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Political Thread: The Sequel

This is just weird, Mike Johnson taking his 13 y/o daughter to a purity ball and making her swear she won’t have sex in front of him whilst dressed in a dress and makeup and dancing slowly with her dad to wedding music

These people are weird but let’s vote in more of this establishment
Trump isn’t in the establishment? A son of a multi millionaire NY developer turned billionaire celebrity is not establishment ? A former president ? Current Republican nominee? This man is not establishment? lol.
Explain, how is he not “ establishment”. The man is the Republican Party nominee, one of the two established parties. Go ahead though.
Establishment is lifetime political operative that serves the system. The fact that virtually every part of the establishment has fought against him and wants him gone undermines your argument.
Establishment is lifetime political operative that serves the system. The fact that virtually every part of the establishment has fought against him and wants him gone undermines your argument.
This man has campaigned, donated, worked with all of the establishment. He is the establishment. Who is he fighting now? Democrats? Well news flash he is Republican no surprise. You want a true non- establishment candidate ? Find some teacher out of Kansas, or plumber out of Virginia or any number of regular everyday Americans and give them a voice. Donald Trump is a billionaire who worked with and benefited from the establishment his entire life. He is not your average American . If your argument is he is not the Mitt Romney type of Republican which did dominate the party before him, then sure I guess he is “ not establishment” however fact is that is not todays Republican Party , todays republican party is the trump party. Trump is as “ deep state” as they come
This man has campaigned, donated, worked with all of the establishment. He is the establishment. Who is he fighting now? Democrats? Well news flash he is Republican no surprise. You want a true non- establishment candidate ? Find some teacher out of Kansas, or plumber out of Virginia or any number of regular everyday Americans and give them a voice. Donald Trump is a billionaire who worked with and benefited from the establishment his entire life. He is not your average American . If your argument is he is not the Mitt Romney type of Republican which did dominate the party before him, then sure I guess he is “ not establishment” however fact is that is not todays Republican Party , todays republican party is the trump party. Trump is as “ deep state” as they come
Haha okay
A lot of news this weekend about polling. The Times/Siena poll especially. I still say they’re all not worth looking at until after Labor Day but there are some interesting things in the polling. Trump for one hasn’t gotten any favorable bounce post shooting. I did not expect this and put it down largely to his failure to present the “changed man” he so talked about for a week after the shooting. His behavior is somehow more off-putting than before to a wide range of the electorate.

Way too long until the election to make any predictions, but I really think the “normality” being pushed by the Harris/Walz campaign is a great strategy. They could no longer attack Trump in the same way after the shooting so something else needed to be cooked up. Let’s see if she can keep that “excessively normal” bit going through the debates. If she does, I think Trump is toast. Still a close election, but those swing voters in PA, GA, MI, WI and AZ are indicating via polling that the election is trending towards a referendum on Trump, again.
A lot of news this weekend about polling. The Times/Siena poll especially. I still say they’re all not worth looking at until after Labor Day but there are some interesting things in the polling. Trump for one hasn’t gotten any favorable bounce post shooting. I did not expect this and put it down largely to his failure to present the “changed man” he so talked about for a week after the shooting. His behavior is somehow more off-putting than before to a wide range of the electorate.

Way too long until the election to make any predictions, but I really think the “normality” being pushed by the Harris/Walz campaign is a great strategy. They could no longer attack Trump in the same way after the shooting so something else needed to be cooked up. Let’s see if she can keep that “excessively normal” bit going through the debates. If she does, I think Trump is toast. Still a close election, but those swing voters in PA, GA, MI, WI and AZ are indicating via polling that the election is trending towards a referendum on Trump, again.
Normality ....lololol. she is the most liberal in her party and her VP is a socialist. Maybe that's normal in Venezuela but this is America. Normal people speak to the media
Normality ....lololol. she is the most liberal in her party and her VP is a socialist. Maybe that's normal in Venezuela but this is America. Normal people speak to the media
You aren't the voter they're campaigning for.