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Political Thread: The Sequel

No republican was going to win in MN anyway but is this who we want to represent the party?

Have you ever watched his show? He's based as hell. He is exactly what we want. Don't know if he really said this but if he's talking about these liberal, leftist, unsound man women that are destroying this country, he is right. And also, to all that think Trump needs to be anybody but himself to fight and expose these deep state players that care nothing about them, just remember. The left started it! They taught him/us WELL! Too late to just talk policy and not counter. Just think of what he could have done if not for relentless BS.
Have you ever watched his show? He's based as hell. He is exactly what we want. Don't know if he really said this but if he's talking about these liberal, leftist, unsound man women that are destroying this country, he is right. And also, to all that think Trump needs to be anybody but himself to fight and expose these deep state players that care nothing about them, just remember. The left started it! They taught him/us WELL! Too late to just talk policy and not counter. Just think of what he could have done if not for relentless BS.
You know when Shaggy is going off on someone, the reality of the situation is a far distant version of the story that he's telling. I'm so tired of watching these quick snippets of people saying some EXTREMELY ALARMING thing, only to dig in and see the broader context show that reality is completely different. Maybe he's right this time, but being right 1 out of 100,000,000 times doesn't matter very much.
You know when Shaggy is going off on someone, the reality of the situation is a far distant version of the story that he's telling. I'm so tired of watching these quick snippets of people saying some EXTREMELY ALARMING thing, only to dig in and see the broader context show that reality is completely different. Maybe he's right this time, but being right 1 out of 100,000,000 times doesn't matter very much.
I'd be right far more often if you would look and really open your mind.
No different than the weirdos on the left. I much rather eat dinner with someone like him than hang out with someone that's a leftist that attacks women's sports.
I disagree. While we fully agree on transgender in sports is a problem and not the right thing it's where that belief comes from that's the difference here IMO.

The desire to ee transgendered athletes comes from a strongly misguided belief that they are being inclusive and fair. It's a mistake and I don't agree with it.

The misogyny of the right comes from a disdain an Ill will and feeling of superiority of men and inferiority of women.

They are different mindsets that tell alot about a person's character
I disagree. While we fully agree on transgender in sports is a problem and not the right thing it's where that belief comes from that's the difference here IMO.

The desire to ee transgendered athletes comes from a strongly misguided belief that they are being inclusive and fair. It's a mistake and I don't agree with it.

The misogyny of the right comes from a disdain an Ill will and feeling of superiority of men and inferiority of women.

They are different mindsets that tell alot about a person's character
This is absolutely ridiculous. Men on the right do not have a disdain for, an ill will toward, or a feeling of superiority over women. Can you find some one-offs? Sure. You can find some one-offs on the left too. You are really misguided here.
This is absolutely ridiculous. Men on the right do not have a disdain for, an ill will toward, or a feeling of superiority over women. Can you find some one-offs? Sure. You can find some one-offs on the left too. You are really misguided here.
I think you have a blindness to what goes on in your party from the racism to the misogyny to the violence you seem like you don't believe any of it's real or all one-offs but if you really look under the hood it's prevalent you just don't want to see it I used to be the same way
If you look at polling data from most all the polls conducted to favor the Kackler, you have to look at the MoE. She is farther behind than both where Clinton and Biden were. Translation: Majorly skewed to demoralize likely voters on the other side.
If you look at polling data from most all the polls conducted to favor the Kackler, you have to look at the MoE. She is farther behind than both where Clinton and Biden were. Translation: Majorly skewed to demoralize likely voters on the other side.
She's filling arenas and she's doing just fine. You know how you know? The panic that has ensued among the right. They are scared now. They've increased personal attacks, they've increased, scare tactics, etc..etc
The misogyny of the right comes from a disdain an Ill will and feeling of superiority of men and inferiority of women.

They are different mindsets that tell alot about a person's character

I think you have a blindness to what goes on in your party from the racism to the misogyny to the violence you seem like you don't believe any of it's real or all one-offs but if you really look under the hood it's prevalent you just don't want to see it I used to be the same way
Nonsense. Sure, there are individuals who fit what you describe, but they are a small minority of the party. Like I said before, this viewpoint you are stating is what the left wants people to think so they can manipulate these groups to vote for them. Conservatives will vote for women, people of color, or whomever if they have good policy. Just look at SC, we had Haley (a female of Indian decent) and Tim Scott. The left has told women and people of color they are not allowed to be conservative so not as many people from those demographics even try to run. The left is the party that is obsessed with race and gender; and only so that they can try to coerce votes by victimizing members of those groups. Biden himself selected Harris simply because she fit the demographics he identified he wanted to cater too, and told black Americans they aren't black if they don't vote for him. The projection job from the left has no bounds. Try "looking under the hood" of that side of the aisle.
She's filling arenas and she's doing just fine. You know how you know? The panic that has ensued among the right. They are scared now. They've increased personal attacks, they've increased, scare tactics, etc..etc
Bet they're not scared enough to usurp a delegate-elected candidate, though. Jus Sayin'
She's filling arenas and she's doing just fine. You know how you know? The panic that has ensued among the right. They are scared now. They've increased personal attacks, they've increased, scare tactics, etc..etc
Seriously? The left has been doing this with Trump since he started running in 2015. They have literally done nothing but attack him personally and use scare tactics and fear. Those are the basis for the whole Democratic party now.
I think you have a blindness to what goes on in your party from the racism to the misogyny to the violence you seem like you don't believe any of it's real or all one-offs but if you really look under the hood it's prevalent you just don't want to see it I used to be the same way
I don't think so. I think you're too in your feelings again. One way that's easy to tell that you're wrong is what I said before. You're always posting stories or soundbites or clips to prove your point about such things. But when you widen the view and look at the clip or listen to the soundbite in context, it's almost always the opposite of what you stated. Your emotional reaction is to rush up in here and post something without taking an objective look at the whole story. And it's almost always completely wrong.

But the biggest, easiest, and most obvious way to tell that you're wrong is to simply look at the evidence presented in the operation of society - not op eds, not punditry, not spinzone political coverage - but look at how things are actually working. You're suggesting that at least half of the country is misogynist or supportive of misogyny. If your idea is correct, then that must be true. It also must be true that women aren't allowed to work. Women aren't allowed to serve in the military. Women can't play sports. Conservative women can't participate in politics. After all, if conservatives are supportive of misogyny, how could there be prominent conservative women politicians, or conservative women doing anything else for that matter? In fact, if half the country is misogynist, I don't see how women in general could have many rights at all.

But the reality around us paints a completely different picture. Women hold positions of power and prominence everywhere. This is true just as much within the right community as in the left. If what you say is true, there would be no conservative women doing anything of importance.

And the actual kicker to all of this is that the most prominent anti-woman practice in today's society is being heavily supported and promulgated by the left. Allowing actual men to pretend to become women, pretend to carry and birth children, pretend to chest feed and menstruate, giving them the right to invade women's spaces, and finally to assume the role of a woman is the most insulting, insane, and anti-woman stance you can possibly take. If that is the hill you want to plant your flag on, then go ahead my friend. Be my guest.

The anecdotal evidence is against you. The empirical evidence is against you. Reality is against you. But in the end, you have the right to feel how you want to feel. So, if you really feel like at least 50% of the country supports misogyny, go ahead. There's little evidence to support that idea, and there's evidently little that can be done to help you understand that.
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Seriously? The left has been doing this with Trump since he started running in 2015. They have literally done nothing but attack him personally and use scare tactics and fear. Those are the basis for the whole Democratic party now.
I know what they've done is try to show you what and who he really is and what he truly believes y'all just don't want to believe it
I don't think so. I think you're too in your feelings again. One way that's easy to tell that you're wrong is what I said before. You're always posting stories or soundbites or clips to prove your point about such things. But when you widen the view and look at the clip or listen to the soundbite in context, it's almost always the opposite of what you stated. Your emotional reaction is to rush up in here and post something without taking an objective look at the whole story. And it's almost always completely wrong.

But the biggest, easiest, and most obvious way to tell that you're wrong is to simply look at the evidence presented in the operation of society - not op eds, not punditry, not spinzone political coverage - but look at how things are actually working. You're suggesting that at least half of the country is misogynist or supportive of misogyny. If your idea is correct, then that must be true. It also must be true that women aren't allowed to work. Women aren't allowed to serve in the military. Women can't play sports. Conservative women can't participate in politics. After all, if conservatives are supportive of misogyny, how could there be prominent conservative women politicians, or conservative women doing anything else for that matter? In fact, if half the country is misogynist, I don't see how women in general could have many rights at all.

But the reality around us paints a completely different picture. Women hold positions of power and prominence everywhere. This is true just as much within the right community as in the left. If what you say is true, there would be no conservative women doing anything of importance.

And the actual kicker to all of this is that the most prominent anti-woman practice in today's society is being heavily supported and promulgated by the left. Allowing actual men to pretend to become women, pretend to carry and birth children, pretend to chest feed and menstruate, giving them the right to invade women's spaces, and finally to assume the role of a woman is the most insulting, insane, and anti-woman stance you can possibly take. If that is the hill you want to plant your flag on, then go ahead my friend. Be my guest.

The anecdotal evidence is against you. The empirical evidence is against you. Reality is against you. But in the end, you have the right to feel how you want to feel. So, if you really feel like at least 50% of the country supports misogyny, go ahead. There's little evidence to support that idea, and there's evidently little that can be done to help you understand that.
Well then you need to explain how someone who is so openly misogynistic won the primary? Not a general election against a D but against other Republicans unless the voters were just fine with his misogyny? Why is it nobody batted an eye when trump hosted Kanye and Fuentes?

Why is nobody says anything even on this forum when Kamala is insulted using sexist memes? Joe and the "ho" gotta go......she could ONLY be in her position if she slept her way to the top.

I'd say tacit approval of the misogyny is accepted more than you'd like to think or admit
Well then you need to explain how someone who is so openly misogynistic won the primary? Not a general election against a D but against other Republicans unless the voters were just fine with his misogyny? Why is it nobody batted an eye when trump hosted Kanye and Fuentes?

Why is nobody says anything even on this forum when Kamala is insulted using sexist memes? Joe and the "ho" gotta go......she could ONLY be in her position if she slept her way to the top.

I'd say tacit approval of the misogyny is accepted more than you'd like to think or admit
First of all, I don't have to explain anything based on a 9 second clip. I don't know anything about the guy. And it wouldn't surprise me if someday somewhere an actual misogynist got elected to something. That is not left or right. That is life. And second of all, she did in fact kick of her career by sleeping around. I mean, this is well known. 🤣

All that said, I think I figured out the problem. You don't understand what misogyny really means. But that's ok. Your side throws around all the -gists -phobics -icsts like candy in order to propagate a narrative. Because why? Feelings. You've learned that people are so intellectually lazy, weak-minded, and many of them carry mental illness that appealing to emotions is far more manipulative than appealing to reason, logic, and common sense. As I said, the actual evidence is against you. Feelings is weapon of the left. Fear, anger, hate, malice toward the other side, revenge, manipulation etc. It is the core strategy of the left. Star Wars calls it the dark side of the force.

But I tell you what: Feelings won't keep you safe. Feelings won't fight inflation. Feelings won't help you take home more money or help your money go farther. Feelings won't keep Iran from starting a war. Feelings won't enable your children to grow up and prosper. Feeling won't keep your border secure. Feelings won't stop the drug epidemic. Feelings won't keep our city streets safe. Feelings won't stop your freedoms from being taken away. Feelings won't protect you. Thank goodness we still have one side that is concerned about more than feelings.
First of all, I don't have to explain anything based on a 9 second clip. I don't know anything about the guy. And it wouldn't surprise me if someday somewhere an actual misogynist got elected to something. That is not left or right. That is life. And second of all, she did in fact kick of her career by sleeping around. I mean, this is well known. 🤣

All that said, I think I figured out the problem. You don't understand what misogyny really means. But that's ok. Your side throws around all the -gists -phobics -icsts like candy in order to propagate a narrative. Because why? Feelings. You've learned that people are so intellectually lazy, weak-minded, and many of them carry mental illness that appealing to emotions is far more manipulative than appealing to reason, logic, and common sense. As I said, the actual evidence is against you. Feelings is weapon of the left. Fear, anger, hate, malice toward the other side, revenge, manipulation etc. It is the core strategy of the left. Star Wars calls it the dark side of the force.

But I tell you what: Feelings won't keep you safe. Feelings won't fight inflation. Feelings won't help you take home more money or help your money go farther. Feelings won't keep Iran from starting a war. Feelings won't enable your children to grow up and prosper. Feeling won't keep your border secure. Feelings won't stop the drug epidemic. Feelings won't keep our city streets safe. Feelings won't stop your freedoms from being taken away. Feelings won't protect you. Thank goodness we still have one side that is concerned about more than feelings.
Post of the year nomination right here!!!!