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Political Thread: The Sequel

I saw someone selling guns at a flea market about 3 years ago and saw him at least 2 times so apparently, he was legal. I am certain he did not do background checks or check id's. That policy may have changed since then though.
I'm all for valid IDs and background checks for any firearm purchase.
This is undefinable and relegated to opinion. You have the freedom to not work or buy from companies in which your opinion is extreme greed.

Fat people eat to much, should they go to prison? Lazy people who live off the system, should they go to prison?
Not really. If you dig deep enough 2-3 big companies control everything.
This is undefinable and relegated to opinion. You have the freedom to not work or buy from companies in which your opinion is extreme greed.

Fat people eat to much, should they go to prison? Lazy people who live off the system, should they go to prison?
Mentioned that earlier. We have control over what the free market gives us that's why it's the free market. Most people that try to argue that angle can only see a loser whenever there is a winner. Why people can't grasp this simple concept is frustrating
Not really. If you dig deep enough 2-3 big companies control everything.
Dude. You can grow your own food and make your own clothes if you hate corporate greed so badly. Nobody is forcing you to do anything.

Our system has done a better job then any in human history with regulation and monopoly control. Is it perfect, no.

But lets be real here, lets get down to what the real issue is. Life isn't fair, and it never will be. You have to do the best you can with what your abilities are. Some people just refuse to except that.
Thats just the thing - that is a deeply poor area. It's easier said than done. They know exactly what they did with that.
Whose they? There are at least 5 majority white counties in the north where they closed. If you live in any of the western states, you could drive hours before you see a county office. Not everything is about race. Sometimes it is, and a lot of times it used to be. Now its all about money.
I dont have an issue with it - providing they make it as easy as possible to get said ID.

Right now, I fear it is being used to disenfranchise as many voters as possible.

Do you think new voter IDs should be issued to all registered voters so as to prevent the possibility of disenfranchising of voters when voter ID is required to vote?
What system do you want? It's capitalism or socialism take your pick.
or Feudalism, which is what we had for almost the entirety of human history. People fail to realize that we live in a very small window of freedom in our history. It can easily revert back, and we are slowly seeing that happen.
No there isn't that's the thing. We have that right now and look at where we are at. Faltering over the cliff.
There is some ground as socialism exists between capitalism and communism. We already exists in some in between of the two and have for decades. Maybe your definition of socialism isn't the same as JHS's
Walz's covid snitch phone number that you can call about your neighbor when they were not following the rules is pretty bizarre. Anybody that supports these clowns, gets what you get.
What about the NG shooting people on their porches with paintball guns at Walz's direction. That is wayyyyyyy too bizarre. Did you see that? Totalitarian BS right there. People have been reporting on Walz for years. A coward and a con.
There is some ground as socialism exists between capitalism and communism. We already exists in some in between of the two and have for decades. Maybe your definition of socialism isn't the same as JHS's
That's exactly what I just said. We have that now and as it has gotten worse and gets worse by the day so does the country. I can't make it any clearer no matter what your definition is. That is exactly why they don't give 2 sh*ts about that debt so they can one day own you and that is soon. Maybe that's what your generation desires (I don't know) but once you give them power over you, you only get it back with guns. Now you know why they want to take your guns away. Is it getting any clearer?
Yeah that is outrageous. I just hope people truly understand or care to understand what they did to her. Shmuck Shumer's threat that day about them having 6 ways to Sunday to get back at people was no lie. Demons