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Political Thread: The Sequel

This is probably more true than not as Trump is a well known to skip out on paying his bills for services rendered.

This man has campaigned, donated, worked with all of the establishment. He is the establishment. Who is he fighting now? Democrats? Well news flash he is Republican no surprise. You want a true non- establishment candidate ? Find some teacher out of Kansas, or plumber out of Virginia or any number of regular everyday Americans and give them a voice. Donald Trump is a billionaire who worked with and benefited from the establishment his entire life. He is not your average American . If your argument is he is not the Mitt Romney type of Republican which did dominate the party before him, then sure I guess he is “ not establishment” however fact is that is not todays Republican Party , todays republican party is the trump party. Trump is as “ deep state” as they come
robert redford yes GIF
Take it for what its worth, but it does make sense.

Charles Gasparino


BREAKING: What I'm hearing from people related to the Trump campaign is NOT that professionals are screwing this up. They know what to do: Having Trump relentlessly focus on Harris's incompetence on issues ie inflation, border, world chaos; stay away from personal attacks against people like Brian Kemp. How to reverse the country's malaise w real solutions. It's so friggen easy. BUT Trump continuously goes off script, and feels he's earned that right. This is how he explained it at the Lutnick/Southampton fundraiser via my
newsletter (quoting an attendee) when asked by a donor to tone it down: "They tried to put me in jail; they tried to ruin my reputation and then they tried to assassinate me. At some point, you have the be truthful to yourself." It's admirable given the absurdity of the other side: A completely manufactured ticket of incompetent lefties masquerading as capable centrist operators of government. BUT it's a losing formula given what he's up against including a MSM who wants him to lose
Mic Drop. Head scratch. Not enough dam popcorn. Maybe my one percent of hope for Brian is correct. Ever since Trump roasted Kemp and Brad at the rally lots of juicy things happening all of sudden. Lil 5D chess sumthin sumthin goin on?
Russia is in such a sad state militarily they cant even defend their border, Ukraine has easily taken a chunk of Russian territory, which is brilliant if Russia wants it back they have the GTFO of Ukraine. It also forces Russia to divert equipment and men from Ukraine to defending and retaking that area giving Ukraine the upper hand in taking back its land.

Russia is in such a sad state militarily they cant even defend their border, Ukraine has easily taken a chunk of Russian territory, which is brilliant if Russia wants it back they have the GTFO of Ukraine. It also forces Russia to divert equipment and men from Ukraine to defending and retaking that area giving Ukraine the upper hand in taking back its land.

Russians need to learn from Hannibal and Napoleon. They should fall back even more and appear to be in panic to bait in the Nazi's, then flank attacks to cut them off and kill them
Weirdo Vance asked LIVE on Trump dodging his war draft. Man, can’t wait for this ad to be made and aired in North Carolina! Army folks gonna eat this one up.
So vance doesn't believe people without children should vote and people with children should have extra votes. Bunch of idiots
Well, Kamala believes that people should be thrown in prison if they criticize democrats.

She openly denies the holocaust as well.