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Political Thread: The Sequel

Elon isn't all that smart TBH.

He was in the right place and right time. Kind of like Jeff bezos.

He made a lot of money on a couple internet sites/databases he made before the Internet was so big.

We are talking about a guy who bought a McLaren F1 and wrecked it almost immediately trying to show off to a rich buddy he had.

Anyways. He bought himself into Tesla
.. he just got some seed money and got a couple home runs and things snowballed.

So now he just throws obscene amounts of money at things and sometimes things stick.

Kinda like what Microsoft does.
We need as many options as possible. We need people inventing different things even if they don't work for 10 years it will give them new ideas to invent different things.
Taking what's working and improving upon it is innovation such as the Japanese maglev trains. We're unnovating by shoving unproven and expensive tech pipe dreams that fail after a decade or less like hyperloop and tesla tunnels into the picture instead. Do some research into traffic and how it forms and how it can be alleviated. The solution isn't more lanes for the same mode it's multiple modes for multiple needs that don't induce more congestion. That's why we'd greatly benefit from using what already exists, no excuses since our nation makes so much, and if you really want to prove capitalism helps innovate ideas, push private companies to actually do these projects to compete with the distance monopoly (air industry) and short distance forced monopoly (car industry). Flying will get way cheaper and way less painful adding high speed trains for 50 to 1500 mile trips and is still viable for something like LA to Jacksonville distance-wise.

Also for those who kept posting the oil products image, while from 2009, this shows a huge insight into how little we use for other non-fuel products. Imagine if gas prices were about 30% cheaper because the demand for oil drops massively as pure electric-grid-run options become more widely available. Combine that with fusion in the future and fission today and you don't even need oil in the picture to transport massive amounts of people faster, safer, and cheaper. The oil industry will continue pushing people into believing they need to keep making record profits though and that cars are the only way we should live.
Subways will take years to complete; above rail will too but, its the way to go. The US should have never paved highways over top of its rail system. We would have more jobs and another form of transport by now!
Subways will take years to complete; above rail will too but, its the way to go. The US should have never paved highways over top of its rail system. We would have more jobs and another form of transport by now!
Charlotte had a complete streetcar system that is much needed these days
Best from 2020. Never forget what they have done and will continue to do to this ONE man. Turn about is going to be fair play. The hunters become the hunted.

Straw man much? No but in the case of Elon Musk? A man who tweets out false information, instigates race riots in a foreign country off of misinformation, grifting off taxpayers etc… wealth does not equal intelligence or morals nor does it necessarily equal the lack of it but in the case of Elon musk… it doesn’t help his case

I don't know if you realize it or not, but almost every post you make in here isn't supporting any particular ideas or policies. They're almost always a condemnation of another person's post.

You know good and well that having a good idea or good plan doesn't isn't exclusive to the meek and poor.

That said, the meek and poor aren't usually the ones who are able to rise to power. Is that unfortunate? Yes. But is it also the real world in which we live? Yes.

So given the choices that actually exist, not in the corner of someone's mind, but right here, in the real world, I'd rather have an old, rich, fat, rambling, mean-tweeting business man with a proven track record of success than a far left-wing, cackling, shallow-thinker who can't put a coherent extemporaneous sentence together, as the president.
I think a lot of people in the United States fall into the below category. Not very political but recognize the changes that are occurring. Extreme left has been a moving target, and the extreme right is more moderate than it used to be. Both parties failed to select the correct candidate that could appease the other parties moderates, but Trump falls more in line with that than the extreme Biden/Harris policies. Just like Republicans need to scale back the abortion conversations a bit. The far left needs to scale back the Woke/Open Borders stuff. The left wont do it though. They have proven that. People still are getting abortions everyday....
Meh, crowd size debate is silly imho. I'm sure she has big crowds and has energized the base, they are that dumb. Just like sheep being led to slaughter
Actually trump should be out doing what he does best. So what if the Union bosses endorse Harris. Go to factories 3 times a day and talk to small groups of workers. Go to farms, small businesses. Ditch the few big rallies.