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Political Thread: The Sequel

Tell me how it is right for a company to close plants, putting people of work while the CEO gets a 100% raise the same day. The only answer is greed. The more money these companies make the more they want from us whether we can afford it or not.
Again what is your alternative? I can poke a big giant hole in anything you come up with. Capitalism isnt perfect and was never thought of as such but when capitalism gets too far out of its lane it is 100% correctable by design. Is government? I don't know a single private company that owes 35 trillion and rising.
I’m not talking about an easier way to vote. I’m talking about a way to both require voter ID to vote in all states and no longer giving ammunition to those being opposed to it (mainly by the left). This would mean an easier and more uniform way to identify registered voters so as to no longer have the worry of possible widespread voter fraud.

Exactly. That’s why I say the federal govt should issue a new ID specifically for voting to all registered voters. That should take care of the left’s main concern about requiring voter ID being racist/unfair (though I’m sure a sizable number will still object to voter ID being required just because) and the right’s main concern about massive voter fraud (although I’m sure a sizable number will still say there’s massive voter fraud).
There isn't an issue, there never was. Its only fought kicking and screaming by the left because of their ballot harvesting operations.
It is completely free to obtain a voter ID card in Georgia.

Again what is your alternative? I can poke a big giant hole in anything you come up with. Capitalism isnt perfect and was never thought of as such but when capitalism gets too far out of its lane it is 100% correctable by design. Is government? I don't know a single private company that owes 35 trillion and rising.
Explain Enron and the plenty of other companies going bankrupt. Greed cannot be corrected.
Kamala has had 3 rallies so far. I apologize if I missed one. Nevertheless, everyone who entered had to show an ID. Every citizen in this country whos voting age, has an ID already.
Every citizen in the country of voting age already has an ID that can be utilized for voter ID requirements? Based on what? What about those who don’t have drivers licenses? Why not go with my recommendation and make both sides happier?
I see all this Kommiela luv on here and mentions about how she is gonna be great for the economy. So lets discuss what the VP of the United States can do to influence economic policy:

1. Policy Adocacy and Influence: The VP in their duties is supposed to serve as a key advisor to the President on these matters.
2. Public Messaging (Self Explanatory)
3. Lead Specifc Economic Areas: The VP is supposed to play a vital role in communicating the administrations economic polices and lead specific initiatives
4. Trade: The VP should engage in trade diplomacy
5. Legislative Liason
6. Continuity of Government

While the VP does not have direct control over the economy, they can and should significantly influence the nations economy in an advisory capacity. Kommiela states she will fix the economy day 1. Two things 1) If she was following what was outlined above then she supported and advised on WOATs woeful economic performance. 2) If she says the economy needs to be fixed then she by virtue of that statement is admitting WOATs economic policy is wrong.
Tell me how it is right for a company to close plants, putting people of work while the CEO gets a 100% raise the same day. The only answer is greed. The more money these companies make the more they want from us whether we can afford it or not.

Dude, you have to think big picture. Why did the plant close in the first place? That is the question you should be asking. Oh, because free trade. Well whose idea was free trade? Round and round we go.

Stop with the greed arguments. Greed is what drives innovation, greed is why we can all sit around here having these conversations with technology that none of us had a hand in creating.
Every citizen in the country of voting age already has an ID that can be utilized for voter ID requirements? Based on what? What about those who don’t have drivers licenses?
Those that don't have a DL can go get a state ID period. See my previous post on this. Its not rocket science and this argument again does not hold water.
Explain Enron and the plenty of other companies going bankrupt. Greed cannot be corrected.
Are you serious? Enron got WTF it deserved and you just described it yourself.....lol. It went bankrupt. They didnt print more money they went belly up and a better mousetrap took its place. That is exactly why free market capitalism is the best imperfect system we have on society. People operating in bad faith go bankrupt
We have had absentee ballots ever since I've been alive and that's never been a problem.
Agreed. Mail in/absentee ballots serve a purpose. Moreover, in the past, it was well-known that absentee ballots were utilized by more Republicans than Democrats. Trump, himself, used to vote that way!
Dude, you have to think big picture. Why did the plant close in the first place? That is the question you should be asking. Oh, because free trade. Well whose idea was free trade? Round and round we go.

Stop with the greed arguments. Greed is what drives innovation, greed is why we can all sit around here having these conversations with technology that none of us had a hand in creating.
Does not matter. Extreme greed should be a criminal offense.
They needs to go away too. If you too lazy to jump in the car and vote then you don't vote.
It isn’t just a matter of laziness. What about those who have a physical handicap, for example? What about those who won’t be in town to go to the polls?
Okay so someone explain this logic for me:

The right wants to make it as easy as humanly possible to buy firearms of any kind because it is enshrined in the constitution. Okay, cool.

The right doesnt want to make it easy to vote for all even though that right is also enshrined in the constitution.
How do you feel about requiring voter ID to vote?
Does not matter. Extreme greed should be a criminal offense.
This is undefinable and relegated to opinion. You have the freedom to not work or buy from companies in which your opinion is extreme greed.

Fat people eat to much, should they go to prison? Lazy people who live off the system, should they go to prison?