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Political Thread: The Sequel

That's true because most of the media will never tell us about it.
Exactly. That's why it doesn't make a hill of beans difference what he says. If it's bad, they'll play it over and over. If it's good, they'll spin so that it sounds bad and then play it over and over.

You see what I'm saying?
He won't get a warm welcome here. My favorite bar has a drink named after him and not in a good way.
I’ve been to Asheville (downtown specifically) once a few weeks after whatever the libs were rioting about there in 2020. Not impressed. Bar was meh. Restaurant was meh. Beautiful in the fall though. IMG_2092.jpeg

Elon isn't all that smart TBH.

He was in the right place and right time. Kind of like Jeff bezos.

He made a lot of money on a couple internet sites/databases he made before the Internet was so big.

We are talking about a guy who bought a McLaren F1 and wrecked it almost immediately trying to show off to a rich buddy he had.

Anyways. He bought himself into Tesla
.. he just got some seed money and got a couple home runs and things snowballed.

So now he just throws obscene amounts of money at things and sometimes things stick.

Kinda like what Microsoft does.
You think I like him. His people made my Dutch mom and dad and everyone else say god save the king before every movie and treated us like second class citizens? My hatred towards him goes deep. But I still respect his views, not the views of his mother father grandfather grandmother.
I’ve been to Asheville (downtown specifically) once a few weeks after whatever the libs were rioting about there in 2020. Not impressed. Bar was meh. Restaurant was meh. Beautiful in the fall though. View attachment 150000
I wish we had a more conservative government. and not pay our taxes towards reparations. the vance monument was beautiful .
Just my .02; while the MSM pretty much hates all things Trump (they hated G.W. Bush too), he could have pretty easily overcome most of that if he could just present himself a bit more professionally and above the pettiness. Looking back to his first term, if he would have stayed off twitter and stayed away from stupid stuff like "sharpie gate," and just concentrated on being president he would have been reelected to begin with. Him going all in on Harris's crowds and such is another pointless tangent.
Stick to policy, the economy, the out of control border, looking ahead, etc, and he's in. I have never liked his persona and the distracting junk he gets entwined with, but despite all that, his policy and the state of the nation under his presidency was way better than the guys before and after him. He just needs to get out of his own way and stop making it hard for people who want to vote for him to actually do so.
I wish we had a more conservative government. and not pay our taxes towards reparations. the vance monument was beautiful .
I didn’t mean to say my trip to Asheville was bad, just unremarkable. I probably just chose the wrong places. What bars do you recommend? I may go back sometime but if I have to put up with the wacky lib stuff it’s going to have to be in Key West lol
Just my .02; while the MSM pretty much hates all things Trump (they hated G.W. Bush too), he could have pretty easily overcome most of that if he could just present himself a bit more professionally and above the pettiness. Looking back to his first term, if he would have stayed off twitter and stayed away from stupid stuff like "sharpie gate," and just concentrated on being president he would have been reelected to begin with. Him going all in on Harris's crowds and such is another pointless tangent.
Stick to policy, the economy, the out of control border, looking ahead, etc, and he's in. I have never liked his persona and the distracting junk he gets entwined with, but despite all that, his policy and the state of the nation under his presidency was way better than the guys before and after him. He just needs to get out of his own way and stop making it hard for people who want to vote for him to actually do so.

He is incapable of doing this, even when presented with milk run interviews by Ingraham and Musk he cant stop with the rambling nonsensical rants, childish name calling, and all around douchy behavior. Also he gets way to much credit for a lot of things, he is not a smart guy, he is not a likable guy, he has no real moral compass, he is to old, if he does actually debate Harris it will be a disaster for him.
The most annoying part of everything is come November 5th, there's a high chance a lot of the Nikki Haley haters will wish they had a do over.

Even as only a VP pick, the chances would have been much better.
This whole thing just doesn't make sense. What do you make of it @Sandbar ?

Right now it's a game of military poker. Israel obviously isn't bluffing and Iran being Iran came right out popping off at the mouth so they have to respond. How they respond tells us (The United States) where they really stand. The US as well as Israel knows what their capabilities are so here is the invitation to show it. I can almost promise they will cyber attack us at some point between now and election. Anything they do to Israel will be gauged in terms of escalation and there isn't much wiggle room here from a worldwide POV. The attack I suspect will happen will be one attacking a civilian gathering which obviously takes timing and planning. This is what terrorist do......
Gov Newsome of Cali is an exception as he went on Hannity for the full show once (a town hall?) I think and may have been on at other times. I also recall Sean Penn went on Hannity. I liked Hannity and Colmes (RIP) much more.

I think Maher has gone closer to the center in recent years with a mix of still a lot of lib but also now some moderate views like on CRT as per what you just posted. Did you know he used to date Ann Coulter?
Hannity and Newsome have the same friend group so there is a lot of respect there. I’m not sure how well known that is but they can put the BS aside enough to make it work.
Here’s something I’ve been wondering about… if something happened to Harris or Trump… mentally or physically that rendered them unable to serve, would the nomination automatically fall to the VP candidate? Or would the party heads decide on the new candidate?
Here’s something I’ve been wondering about… if something happened to Harris or Trump… mentally or physically that rendered them unable to serve, would the nomination automatically fall to the VP candidate? Or would the party heads decide on the new candidate?
That is easy. Party heads would decide the candidate just like the Dems decided in putting KH in. The people didn’t decide to put her in that position. If they had a choice. A true choice. It is very likely she would not be the candidate.
No republican was going to win in MN anyway but is this who we want to represent the party?

I realized a few years ago that this is what the party is becoming under trump. I carried water for the republicans for years in American weather. Had liberals over there try to tell how racist, misogynistic and xenophobic, homophobic the party was.

this guy isn't the face of the party he's the core of the party