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Political Thread: The Sequel

Tim Walz owns no stocks. Compare his real estate to weirdo Vance. It’s shocking we have someone on the ticket that is closer to the average American than anyone we have ever had before if you can get move past the tampon thing. Trump could have never completed one shift at Mc Donald’s like Harris did. It’s stunning how different these two tickets really are. On one side you have the American freedom party and the other is about taking it away including abortion, gay marriage, etc so the avg person doesn’t think about home buying, clean water, healthy foods, etc
I wish the earth were flat, it would only prove the existence of God.
Steve Brule GIF by MOODMAN
Really interesting that Robinson has 9% less support than Trump(even with the undecideds)
Robinson is flat out a bad candidate. No other way to put it.

That said, this has been a theme in 2020 and 2022. One school of thought says Robinson’s polling is closer to what the generic R candidate would get either way. Trump brings out the voter that’s there to vote for Trump. In theory it should help Robinson but we saw in Georgia that enough voters are willing to leave a spot blank or split the ticket it can make a difference.
I'm not a Republican.

Anyway, if Harris wins, it's one of the greatest errors in history by a campaign for Trump to agree to a debate in the summer. Had you just let Biden go out there and look senile in his appearances, it would've potentially been an easy cruise in to being elected. And now it's not.
You will have to keep her out of sight, (the 2020 basement plan) in order to succeed. Why she want do 3 debates. She is so radical, socialist, the media can only hide, run shade for her, if she continues to not do interviews, press conferences etc. As Met has laid out. The Low information voter will never get a whiff of who she truly is to the core. They just catch yahoo clips on phones, one linners off MSM networks, thumbing, surfing through. And all those clips, 100% are controlled from the establishment, who is behind her .
Never has there been a more defined choice of a socialist verse Capitalist election than this one.
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Robinson is flat out a bad candidate. No other way to put it.

That said, this has been a theme in 2020 and 2022. One school of thought says Robinson’s polling is closer to what the generic R candidate would get either way. Trump brings out the voter that’s there to vote for Trump. In theory it should help Robinson but we saw in Georgia that enough voters are willing to leave a spot blank or split the ticket it can make a difference.
Hes the best candidate for Govenor we have ever had.

You guys are only against him because of his skin color...

Hows that taste lol!
Tim Walz owns no stocks. Compare his real estate to weirdo Vance. It’s shocking we have someone on the ticket that is closer to the average American than anyone we have ever had before if you can get move past the tampon thing. Trump could have never completed one shift at Mc Donald’s like Harris did. It’s stunning how different these two tickets really are. On one side you have the American freedom party and the other is about taking it away including abortion, gay marriage, etc so the avg person doesn’t think about home buying, clean water, healthy foods, etc
I could show you stuff they have waiting until after convention on him, that will leave a taste in your mouth, worse than pickle juice, raw vinegar and sewage combined. Even you want be able to defend him on. Give it a few weeks. The valor humiliation is chicken feed.
Hes the best candidate for Govenor we have ever had.

You guys are only against him because of his skin color...

Hows that taste lol!
I’m speaking in a campaign sense. I don’t live in NC and don’t care about his positions.

Candidates and nominees need to listen to their staff and be open and honest during the vetting process. It isn’t unusual for campaign staffers to move between parties over election cycles. It’s sort of a niche thing and there are only so many competent people out there especially for these big races. Lightning rod policy issues are for voters to discuss that watch cable news all day. They don’t come up much within campaigns except for when a candidate for whatever reason gets obsessive over something and won’t listen to the people getting paid to run a successful campaign for him or her.

I bring that up because I have friends and colleagues in NC working both sides and Robinson has earned a terrible reputation going back to the primary. He is trending to lose this election precisely because he won’t listen and has been less than forthcoming about his past. A campaign should not have to waste time and money effectively performing opposition research on their own candidate! NCGOP dropped the ball on this guy because he came with an endorsement from the top. They may yet turn it around but this has happened too many times in recent memory on the R side.

Don’t get me wrong Ds also had this issue for a few cycles but never to this extent. It still happens to state parties in places where one or the other is occupying the role of junior party but should not happen in a state like NC.
Mark Robinson is an open book. Always has been. Cant count the times he has stood up in public an admitted to his sins of past. PUBLICLY I might add. And stated his repentance to God.
He doesnt hide or shy away from it.
I guess liberals, think a candidte has to be white as snow, unless they are running as a democrat. The problem is ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Its the person who tries to present themselves as perfect, without sin that I'd be more personally cautious of putting my confidence in as oppossed to someone who is candid and doesnt run or hide from the truth.
But keep on smearing Mark Robinson. It's what Democrats and the MSM do best. Its the only way you can justify your stance on issues and fool yourselves into thinking you stand on a higher morale ground somehow. Breeds the entitlement mentality that occupies the thinking and reasoning in DC,Hollywood and throughout the establishmebt communities.
Mark Robinson is an open book. Always has been. Cant count the times he has stood up in public an admitted to his sins of past. PUBLICLY I might add. And stated his repentance to God.
He doesnt hide or shy away from it.
I guess liberals, think a candidte has to be white as snow, unless they are running as a democrat. The problem is ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Its the person who tries to present themselves as perfect, without sin that I'd be more personally cautious of putting my confidence in as oppossed to someone who is candid and doesnt run or hide from the truth.
But keep on smearing Mark Robinson. It's what Democrats and the MSM do best. Its the only way you can justify your stance on issues and fool yourselves into thinking you stand on a higher morale ground somehow. Breeds the entitlement mentality that occupies the thinking and reasoning in DC,Hollywood and throughout the establishmebt communities.
Mark Robinson is a classic example of those who worship Jesus but have forgotten to follow Jesus. He's an angry vengeful man following right behind trumps own anger and vengefulness.

Mark Robinson only put out an ad about his girlfriends abortion because it was gaining news coverage.
Mark Robinson is an open book. Always has been. Cant count the times he has stood up in public an admitted to his sins of past. PUBLICLY I might add. And stated his repentance to God.
He doesnt hide or shy away from it.
I guess liberals, think a candidte has to be white as snow, unless they are running as a democrat. The problem is ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Its the person who tries to present themselves as perfect, without sin that I'd be more personally cautious of putting my confidence in as oppossed to someone who is candid and doesnt run or hide from the truth.
But keep on smearing Mark Robinson. It's what Democrats and the MSM do best. Its the only way you can justify your stance on issues and fool yourselves into thinking you stand on a higher morale ground somehow. Breeds the entitlement mentality that occupies the thinking and reasoning in DC,Hollywood and throughout the establishmebt communities.
The only thing liberals hate more than white men are black conservatives.
Mark Robinson is a classic example of those who worship Jesus but have forgotten to follow Jesus. He's an angry vengeful man following right behind trumps own anger and vengefulness.

Mark Robinson only put out an ad about his girlfriends abortion because it was gaining news coverage.
Fact is he had addressed it numerous times but the MSM never reported that, so yeah he had to put out that ad. Smart move actually
Trump has lost it, he is talking about Biden coming back lol because he is DESPERATE for that to happen as his entire campaign circles the drain...guess we wont be hearing about how rally size equals votes anymore....

I’m ok with black conservatives. But not Mark Robinson. he had an abortion, calls gays fleas, anti women, and more. He’s also fat. I mean put up a normal person lol. Surely there’s a black conservative preacher somewhere that is a NICE human
What would the country look like if some crazy group rounded up all liberals and locked them up together?

How long do you guys think it would take for cannibalism to start?