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Political Thread: The Sequel

In many cities people are not moving to the suburbs like they did even 10 years ago they are moving closer in If they work in the city center. Many people working from home these days. I'm for all kind of different things if it's underground. I saw a video recently about these capsules that were being invented to go 200 miles an hour underground. It's all good I think.
Different than teslas, which is all he's looking at currently. Anything that reduces traffic effectively helps but his ideas are not driven for fixing these issues.
In many cities people are not moving to the suburbs like they did even 10 years ago they are moving closer in If they work in the city center. Many people working from home these days. I'm for all kind of different things if it's underground. I saw a video recently about these capsules that were being invented to go 200 miles an hour underground. It's all good I think.
You know what holds 2000 people, works best in city centers, and moves underground? A subway. No need to reinvent the wheel.
So billionaires can't have good ideas or help the general public. A proclamation.
Straw man much? No but in the case of Elon Musk? A man who tweets out false information, instigates race riots in a foreign country off of misinformation, grifting off taxpayers etc… wealth does not equal intelligence or morals nor does it necessarily equal the lack of it but in the case of Elon musk… it doesn’t help his case

And here I was thinking that the people running our country for YEARS were elitist rich gangsters. I'm glad I've been set straight. They were paupers working tirelessly for the people. Thinking of our prosperity and our wellbeing. I've had it all wrong. :rolleyes:
So you want to vote in more elitist rich gangsters in the form of Donald Trump and Elon? Make it make sense
Underground vehicles can go a lot faster than subways.
You don't need to go 200 mph to go 10 miles from your house to the office. All tunnels do is shift traffic underground. Instead of sitting in traffic above ground you'll just do it underground. Doesn't solve the fundamental issue of traffic.
You don't need to go 200 mph to go 10 miles from your house to the office. All tunnels do is shift traffic underground. Instead of sitting in traffic above ground you'll just do it underground. Doesn't solve the fundamental issue of traffic.
We need as many options as possible. We need people inventing different things even if they don't work for 10 years it will give them new ideas to invent different things.
We need as many options as possible. We need people inventing different things even if they don't work for 10 years it will give them new ideas to invent different things.
Subways have been proven to be the most efficient way of moving people. America just refuses to build them. Look at the modern metro systems across Europe and Asia. Imagine if we had those.
Elon ? Invent stuff? News to me what he invent?
Elon Musk is known for his role in founding and developing several groundbreaking technologies and companies, though he is often more of an innovator and visionary than an inventor in the traditional sense. Here are some of the key things he's associated with:

  1. Zip2: In 1996, Musk co-founded Zip2, a company that provided online city guide software to newspapers. It was one of the first attempts at creating online content.
  2. PayPal: Musk co-founded X.com, an online payment company, in 1999. X.com later became PayPal after a merger, and it revolutionized online payments.
  3. Tesla Motors: Although Musk did not found Tesla, he joined the company in 2004 and played a crucial role in its development. Tesla is known for its electric cars, which have had a significant impact on the automotive industry. Some of the innovations include the Tesla Roadster, Model S, Model X, Model 3, and the development of advanced battery technology and autonomous driving systems.
  4. SpaceX: Musk founded SpaceX in 2002 with the goal of reducing space transportation costs and enabling the colonization of Mars. SpaceX has developed several key technologies, including the Falcon 1, Falcon 9, and Falcon Heavy rockets, as well as the Dragon spacecraft and the Starship vehicle. The company has also pioneered reusable rocket technology.
  5. SolarCity: Musk co-founded SolarCity in 2006, a company focused on solar energy services. While not an invention in the traditional sense, SolarCity has contributed to the widespread adoption of solar power.
  6. Hyperloop: Musk proposed the concept of the Hyperloop in 2013, a high-speed transportation system that involves sending pods through low-pressure tubes. While Musk hasn’t built a full-scale Hyperloop himself, his concept has inspired various companies and research projects.
  7. OpenAI: Musk co-founded OpenAI in 2015, an artificial intelligence research organization with the mission to ensure that AI benefits all of humanity.
  8. Neuralink: Founded by Musk in 2016, Neuralink is developing implantable brain–machine interfaces (BMIs) with the goal of enhancing human capabilities and treating neurological disorders.
  9. The Boring Company: Musk founded The Boring Company in 2016 to address traffic issues by creating underground transportation tunnels. The company has developed tunnel boring technology and proposed innovative solutions for urban transit.
  10. Starlink: A project by SpaceX, Starlink is aimed at creating a global satellite internet constellation to provide high-speed internet access to underserved areas.
While Musk may not have individually "invented" all these technologies, his vision and leadership have been instrumental in bringing these innovations to life.
Subways have been proven to be the most efficient way of moving people. America just refuses to build them. Look at the modern metro systems across Europe and Asia. Imagine if we had those.

I went from London to Paris in 2 hours last year across a body of water btw

Just imagine that here...