total chaos. I'll never understand why Spanish was not separated in my high school. We had an excellent Spanish teacher, but by about week three, the lower level kids were so destructive and useless, he just gave up. This translates to the adult world we live in. We aren't all the same, we don't have the same abilities, and we all certainly won't achieve the same things. Why for the life of me does the left have such an issue with this? Can't we all just be happy that there are really smart people that do really amazing things with their time? Everyone can have at least a decent life with some effort and good decision making. No, they want us all to live in my high school Spanish class and accomplish nothing, and if they have to have less, everyone has to have less. It will be the end of western civilization if we let this metastasize any further.