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Political Thread: The Sequel

Gov Newsome of Cali is an exception as he went on Hannity for the full show once (a town hall?) I think and may have been on at other times. I also recall Sean Penn went on Hannity. I liked Hannity and Colmes (RIP) much more.

I think Maher has gone closer to the center in recent years with a mix of still a lot of lib but also now some moderate views like on CRT as per what you just posted. Did you know he used to date Ann Coulter?
I had kind of assumed he might have dated her, but never had any confirmation. She is very right, but I don’t think she is a trump supporter.

He is definitely a field player, never had any intention on getting married. I’ll bet he was burned bad way back when he was young.
I had kind of assumed he might have dated her, but never had any confirmation. She is very right, but I don’t think she is a trump supporter.

He is definitely a field player, never had any intention on getting married. I’ll bet he was burned bad way back when he was young.
This is her in her own words on voting for Trump

This tweet pretty much nails why Trump will ultimately lose.....he cant control himself, he doesn't wanna talk about policy issues he doesn't truly understand beyond the soundbite statements he makes. He would rather name call and insult others because that is what he is good at and frankly what his base really wants to hear, but he is preaching to the choir and turning away the moderates and independents who were desperate for someone not old to vote for.

This post pretty much nails why you Kamalakazies will never be world class political analysts.

Trump has basically two audiences he is capable of reaching, well, until last night at least: 1. Direct to consumer (i.e. rallies, events in front of fans) and 2. Indirect, secondhand via the MSM filter (i.e. edited soundbites, spinzone commentary, etc.).

For #1, nobody is there who isn't already voting for the man. For #2, he could go on every network and say Kamala Harris is smart, and they would run clips of pundits saying he said Kamala Harris farts. Then, you all would come up with some other reason he's not winning swing voters.

When swing voters make up their minds based on what they see in the media, they're going to get one story and one story only from the Democrat water toting lackeys who have no interest in holding Harris accountable for anything, while purposely misrepresenting Trump at every turn.

Trump is a 100% known quantity. There is not one person who doesn't know who he is by now. He wins if enough people decide that their lives and future prospects are worse than 4 years ago. It's that simple. Everything else is nonsense.
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I know this happened a couple of days ago, but what are we doing here… Anyone can go search and find hundreds of pictures/videos from different points of view from the Detroit airport. I don’t understand why he’s spending time on this when we’re under 90 days?

This tweet pretty much nails why Trump will ultimately lose.....he cant control himself, he doesn't wanna talk about policy issues he doesn't truly understand beyond the soundbite statements he makes. He would rather name call and insult others because that is what he is good at and frankly what his base really wants to hear, but he is preaching to the choir and turning away the moderates and independents who were desperate for someone not old to vote for.

She is right about that. Trump needs to start talking about policy issues and back off on personal attacks.
He won't get a warm welcome here. My favorite bar has a drink named after him and not in a good way.
Yeah, Asheville Is a liberal city in a sea of conservative counties all around it. Besides Buncombe, Watauga is the only other mountain county Harris has a chance in. If turnout is great in Charlotte and the Triangle Trump loses NC though.
She is right about that. Trump needs to start talking about policy issues and back off on personal attacks.
He did that for 2 hours last night. Has she? How many interviews has she done? How many questions has she answered? How many policy positions has she outlined, other than stealing Trump's ideas?

And did you ever get back to @Iceagewhereartthou 's question or no?
He did that for 2 hours last night. Has she? How many interviews is she doing? How many questions has she answered? How many policy positions has she outlined, other than stealing Trump's ideas?
Nothing much from Harris yet and that is the very reason Trump should talk only about the issues for a while. I think if he does that, he can regain some of the ground he lost in polls when Biden dropped out.
Nothing much from Harris yet and that is the very reason Trump should talk only about the issues for a while. I think if he does that, he can regain some of the ground he lost in polls when Biden dropped out.
Meh that's the "expert" talking head talking point. Even if he said only nice things about Harris fron here on out and completely stuck to policy issues, who exactly is going to hear what an unfiltered, unspun, unedited, un-AI'd Trump has to say, unless they go to one of his rallies.
Meh that's the "expert" talking head talking point. Even if he said only nice things about Harris fron here on out and completely stuck to policy issues, who exactly is going to hear what an unfiltered, unspun, unedited, un-AI'd Trump has to say, unless they go to one of his rallies.
That's true because most of the media will never tell us about it.