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Political Thread: The Sequel

Harris can definitely win, but it will not be because of under 26 voters. You can tell yourself that all you want, but when push comes to shove, % wise young people do not show up at the polls. Trump had everything going for him and he had a chance to change the tone of the election but he has failed. He can still win but even with Harris stepping in to replace Biden, Trump still had the upper hand based on the economy etc... but he simply cannot change his tone. Regardless it will be close in the swing states.
Harris can definitely win, but it will not be because of under 26 voters. You can tell yourself that all you want, but when push comes to shove, % wise young people do not show up at the polls. Trump had everything going for him and he had a chance to change the tone of the election but he has failed. He can still win but even with Harris stepping in to replace Biden, Trump still had the upper hand based on the economy etc... but he simply cannot change his tone. Regardless it will be close in the swing states.
I think younger voters will start becoming a bigger voting block especially after the overturning of R v W. These younger generations now know more than ever ehatabat stake by sitting elections out. They just needed a candidate they felt was young enough and relatable enough. Two old dudes weren't it
Harris can definitely win, but it will not be because of under 26 voters. You can tell yourself that all you want, but when push comes to shove, % wise young people do not show up at the polls. Trump had everything going for him and he had a chance to change the tone of the election but he has failed. He can still win but even with Harris stepping in to replace Biden, Trump still had the upper hand based on the economy etc... but he simply cannot change his tone. Regardless it will be close in the swing states.
If Trump wants to win he needs to get his people and himself to stop living in the 2020 election. Screaming about how 2020 was rigged is not doing any service to those who are on the fence about him. Smart move would be to rally behind the foreign policy changes and what he can do with the economy. Young people hate both candidates mostly and I don't think they will vote in masses no matter the reporting. The only thing that may drive some to vote for Harris would be out of spite of people voting for trump being snarky about it, but that won't be more than 0.1% at best.
I think younger voters will start becoming a bigger voting block especially after the overturning of R v W. These younger generations now know more than ever ehatabat stake by sitting elections out. They just needed a candidate they felt was young enough and relatable enough. Two old dudes weren't it

We can agree to disagree. We have heard this story over and over about how this is the election that young people become a major force in the election. Even MTV had all these Rock the Vote campaigns and it did nothing. Young people are still young people, and voting is not at the top of their priority list. As someone who loves government and politics, I hope I am wrong, but we have not seen it yet even though we are told each election that this is the year 18-25 year olds become a factor. Harris could win 90% of the 18-25 vote but lose the election. Time will tell.
If Trump wants to win he needs to get his people and himself to stop living in the 2020 election. Screaming about how 2020 was rigged is not doing any service to those who are on the fence about him. Smart move would be to rally behind the foreign policy changes and what he can do with the economy. Young people hate both candidates mostly and I don't think they will vote in masses no matter the reporting. The only thing that may drive some to vote for Harris would be out of spite of people voting for trump being snarky about it, but that won't be more than 0.1% at best.

I agree 100%. Trump has many issues that he can harp on but he continues to talk about 2020. It is only hurting him.
I agree 100%. Trump has many issues that he can harp on but he continues to talk about 2020. It is only hurting him.
2020 was an still is an important issue for many,not all. We cant function as a bannana republic and make it.
So simple, to have election confidence via voter ID in person voting ,paper ballots,where theres a receipt. Then like times past, All Americans can have confidence in the end result regardless of which candidate that wins.
Ditto for the weaponization of the DOJ to go after political opponents and the submersion of Freedom of speech. Yes the economy and a lot of other issues are very important. But none will matter if we dont follow the constitution and cut off the establishment elites from dictating and controlling everyone and everything that doesn't fit their perspctive and narrative.
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We can agree to disagree. We have heard this story over and over about how this is the election that young people become a major force in the election. Even MTV had all these Rock the Vote campaigns and it did nothing. Young people are still young people, and voting is not at the top of their priority list. As someone who loves government and politics, I hope I am wrong, but we have not seen it yet even though we are told each election that this is the year 18-25 year olds become a factor. Harris could win 90% of the 18-25 vote but lose the election. Time will tell.
I think it was pretty clear in 2020 that the young voters came out pretty strong. There was an 11% jump between 2016 and 2020. Largely a turnout driven by trump dislike. That candidate is back on the ballot so I wouldn't be surprised to see a big young voter turnout again. Whether this was a trend just in 2020 or we will see it 2 cycles and beyond is the bigger question because like you said the young crowd isn't typically a big voting block.
2020 was an still is an important issue for many,not all. We cant function as a bannana republic and make it.
So simple, to have election confidence via voter ID in person voting ,paper ballots,where theres a receipt. Then like times past, All Americans can have confidence in the end result regardlessiof which candidate that wins.
Ditto for the weaponization of the DOJ to go after political opponents and the submersion of Freedom of speech. Yes the economy and a lot of other issues are very important. But none will matter if we dont follow the constitution and cut off the establishment elites from dictating ancontrolling everyone and everything that doesn't fit their perspctive and narrative.
Agree 100 percent. Posted extensively in previous version of this forum how the weaponisation of the DOJ began under W and was catapulted to new levels under Obeyme. Also posted with several data points how both parties were in on this. The Constitution is constantly being usurped and if Kommiela wins we most certainly will see more of that. We the people can ----- all we want but we let it happen. In person paper ballots with a receipt are the way to go.
Trump could close the deal and seal it. All he has to do is go for the Flat Tax,pick your own % and downsize the IRS by 90%.
IRS Want be needed. Everyone pays the same off payroll and ditto for business,big and small. No more gazillion ,complicated tax forms,write offs. Do away wuth it all. Simplify, collect your revenue and budget off what you have.
Downsize the Federal govt, get the power back to the states , where the citizens will have more control and say. Abolishing Federal DOE is a big start. Feds send like 17% of NC public school funding, but dictate 100% of the do' and dont's. Cut it all off. NC will need to figure out how to come up with those funds,17%. Most likely by increasing state taxes. Which is fine if thats what it takes. I can dictate with my votes towards them, more than the senate and congressional body in DC. Who could care less about the education of NC schools.
2020 was an still is an important issue for many,not all. We cant function as a bannana republic and make it.
So simple, to have election confidence via voter ID in person voting ,paper ballots,where theres a receipt. Then like times past, All Americans can have confidence in the end result regardless of which candidate that wins.
Ditto for the weaponization of the DOJ to go after political opponents and the submersion of Freedom of speech. Yes the economy and a lot of other issues are very important. But none will matter if we dont follow the constitution and cut off the establishment elites from dictating and controlling everyone and everything that doesn't fit their perspctive and narrative.
Election validity is important but not an issue to a majority. This would really be a prime time for a group of dems and republicans to split off their party and form a new 3rd party taking the weaknesses of the two and making it their strengths. As I said, if you want Trump to win, don't make a #4 issue the #1 issue.
Election validity is important but not an issue to a majority. This would really be a prime time for a group of dems and republicans to split off their party and form a new 3rd party taking the weaknesses of the two and making it their strengths. As I said, if you want Trump to win, don't make a #4 issue the #1 issue.
That's right just because it's not popular definitely candidates don't need to say anything about voting fraud. That's definitely not something a leader should do. A leader should only follow what the polls say to say.
Our elections have not been secured for a long time and it's time to address it. Both sides and even local. It's not just about 2020. It will not be ignored, and the truth will come. We have no foundation until all of this is exposed, understood and fixed.
That's right just because it's not popular definitely candidates don't need to say anything about voting fraud. That's definitely not something a leader should do. A leader should only follow what the polls say to say.
It's not even polls it's just logic. If your power window on your car is stuck do you focus on that or the failing transmission? Trump won't win if he's focused on the wrong thing too much. That's reality.
It's not even polls it's just logic. If your power window on your car is stuck do you focus on that or the failing transmission? Trump won't win if he's focused on the wrong thing too much. That's reality.
He's been saying the same things about voting fraud for 4 years. His polls are better than they have been in the last two elections. I don't really care. This is the problem with politics.
Here's your tax dollars at work. The biggest blunder ever by a potus and the catalyst that has set off the out of control circumstances in the Middle East,eatern Europe and Asia.

Taliban having its 3rd consecutive/annual military parade yesterday All thanks to Joe and Kamala!

It's not even polls it's just logic. If your power window on your car is stuck do you focus on that or the failing transmission? Trump won't win if he's focused on the wrong thing too much. That's reality.
He laid it all out last night economic plan. Problem is,if you dont watch, you wouldnt know. Cause MSM has zilch on it. Why? Because they want to paint narrative a certain way and the candidate they all are sponsoring DOESNT HAVE any policy stated. Shes Incognito, like Basement Joe in 2020. Letting the state run media do their bidding for them.
He laid it all out last night economic plan. Problem is,if you dont watch, you wouldnt know. Cause MSM has zilch on it. Why? Because they want to paint narrative a certain way and the candidate they all are sponsoring DOESNT HAVE any policy stated. Shes Incognito, like Basement Joe in 2020. Letting the state run media do their bidding for them.
Hence why the MSM is the enemy of the people. Information war and probably the most dangerous thing we are facing.