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Political Thread: The Sequel

One has to remember that there are people who are hearing Trump and the things he rambles about for the first time. Hard to believe but it's true. I could almost say what he's going to say before he does. LOL. I'm enjoying it though, it's getting better. Elon called it a conversation not an interview. They can be themselves.

Oh and another thing that will be focused on (I know we get bored) is the fact and proofs of them being attacked. More exposure..
The conversation is good now! Elon just said he would be glad to help oversee spending. HA! Head explosions.
Just what we need, another billionaire overseeing our lives… one who made it so far thanks to the backs of the taxpayers… yawn…. You keep pining for ol donny boy and Elon maybe they’ll give you a shiny penny or two… yawn
I really wish the UK would stfu with their "omg pwease world follow our rules" crap.
Yeah, have no business trying to tell the world to follow their lead. I don't know if this is true, but I have heard that they want US citizens arrested here at home and sent over to the UK for violating their laws about posting on X, Facebook, Youtube and such.
Just what we need, another billionaire overseeing our lives… one who made it so far thanks to the backs of the taxpayers… yawn…. You keep pining for ol donny boy and Elon maybe they’ll give you a shiny penny or two… yawn
One day when you get out of school youll appreciate someone that provides jobs.
Just what we need, another billionaire overseeing our lives… one who made it so far thanks to the backs of the taxpayers… yawn…. You keep pining for ol donny boy and Elon maybe they’ll give you a shiny penny or two… yawn
Maybe you could get into politics and help cut spending.