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Political Thread: The Sequel

You actually believe that?
What laws have the PA state legislature passed that would make that happen?
I don't get it, why do people ask them to stop counts on the right and demand they recount everything, then not be satisfied when they make some effort next election, law or not, to make sure votes are counted correctly? Not everything is a conspiracy.
I don't get it, why do people ask them to stop counts on the right and demand they recount everything, then not be satisfied when they make some effort next election, law or not, to make sure votes are counted correctly? Not everything is a conspiracy.
You just don't get it.
Anyone wanna address the gop hurting working families with kids while wanting to cut taxes on the wealthy and corporations during their period of largest profits ever
Your side is the one thats gonna let the Trump tax cuts expire. News Flash they are gone in 2025. Kiss that standard deduction goodbye and enjoy rolling it back. Whole slew of others as well. You just smile and remember "to pay your fair share." You guys are gonna die financially from death by a 1000 cuts if they get your ole gal in there at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
I don't get it, why do people ask them to stop counts on the right and demand they recount everything, then not be satisfied when they make some effort next election, law or not, to make sure votes are counted correctly? Not everything is a conspiracy.
It’s not a conspiracy that the dem PA Supreme Court unconstitutionally changed election law in Oct of 2020 to allow absentee mail in ballots to be counted with no postmark , the wrong date and no or wrong signature up to 3 days after the election. Hell we all could have voted a couple thousand times in PAs election in 2020 w absolutely no verification of where the vote came from.
Hope everyone is paying attention to what has happened to Tulsi Gabbard and her husband.

I also hope all, is paying attention to whats going on in Britan. To say the thought police are out in full force and arresting folks who even show a winkling of disgreement with the leftest government over there. Is putting it mildly.

This is the "Change"that has come to America. Anyone who doesn't line up and bow to the leftest agenda, this will be your life here in America going forward. The left can't just roll with the we disagree, everyone has a right to free speech, freedom.
Look at your receipts. Heres a few shinning examples: How they spied on Trump,bugged Trump Tower,created a fake Russia Collusion hoax,raided Mar Lago, combing through his wife and teenage sons closets,clothing drawers etc. Tried 5 seperate hogwash cases funded by (The Democrat Party Savior) George Soros DA's in Blue Cities. Bent over backwards at a minimum in hopes Trump would be assaininated.
I could go on and on.
The Democrat Party Hates anyone or anything that lines up with God, Family, Country ,Patriotism. If you aint WOK,Then you Must be Broke(literally/not talkin money here). Their actions back that up.
There is no way to find common middle ground when one side is pro Capitalism and for perserving our Republic. While the other side is 100% pro Socialism/Totalliorism.
The two can not co-exist.
I don't get it, why do people ask them to stop counts on the right and demand they recount everything, then not be satisfied when they make some effort next election, law or not, to make sure votes are counted correctly? Not everything is a conspiracy.
Well for one, they wont allow any observers to watch and verify. Curtains closed, suitcases of ballotts up under tables. We aint winning PA. Not with Philladelphia having 130% voter turnout lol.
Ill keep Telling anyone who is listening. On election night you will see long counting in Philly,Detroit, Milwaukee,Atlanta,Phoenix. It will be Act 2.
It really wouldn't be a hard thing to make sure only people who were legally eligible to vote did so and then also make sure that tabulating the votes was accurate and sufficiently transparent. In fact, this would be very easy to do.

Everything else is a side show.