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Political Thread: The Sequel

Do you invest? You got a 401k or some other retirement package at your work? You can always punish the greedy corporations by not buying their product or investing in their companies. Send a message to them that you aren't going to tolerate their greed any longer

The largest corporation in the world (your government) is 35 trillion in the red AT YOUR EXPENSE TOO! But greedy corporations are the problem? If you enjoy capitalism at any level you have to accept some greed friend but you always have a choice. You can punish them for it with your very own wallet or you can of course give the corporation 35 trillion in debt the power to do it. Makes a hell of a lot of sense......
Here's this argument again. Tell me more about why i should be happy about the money I already have in my bank account going to greedy corporations so my 401k can look good on paper? Unless you're retiring tomorrow the money that's going into your 401k from this great economy and gangbusters Biden stock market will be not once the market finally crashes.

You think you should be happy for trading money that you already had for money that you hope you might have in the future
We have had absentee ballots ever since I've been alive and that's never been a problem.
They are not used correctly now though; they get mixed up with the early voting that goes on now, along with mail in votes that take forever to come in.

Voting should be by paper ballot on election day only unless you can show proof of a need to vote early. No mail in ballots and no computers involved in the counts either.
Not everyone has a Drivers License. That’s one of the reasons (maybe the main one) the left is opposed to voter ID being required, which I understand. So, federal govt issuing a new voter ID for free to everyone can solve that.
That is not a good excuse. I have a siezure disorder. One time I ended up in the hospital with a bad siezure. The Doctor took my drivers License bc by law that is what he was supposed to do. Because of my siezure, I had my liscense suspended. I went and got a state ID which the State of Alabama can and will provide. I was able to do everything else with that ID except drive. So You can get a State ID and be able to vote and it does not have to be a DL. The state of Alabama made it very easy for me to do that. Thus the ID requirement the left likes to throw out there does not hold water with me.
Okay what is wrong about free health care, Social Security, and unemployment insurance. The agencies are not a waste of money either unless you want unsafe food, unsafe flying and such. Do we really need to go back to the 1880's when we had no safety net and corporations ran wild?
35 TRILLION IN THE RED. That's what's wrong with it. We have built a government so bloated and with no accountability whatsoever that it has become an entity we don't even know how large it actually is let alone how to contain it. There is a very good reason why private industry is better than government at solving most problems and that reason is the one you detest.......Profit. The federal government hires 10 people to screw in a lightbulb and overpays all of them to do it. The federal government is a place for lazy people to hide and is in many instances a guarenteed income and there is ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY. Why is that? Because we fix our F Ups by printing more money not actually fixing the problem
Okay so someone explain this logic for me:

The right wants to make it as easy as humanly possible to buy firearms of any kind because it is enshrined in the constitution. Okay, cool.

The right doesnt want to make it easy to vote for all even though that right is also enshrined in the constitution.
Okay so someone explain this logic for me:

The right wants to make it as easy as humanly possible to buy firearms of any kind because it is enshrined in the constitution. Okay, cool.

The right doesnt want to make it easy to vote for all even though that right is also enshrined in the constitution.
There is no logic there
Okay so someone explain this logic for me:

The right wants to make it as easy as humanly possible to buy firearms of any kind because it is enshrined in the constitution. Okay, cool.

The right doesnt want to make it easy to vote for all even though that right is also enshrined in the constitution.
Trying buying a firearm without a valid ID and get back to us.
Okay what is wrong about free health care, Social Security, and unemployment insurance. The agencies are not a waste of money either unless you want unsafe food, unsafe flying and such. Do we really need to go back to the 1880's when we had no safety net and corporations ran wild?
Name something from the government that actually works good. Look at the VA (gov healthcare) and social security. Have you looked at your SS statement lately? Last I checked mine continues to drop the amount of money i'm guaranteed. By the time I retire I'll likely get none of my money back. In a perfect world I love the idea of healthcare for all but our government can't even tie its own shoes.
Okay so someone explain this logic for me:

The right wants to make it as easy as humanly possible to buy firearms of any kind because it is enshrined in the constitution. Okay, cool.

The right doesnt want to make it easy to vote for all even though that right is also enshrined in the constitution.
J.C. already beat me to my first point but I'll add another. The right as you call it isn't against background checks at all. In fact we encourage actually enforcing the plethora of laws we already have on the books. That system would work tremendously if criminals actually followed those laws but they don't and never will. How many more laws do you want to add for those folks to not follow just so you can make it more difficult to defend yourself from them.

We all wish we lived in a world with no borders because a border isn't needed. We would love to live in a world where we don't have to lock our doors anymore or walk around in fear. As I have mentioned before I am believer in reincarnation and karma but it doesn't seem as if the folks that keep coming back to earth are getting the one love message Bob Marley sang about. Until WE as a species shift to a higher realm of vibration we need borders and guns to protect ourselves from the low vibration folk!
35 TRILLION IN THE RED. That's what's wrong with it. We have built a government so bloated and with no accountability whatsoever that it has become an entity we don't even know how large it actually is let alone how to contain it. There is a very good reason why private industry is better than government at solving most problems and that reason is the one you detest.......Profit. The federal government hires 10 people to screw in a lightbulb and overpays all of them to do it. The federal government is a place for lazy people to hide and is in many instances a guarenteed income and there is ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY. Why is that? Because we fix our F Ups by printing more money not actually fixing the problem
Tell me how it is right for a company to close plants, putting people of work while the CEO gets a 100% raise the same day. The only answer is greed. The more money these companies make the more they want from us whether we can afford it or not.
  • Election Identification Certificate
  • Personal Identification Card
  • United States Military Identification Card containing the person’s photograph
  • United States Citizenship Certificate containing the person’s photograph
  • United States Passport (book or card)
  • All are options on the books. We don't need an easier way to vote.
I’m not talking about an easier way to vote. I’m talking about a way to both require voter ID to vote in all states and no longer giving ammunition to those being opposed to it (mainly by the left). This would mean an easier and more uniform way to identify registered voters so as to no longer have the worry of possible widespread voter fraud.
What about old people that don't drive? I never really thought about this until you brought it up. I hate driving and could totally see myself not getting one at some point. So how do the non drivers vote now? I have never heard of any complaints. Mainly the left was targeting and being degrading and racist actually towards people of color is the only thing that was out there. What say you?

Exactly. That’s why I say the federal govt should issue a new ID for free specifically for voting to all registered voters. That should take care of the left’s main concern about requiring voter ID being racist/unfair (though I’m sure a sizable number will still object to voter ID being required just because) and the right’s main concern about massive voter fraud (although I’m sure a sizable number will still say there’s massive voter fraud).
Walz's covid snitch phone number that you can call about your neighbor when they were not following the rules is pretty bizarre. Anybody that supports these clowns, gets what you get.
Its a scare tactic that allows the easily manipulated to virtue signal among themselves while they feel self righteous.

That is entirely the point.
I saw someone selling guns at a flea market about 3 years ago and saw him at least 2 times so apparently, he was legal. I am certain he did not do background checks or check id's. That policy may have changed since then though.