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Political Thread: The Sequel

We already have a uniform ID. Its called your drivers ID.
Not everyone has a Drivers License. That’s one of the reasons (maybe the main one) the left is opposed to voter ID being required, which I understand. So, federal govt issuing a new voter ID for free to everyone can solve that.
Not everyone has a Drivers License. That’s one of the reasons (maybe the main one) the left is opposed to voter ID being required, which I understand. So, federal govt issuing a new voter ID for free to everyone can solve that.
  • Election Identification Certificate
  • Personal Identification Card
  • United States Military Identification Card containing the person’s photograph
  • United States Citizenship Certificate containing the person’s photograph
  • United States Passport (book or card)
  • All are options on the books. We don't need a easier way to vote.
Not everyone has a Drivers License. That’s one of the reasons (maybe the main one) the left is opposed to voter ID being required, which I understand. So, federal govt issuing a new voter ID for free to everyone can solve that.
What about old people that don't drive? I never really thought about this until you brought it up. I hate driving and could totally see myself not getting one at some point. So how do the non drivers vote now? I have never heard of any complaints. Mainly the left was targeting and being degrading and racist actually towards people of color is the only thing that was out there. What say you?
  • Election Identification Certificate
  • Personal Identification Card
  • United States Military Identification Card containing the person’s photograph
  • United States Citizenship Certificate containing the person’s photograph
  • United States Passport (book or card)
  • All are options on the books. We don't need a easier way to vote.
The left opposes voter id because they do not want a secure and transparent process. It's really that simple. There are no obstacles that aren't easily overcome when it pertains to secure and transparent voting. Zero.
What about old people that don't drive? I never really thought about this until you brought it up. I hate driving and could totally see myself not getting one at some point. So how do the non drivers vote now? I have never heard of any complaints. Mainly the left was targeting and being degrading and racist actually towards people of color is the only thing that was out there. What say you?
They don't want those "marginalized" folks doing anything like thinking for themselves. You give them the responsibility of getting there (the polls), filling out their own ballot and having to think means the corrupt bastards can't control what the ballot says. Democrats love ghost whether they are dead or living
Not everyone has a Drivers License. That’s one of the reasons (maybe the main one) the left is opposed to voter ID being required, which I understand. So, federal govt issuing a new voter ID for free to everyone can solve that.
Kamala has had 3 rallies so far. I apologize if I missed one. Nevertheless, everyone who entered had to show an ID. Every citizen in this country whos voting age, has an ID already.
They don't want those "marginalized" folks doing anything like thinking for themselves. You give them the responsibility of getting there (the polls), filling out their own ballot and having to think means the corrupt bastards can't control what the ballot says. Democrats love ghost whether they are dead or living
The reality is the amount of people who don’t have an official ID is probably far less than 1%. Even then, the dmv will issue you an ID for nothing. On no plane of existence is having a form of ID an issue right now, anyone saying otherwise is lying. You literally cannot do anything official in this country without identification, drive, fly, bank, etc. The left doesn’t want it because they control the major cities and their ballot harvesting operations would be decimated. They know it, we know it, anyone remotely objective knows it.

If you want to know whether or not the issue at hand is legit or not, look at the excuse. If the race card is pulled, you know they have no leg to stand on.

"VP Harris’s Democratic Party would be unrecognizable to my father and uncle and I cannot reconcile it with my values.The Democratic Party of RFK and JFK was the party of civil liberties and free speech. VP Harris‘s is the party of censorship, lockdowns, and medical coercion.Kennedy Democrats were anti-war. Kamala‘s is riddled with neocon warmongers.The RFK/JFK dems were allies of Main Street, cops, firefighters, and working people. VP Harris’s is the Party of Big Tech, Big Pharma and Wall Street.My dad and uncle’s party was the champion of voting rights and fair elections. VP Harris’s is the party of lawfare, disenfranchisement, and the coronation of its candidates by corporate donors and party elites.I’ve used our nation’s courts to prosecute corporations who hurt Black Americans. VP Harris used our nation’s courts to mercilessly prosecute Black Americans and exploit them for their labor.My father and uncle prided themselves on their skills at debate and their ability to articulate a coherent vision for our country. VP Harris is scared to debate and can’t survive an unscripted interview. Instead of outlining a vision, she relies on middleschool tactics – memes, forged headlines, infantile slogans (Joy!) and name calling (“Republicans are weird.“)I’ve spent years battling government corruption and lies. VP Harris spent years gaslighting Americans about the health of our Commander in Chief.I have no plans to endorse Kamala Harris for President. I do have a plan to defeat her."

Absolute verbal destruction by RFK.

"VP Harris’s Democratic Party would be unrecognizable to my father and uncle and I cannot reconcile it with my values.The Democratic Party of RFK and JFK was the party of civil liberties and free speech. VP Harris‘s is the party of censorship, lockdowns, and medical coercion.Kennedy Democrats were anti-war. Kamala‘s is riddled with neocon warmongers.The RFK/JFK dems were allies of Main Street, cops, firefighters, and working people. VP Harris’s is the Party of Big Tech, Big Pharma and Wall Street.My dad and uncle’s party was the champion of voting rights and fair elections. VP Harris’s is the party of lawfare, disenfranchisement, and the coronation of its candidates by corporate donors and party elites.I’ve used our nation’s courts to prosecute corporations who hurt Black Americans. VP Harris used our nation’s courts to mercilessly prosecute Black Americans and exploit them for their labor.My father and uncle prided themselves on their skills at debate and their ability to articulate a coherent vision for our country. VP Harris is scared to debate and can’t survive an unscripted interview. Instead of outlining a vision, she relies on middleschool tactics – memes, forged headlines, infantile slogans (Joy!) and name calling (“Republicans are weird.“)I’ve spent years battling government corruption and lies. VP Harris spent years gaslighting Americans about the health of our Commander in Chief.I have no plans to endorse Kamala Harris for President. I do have a plan to defeat her."

That is what I've been saying. Everybody wants us to be a left versus right battle. This is definitely not this and anybody that believes that it's still politics is normal has got their head in the sand. All we hear about from the anti-Trumpers is unity unity and how we just cause division. The ones they're voting for now are the divisive ones.
That is what I've been saying. Everybody wants us to be a left versus right battle. This is definitely not this and anybody that believes that it's still politics is normal has got their head in the sand. All we hear about from the anti-Trumpers is unity unity and how we just cause division. The ones they're voting for now are the divisive ones.
There is a reason they let Biden get through the primary unchallenged...

Had Biden dropped out due to health or reason otherwise, Kamala Harris would NOT be the nominee. He knows it, we know, anyone who isn't a feckless imbecile knows it.

The party of democracy has installed its candidate, and will likely install its president, again.
There is a reason they let Biden get through the primary unchallenged...

Had Biden dropped out due to health or reason otherwise, Kamala Harris would NOT be the nominee. He knows it, we know, anyone who isn't a feckless imbecile knows it.

The party of democracy has installed its candidate, and will likely install its president, again.
What's truly amazing is how many people who don't, can't or refuse to see what the Democrat party has become
One reason is because it would take forever to count them.
It never used to take forever before why would it take forever now? Now it takes days upon days to count ballots that are supposedly electronic. It makes no sense. Critical thinking skills are definitely needed right now.
It pales, in fact doesnt compare to Government Greed. Thats the one you need to be concerned about.
Okay what is wrong about free health care, Social Security, and unemployment insurance. The agencies are not a waste of money either unless you want unsafe food, unsafe flying and such. Do we really need to go back to the 1880's when we had no safety net and corporations ran wild?
The media throws around "record profit" to make these corporations look bad, but the only thing we should care about are the margins, and I doubt those have changed much. When they start blaming grocery corporations for prices, its a sign that their desperation knows no bounds. You know what though, they get away with it when most voters are basically stupid, and the media will continue to prop them up.
Since we are talking about groceries, lets take Publix as an example. In 2023 they had reported 14.7 billion in sales/revenue. If you take the average of 75 percent for COGS and 15 percent for operating expenses that means that they most likely had a profit margin of 9 to 10 percent give or take a percentage point as I as using industry averages for COGS and Operating expenses. If you compare that to their 2022 earnings report that is a reduction of around 4 to 6 percent. (Quick Math... LOL) They just like anyone else have stock holders they are beholden to. Anyway you slice it a 4 to 6 percent reduction in profit margin does not sit well with Banks or investors. Anyway I wold not call an approximate 10 percent profit margin that reduced 4 to 6 percent year over year stellar performance. Just food for thought for those throwing around the record corporate profit argument.