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Political Thread: The Sequel

He must have meant to say he served until his number got called. 24 years is a career, a very good career. Why he chose to misspeak is mind boggling. I have 100% respect for anybody that served whether in combat or not. You lose a little respect when you misrepresent what you did but you lose most of it when you lie about combat. Why risk that.....
Nuclear power plant in Ukraine has one of the cooling towers on Fire.
Also seeing Ukraine has flown drones into or near Moscow, some Russian base or airfield I beleive.
All eyes on Israel Tommorow.

Folks, we're going to try opening this up one more time. If we can't make it work this time, it will be closed permanently. So please strongly consider the following before deciding to participate:

1) No personal attacks - Of course there are likely to be differences of opinion and a little bit of back and forth is fine. But condemning someone's sexuality, race, or attacks of an otherwise personal nature will not be permitted. Racial or ethnic slurs will not be permitted. You need to understand that if these things happen, the host can shut down the entire site.

2) No threats against other members.

3) If you get your feelings hurt easily, stay out.

4) No spamming. 5 or 10 quick posts in a row is spamming. You know who you are.

5) Posting memes - There's been too much silly meme posting with no commentary. The point of the thread is discussion. It's not Instagram.

6) Reporting posts - If someone calls you silly, don't report it. See #3. If you have a legit problem, report it and we'll address it.

7) Keep it in the Political thread - If fighting spills over into the other threads, this one is gone.

We will try our best to moderate fairly. That said, nobody is going to think anything is perfectly fair. If there is an issue, report it. But let's try and get along and display some level of civility in our interactions. And let's realize that in the end, we're all people and we have much more in common with each other than not.