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Political Thread: The Sequel

It's definitely a slippery slope on free to hate speech, which the individual should accept responsibility for social backlash for their statements, not the government unless they are on the tier of terroristic threats, then and only then action should be taken by the government. As much as her platform wants to stop people from saying BS and rotting the brains of people in cases it does nobody good, it's still censorship, and still making law one specific viewpoint. That's not what America should have.
I like that picture of Kamala coming off the plane in front of a thousand people,🫡not waving to any of them, where the reflection off of the plane shows an empty tarmac 🤣
Kommiela- Horse Man have been called out a lot for using Ai enhanced photos. There are many examples out there on it. Two words: Manufactured Support.
Kamal's "rally" photos are 100% fake.

Their plan is to take the talking points that Trump has (such as no taxes on tips) that will get universal support and claim them as their policy.

Soon you will hear Kamal speak about how the border is out of control and how she plans to fix it. Her excuse will be, she will have more flexibility and power as president versus vice.

As time goes on, her speaking points will be anti-Biden and his administration and how she has her hands tied under it.

If they are to win, the real policies come out. Which are the policies that kept Kamala at less than 1% of the national vote during the 2020 election primaries.

Of course the average Democrat who would never vote Trump is a lost cause. If you're an Independent and just happen to dislike Trump, don't fall for the Kamal in favor of being a never Trumper. Just don't vote at all. Thanks.
I had asked to provide evidence for your statement but JHS provided the evidence. You can as well.
Ok, gotcha. I don't have any evidence for the holocaust thing. As I said, I was making it up like Shaggy and Downeast.

I mean, we can either debate on policy things or we can just make stuff up. It's not going to make a bit of difference in the end, so I'm good either way.
Kamal's "rally" photos are 100% fake.

Their plan is to take the talking points that Trump has (such as no taxes on tips) that will get universal support and claim them as their policy.

Soon you will hear Kamal speak about how the border is out of control and how she plans to fix it. Her excuse will be, she will have more flexibility and power as president versus vice.

If they are to win, the real policies come out. Which are the policies that kept Kamala at less than 1% of the national vote during the 2020 election primaries.

Of course the average Democrat who would never vote Trump is a lost cause. If you're an Independent and just happen to dislike Trump, don't fall for the Kamal in favor of being a never Trumper. Just don't vote at all. Thanks.
This is 100% accurate and you can already see it playing out.
Great quote from a sub stack I read. It’s absolutely funny while being absolutely TRUE!

“At the end of the day, her and her team are petrified of shifting her away from the pre-written script, which makes sense, since every time she ad-libs she sounds like a college student who just took their first toke on a blunt.”
Kamal has had a TikTok for a long time. Trump's is fairly new. Don't fall for the Kamal psyop.

This is 100% accurate and you can already see it playing out.
Its up to Trump to laser focus on the Harris record. Instead he is irrationally focused on crowd sizes. The older a person gets the more rigid is their thinking. He cant focus on a message of taxes, economy, border and crime

Its up to Trump to laser focus on the Harris record. Instead he is irrationally focused on crowd sizes. The older a person gets the more rigid is their thinking. He cant focus on a message of taxes, economy, border and crime

You act like that's all he talks about. He talks about a lot of other things. I mean, I don't disagree that I would drop some of that stuff, but it's not the only thing he's talking about.
Its up to Trump to laser focus on the Harris record. Instead he is irrationally focused on crowd sizes. The older a person gets the more rigid is their thinking. He cant focus on a message of taxes, economy, border and crime

On 7/19 (6 days after being shot and the day after his RNC speech), Trump peaked at 69 on PredictIt. Today, he’s at a 90+ day low of only 45. On the day when she entered the race (7/21), Harris was only at 40 to Trump’s 60. Now Harris is up to 59, up 14 over Trump’s 45. This is all fwiw since this data is based on a betting market. Regardless, the 3 week trend is quite notable and indicates Trump’s not doing well:

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